If you have any comments about this website or if you have questions
about the Marx Brothers, please let me know.
I am not an official representative
of the Marx family or of a movie company, but if possible I will answer your
questions using the material available to me.
You can email me at:

Join one of the discussion groups for the Marx Brothers:
- The Marx Brothers Council of Facebook
Now the most active group with more than 1000 members. - Mailing List on panix.com
Send an email with the following text to majordomo@lists.panix.com (leave the subject empty)subscribe marx-brothers <your-email-address>
or get the digested version by sending the following message:
subscribe marx-brothers-digest <your-email-address>
- Newsgroup
Read the newsgroup alt.comedy.marx-bros. If you don't have a news reader programme, you can also access it via Google. There isn't much new happening in this group, but you can access the archive. - Yahoo Groups
There are various groups on Yahoo having the Marx Brothers in their description, but they are no longer showing signs of activity.
- The Duck List
The Duck List was the mailing list arm of whyaduck. Since many of its members are also active in other forums, it is no longer active and it is recommended that you join the Marx Brothers Mailing List (see above) instead. - Why A Duck? - Forums
For technical reasons I am unable to keep the forum running. As the archived messages were only attracting traffic from spammers, they are also no longer available. If you need something looking up in the archives, please send me a message. If you've got a burning question about the Marxes and their careers, or if you just want to rant about the brothers (or whatever else you think would be entertaining to other readers) but don't want to leave the comfort of your web browser, I recommend you use one of groups or mailing lists mentioned above. - The "Why A Duck?" Fan Roster
Alas, the roster has been laid to rest. I apologize to all of you who have submitted form responses. - The Marxist Chat
Technically, you could use Facebook for that.