- The Marx Brothers by Stefan Timphus
the home of this page
- Marxology by Mikael Uhlin
Concentrating on the earlier years of their career.
- Harpo's Place by Bill Marx
Website about Harpo, created by his son Bill, with extensive biography and lots of pictures.
Bill's blog "sonofharpospeaks" is no longer active
- The Marx Brothers Museum by Rolf Ronestar
A site presenting a lot of material in a great design
- Why A Duck? by Frank M. Bland
This Official Unofficial Marx Brothers Web Site has it all. The people, the movies, sounds, pictures etc.
(This is a copy of the site originally available under the domain "whyaduck.com")
- The Marx Brothers Council Podcast by Matthew Coniam, Noah Diamond and Bob Gassel
Bob, Matthew and Noah (and the occasional guest) discuss everything Marx Brothers related.
- An Evening with Groucho
Frank Ferrante's show
- A Day on the Internet by Steve Bailey, John Brennan
Movie reviews
- The Age of Comedy - The Marx Brothers by John V. Brennan, John Larrabee
Movie reviews. The site also has sections about other classic comedians
- Dr. Macro's High Quality Movie Scans
High quality scans of promotional pictures
- Groucho Marx by Groucho Marx Productions, Inc.
Official Groucho website
- From the Marxives by Patrick McCaughey
Genealogy research
- Giraffes on Horseback Salad: The Graphic Novel
Webpage for the "strangest movie never made", a collaboration between the Marx Brothers and Salvador Dali. The script was turned into a graphic novel and this is the author's website.
- Groucho: A Marxist? by The Smoking Gun
A FBI file about Groucho from 1953
- FBI-file on Groucho from 1937 by The Smoking Gun
Mainly deals with the copyright infringement case from 1937
- The Greatest Films by Tim Dirks
has great pages about several of the Brothers' movies
- Whyaduck Productions Inc. by Robert B. Weide
Website of the company who made the documentary "Marx Brothers in a Nutshell"
- The Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music by Johns Hopkins University
has several pieces from Marx Brothers shows
- The one, the only Groucho by Billy Ingram
Good site about "You bet your life"