The Marx Brothers

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This is a list of Marx Brothers related books, videos and recordings offered by Amazon in the US, the UK, Germany, France, Canada and Japan.

A complete list of Marx Brothers related items can be found in the
Bibliography, Videography, and Discography (you can also order from those pages).

I have grouped the books, videos and records according to the following categories: (please wait until the whole page has loaded, otherwise links may not work):

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Books by the Marx Brothers

[Up to category list]

Kanfer, Stefan (Ed.): The Essential Groucho : Writings by and for Groucho Marx
@Penguin Books / @ / @2000 / @0 14 029425 2 @Vintage Books / @ / @2000 / @0 375 70213 X @Einaudi / @Torino, Italy / @2001 / @88 06 15351 X @RBA Libros / @Barcelona, Spain / @2001 / @84 790 1755 4 @Penguin Classics / @ / @2008 / @0 14 118944 4 @RBA, Bolsillo / @Barcelona, ES / @2006 / @84 7871 683 1 @RBA, Bolsillo / @Argentina / @2006 / @987 6090 61 5

- Vintage Books, 2000, ISBN: 0 375 70213 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Penguin Books, 2000, ISBN: 0 14 029425 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Penguin Classics, 2008, ISBN: 0 14 118944 4 / note the wrong Groucho on the cover. This is a picture of photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt from an article in LIFE magazine from 1949
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Penguin Publishing, 2008 / Kindle Download
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- (español) RBA Libros, Barcelona, Spain, 2001, ISBN: 84 790 1755 4
titled: El ABC de Groucho
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) RBA, Bolsillo, Argentina, 2006, ISBN: 987 6090 61 5
titled: El ABC de Groucho Marx
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) Einaudi, Torino, Italy, 2001, ISBN: 88 06 15351 X
titled: O quest'uomo è morto, o il mio orologio si è fermato. Il meglio del meglio di Groucho, translated by: Anna Martini
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Marx, Groucho: Beds
Uncredited assistance by Arthur Sheekman. A partly modified version appeared in "College Humor" in September, November and December 1930 and January 1931.
@Éditions du Seuil / @Paris, France / @1983 / @2 02 006386 7 @Tusquets Editores / @Barcelona, Spain / @1997 / @84 8310 554 3 @Lindau / @Italy / @2009 / @88 7180 818 5 @Bobbs-Merrill Company / @Indianapolis, IN / @1976 / @0 672 52224 1 @Farrar & Rinehart / @New York, NY / @1930 / @ @Bobbs-Merrill Company / @Indianapolis, IN / @1976 / @0 672 52224 1 @Μπαρμπουνακησ / @Greece / @1978 / @ @Tusquets Editores / @Barcelona, Spain / @1987c / @84 7223 616 1 @Lindau / @Torino, Italy / @2017 / @88 670 8751 7 @Lindau / @Torino, Italy / @1995 / @88 7180 125 3 @Fischer / @Frankfurt a.M., Germany / @1987, 1988 / @3 596 24467 6 @Tusquets Editores / @Barcelona, Spain / @1987d / @84 7223 616 1 @Tusquets Editores / @Barcelona, Spain / @1984b / @84 7223 616 1 @Tusquets Editores / @Barcelona, Spain / @1985 / @84 7223 616 1 @Tusquets Editores / @Barcelona, Spain / @1984a / @84 7223 616 1

- Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis, IN, 1976, ISBN: 0 672 52224 1 / first printing black& white cover photo
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis, IN, 1976, ISBN: 0 672 52224 1 / second printing colour cover photo
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Fischer, Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 1987, 1988, ISBN: 3 596 24467 6
titled: Bettgeschichten, translated by: Reinhard Kaiser / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 1984, ISBN: 84 7223 616 1
titled: Camas, translated by: José Luis Guarner / various editions
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 1984, ISBN: 84 7223 616 1
titled: Camas, translated by: José Luis Guarner / Segunda edicion
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 1985, ISBN: 84 7223 616 1
titled: Camas, translated by: José Luis Guarner / Tercera edicion
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 1987, ISBN: 84 7223 616 1
titled: Camas, translated by: José Luis Guarner / Quarta edicion
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 1987, ISBN: 84 7223 616 1
titled: Camas, translated by: José Luis Guarner / Quinta edicion
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 1997, ISBN: 84 8310 554 3
titled: Camas, translated by: José Luis Guarner
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- (français) Éditions du Seuil, Paris, France, 1983, ISBN: 2 02 006386 7
titled: Plumards, de cheval, translated by: Claude Duneton Claude
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

- (italiano) Lindau, Torino, Italy, 1995, ISBN: 88 7180 125 3
titled: Letti
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) Lindau, Italy, 2009, ISBN: 88 7180 818 5
titled: Letti, translated by: L. Rocca / 2 edizione
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) Lindau, Torino, Italy, 2017, ISBN: 88 670 8751 7
titled: Letti, translated by: Luca Rocca
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) Lindau, Torino, Italy, 2017
titled: Letti, translated by: Luca Rocca / (Kindle e-book)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Marx, Groucho: Groucho and Me
"Goes over the basics. You get a lot of the staple Groucho material in here." (Teej) / "Groucho's own autobiography, full of anecdotes and thoughts from the most articulate of the brothers. ... not necessarily a terrific source of hard facts, as Groucho is very prone to sacrifice accuracy for entertainment; but a marvelous read all around." (Robert Rose)
@Bernard Geis Associates / @New York, NY / @1959a / @59-13753 @Da Capo Press / @New York, NY / @1995 / @0 306 80666 5 @Éditions du Seuil / @Paris, France / @1984 / @2 02 008616 6 @btb / @München, Germany / @1998 (paperback) / @3 442 72227 6 @Love Kirjat / @Jyväskylä, Finland / @1991 / @951 8978 11 5 @Biblioteca Adelphi / @Milano, Italy / @1997 / @88 459 1340 6 @Virgin Books / @London, UK / @1994 / @0 86369 724 0 @Virgin Books / @London, UK / @2009 / @0 7535 1950 X @Tusquets Editores / @Barcelona, Spain / @2011 / @84 8383 587 8 @Meettok / @ / @2006 / @84 609 9462 7 @Marco Zero / @Brasil / @1991 / @852 790126 9 @Guada / @Barcelona, ES / @1961 / @ @Tusquets Editores / @Barcelona, Spain / @1977 / @84 7223 406 1 @Tusquets Editores / @Barcelona, Spain / @1995 / @84 7223 875 X @Norstedt / @Stockholm / @1988 / @91 1 883272 5 @Norstedt / @Stockholm / @1989 / @91 1 883962 2 @Columna Edicions, Llibres i Comunicació / @Barcelona, Spain / @1990 / @84 7809 146 7 @Círculo de Lectores / @Barcelona, Spain / @1993 / @84 226 4395 2 @Norstedts / @Stockholm, Sweden / @1990 / @91 1 893301 7 @gli Adelphi / @Milano, Italy / @2017 / @88 459 3184 6 @Sanssouci / @Zürich, Switzerland / @1961 / @ @Fischer / @Frankfurt a.M., Germany / @1981 / @3 596 23667 3 @Rogner & Bernhard / @München, Germany / @1995 / @3 8077 0320 9 @Love Kirjat / @Helsinki, Finland / @2009 / @951 0 34894 5 @Simon and Schuster / Fireside / @New York, NY / @1989 / @0 671 67781 0 @Victor Gollancz / @London, UK / @1959b / @ @Dell Publishing Co. (F112) / @New York, NY / @1960 / @ @Tusquets Editores / @Barcelona, Spain / @1992 / @84 7223 488 6 @Tusquets Editores / @Barcelona, Spain / @1971 / @ @Mundo Actual de Ediciones / @ / @1981 / @84 7454 153 0 @Tusquets Editores / @Argentina / @2011 / @987 6703 83 8 @Arthaud / @Grenoble, France / @1962 / @ @L'Atalante / @Nantes, France / @1981 / @2 903699 00 3 @Columbus Books / @London, UK / @1987 / @0 86287 377 0 @Roth / @Hillerød, Denmark / @1989, 1991 / @87 89005 12 0 @Amazon Digital Services/Da Capo Press / @ / @2011 / @ @Virgin Books / @ / @2000 / @0 86369 724 0 @Manor Books (15114) / @New York, NY / @1973 / @0 532 19165 X @Atrium Verlag / @Zürich & Hamburg / @2010 / @3 85535 506 1

- Manor Books (15114), New York, NY, 1973, ISBN: 0 532 19165 X / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Columbus Books, London, UK, 1987, ISBN: 0 86287 377 0 / in "The Lively Arts" series
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Simon and Schuster / Fireside, New York, NY, 1989, ISBN: 0 671 67781 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- AMS Press, 1991, ISBN: 0 404 19938 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- Virgin Books, London, UK, 1994, ISBN: 0 86369 724 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Da Capo Press, New York, NY, 1995, ISBN: 0 306 80666 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Virgin Books, 2000, ISBN: 0 86369 724 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK FR ES IT CA

- Virgin Books, London, UK, 2009, ISBN: 0 7535 1950 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK FR ES IT CA

- Amazon Digital Services/Da Capo Press, 2011 / Kindle download
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Fischer, Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 1981, ISBN: 3 596 23667 3
titled: Schule des Lächelns, translated by: Ursula von Wiese / paperback
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Rogner & Bernhard, München, Germany, 1995, ISBN: 3 8077 0320 9
titled: Groucho und ich, translated by: Sven Böttcher / hardcover
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) btb, München, Germany, 1998 (paperback), ISBN: 3 442 72227 6
titled: Groucho und ich, translated by: Sven Böttcher
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Atrium Verlag, Zürich & Hamburg, 2010, ISBN: 3 85535 506 1
titled: Groucho und ich, translated by: Sven Böttcher / in: "Groucho&Marx"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 1971
titled: Groucho y yo
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 1977, ISBN: 84 7223 406 1
titled: Groucho y yo, translated by: Xavier Ortega
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 1992, ISBN: 84 7223 488 6
titled: Groucho y yo, translated by: Xavier Ortega
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 1995, ISBN: 84 7223 875 X
titled: Groucho y yo, translated by: Xavier Ortega
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 2011, ISBN: 84 8383 587 8
titled: Groucho y yo, translated by: Xavier Ortega
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Argentina, 2011, ISBN: 987 6703 83 8
titled: Groucho y yo, translated by: Xavier Ortega
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (français) Éditions du Seuil, Paris, France, 1984, ISBN: 2 02 008616 6
titled: Mémoires capitales, translated by: Jacques Le Gal, Pierre Michaut
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

- (italiano) Biblioteca Adelphi, Milano, Italy, 1997, ISBN: 88 459 1340 6
titled: Groucho e io, translated by: Franco Salvatorelli
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) gli Adelphi, Milano, Italy, 2017, ISBN: 88 459 3184 6
titled: Groucho e io, translated by: Franco Salvatorelli
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Marx, Groucho: Memoirs Of A Mangy Lover
assistance by Arthur Sheekman.
"Humorous history of love." (Eyles, 1969) / "...just a collection of anecdotes and tall tales. It needs to be read as a collection of comedy routines. They make more sense if you can picture Groucho delivering them as a monologue." (John Benz Fentner)
@Assírio & Alvim / @Lisboa / @1980 / @ @Assírio & Alvim / @Lisboa / @1980 / @ @Bernard Geis Associates / @New York, NY / @1963 / @63-18454 @Vigule / Éditions du Seuil / @Paris, France / @1984 / @2 02 006698 X @Frontera / @Barcelona, Spain / @1974 / @ @Assírio e Alvim / @Lisboa, Portugal / @1987 / @972 37 0095 6 @btb / @München, Germany / @1998 / @3 442 72232 2 @Tusquets Editores / @Argentina / @2006 / @987 121 024 8 @Tusquets Editores / @Barcelona, Spain / @2000 / @84 8310 140 8 @Círculo de Lectores / @Barcelona, Spain / @2001 / @84 226 8040 8 @José Batlló Samón / @Barcelona, Spain / @1974 / @84 377 0003 5 @Da Capo Press / @ / @2002 / @0 306 81104 9 @青土社 / @ / @1993 / @47 91 75284 8 @青土社 / @ / @1993 / @47 91 75284 8 @Da Capo Press / @ / @1997 / @0 306 80769 6 @Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck / @Denmark / @1987 / @87 17 05437 0 @Fischer / @Frankfurt a.M., Germany / @1988 / @3 596 24480 3 @Futura Publications / @London, UK / @1975 / @0 8600 7142 1 @Círculo do Livro / @Brasil / @1995 / @85 332 0376 4 @Marco Zero / @Brasil / @1990 / @85 279 0117 5 @Ediciones Júcar / @Gijón, Spain / @1979, 1984 / @84 334 1039 3 @MacFadden Books-Bartell / @New York, NY / @1964a / @ @Pastanaga / @Spain / @1980 / @ @Columna Edicions, Llibres i Comunicació / @Barcelona, Spain / @1989 / @84 7809 108 4 @Columna / @Spain / @2000 / @84 8300 298 1 @Rizzoli / @Milano, Italy / @1993 / @88 171 3817 7 @BUR - Biblioteca Univ. Rizzoli / @ / @1999 / @88 171 0628 3 @Rizzoli / @Milano, Italy / @1975 / @ @Rizzoli / @Milano, Italy / @1975 / @ @Rogner & Bernhard / @München, Germany / @1995 / @3 8077 0321 7 @Editora y Distribuidora Hispano Americana /  Pocket-Edhasa / @Barcelona, Spain / @2009 / @84 3501 837 7 @Edhasa / @Barcelona, Spain / @1997 / @84 350 1593 9 @Edhasa / @Argentina / @2000 / @987 628 059 7 @Atrium Verlag / @Zürich & Hamburg / @2010 / @3 85535 506 1 @Ediciones Júcar / @Gijón, Spain / @1991 / @84 334 8104 5 @Jean-Claude Lattès / @Paris, France / @1982 / @2 7096 0092 7 @Simon and Schuster / Fireside / @New York, NY / @1989 / @0 671 67941 4 @Manor Books / Pocket Paperback / @ / @1973 / @0 532 19164 1 @Mundo Actual de Ediciones / @Barcelona, Spain / @1981 / @ @EuroClube / @ / @1987 / @ @Mayflower-Dell Books / @London, UK / @1965 / @ @Manor Books / @New York, NY / @1964b / @0 532 00208 3 @Futura Publications / @London, UK / @1975 / @0 8600 7142 1 @Da Capo Press / @ / @2002 / @0 306 81104 9 @Edhasa / @ / @unknown / @

- Manor Books / Pocket Paperback, 1973, ISBN: 0 532 19164 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Futura Publications, London, UK, 1975, ISBN: 0 8600 7142 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- Simon and Schuster / Fireside, New York, NY, 1989, ISBN: 0 671 67941 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Chivers / Firecrest, Bath, UK, 1990, ISBN: 0 86220 679 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Da Capo Press, 1997, ISBN: 0 306 80769 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- Da Capo Press, 2002, ISBN: 0 306 81104 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Da Capo Press, 2002, ISBN: 0 306 81104 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Amazon Digital Services/Da Capo Press, 2011 / Kindle download
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Fischer, Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 1988, ISBN: 3 596 24480 3
titled: Ein ramponierter Frauenheld, translated by: Reinhard Kaiser / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Rogner & Bernhard, München, Germany, 1995, ISBN: 3 8077 0321 7
titled: Memoiren eines spitzen Lumpen, translated by: Sven Böttcher / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) btb, München, Germany, 1998, ISBN: 3 442 72232 2
titled: Memoiren eines spitzen Lumpen, translated by: Sven Böttcher / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Atrium Verlag, Zürich & Hamburg, 2010, ISBN: 3 85535 506 1
titled: Memoiren eines spitzen Lumpen, translated by: Sven Böttcher / in: "Groucho&Marx"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (español) Edhasa, Barcelona, Spain, 1997, ISBN: 84 350 1593 9
titled: Memorias de un amante sarnoso, translated by: Juan Leira
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 2000, ISBN: 84 8310 140 8
titled: Memorias de un amante sarnoso, translated by: Manuel Talens
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) Edhasa, Argentina, 2000, ISBN: 987 628 059 7
titled: Memorias de un amante sarnoso, translated by: Juan Leira
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Argentina, 2006, ISBN: 987 121 024 8
titled: Memorias de un amante sarnoso, translated by: Manuel Talens
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- (español) Editora y Distribuidora Hispano Americana / Pocket-Edhasa, Barcelona, Spain, 2009, ISBN: 84 3501 837 7
titled: Memorias de un amante sarnoso, translated by: Juan Leira
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- (español) Ediciones Ghandi, Mexico, 2019, ISBN: 84 350 9998 9
titled: Memorias de un amante sarnoso, translated by: Juan Leira
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (français) Jean-Claude Lattès, Paris, France, 1982, ISBN: 2 7096 0092 7
titled: Memoires d'un amant lamentable, translated by: Michel Lebrun
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (français) Vigule / Éditions du Seuil, Paris, France, 1984, ISBN: 2 02 006698 X
titled: Memoires d'un amant lamentable, translated by: Michel Lebrun / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) Rizzoli, Milano, Italy, 1993, ISBN: 88 171 3817 7
titled: Memorie di un irresistibile libertino, translated by: Argia Micchettoni
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) BUR - Biblioteca Univ. Rizzoli, 1999, ISBN: 88 171 0628 3
titled: Memorie di un irresistibile libertino, translated by: Argia Micchettoni
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (japanese) 青土社, 1993, ISBN: 47 91 75284 8
titled: グルーチョ・マルクスの好色一
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

- (português) Marco Zero, Brasil, 1990, ISBN: 85 279 0117 5
titled: Memórias De Um Amante Desastrado, translated by: Jose Simao, Bira Borges
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Marx, Groucho: The Groucho Letters
edited by Arthur Sheekman
Letters to and from Groucho. From Arthur Sheekman's daughter Sylvia Thompson I have the information that "he not only selected the letters, but edited their writing, enhancing it where necessary, and even writing a letter or two"
@Simon and Schuster / @New York, NY / @1967a / @67-12921 @Da Capo Press / @ / @1994 / @0 306 80607 X @Gallimard / @France / @1990 / @2 07 038230 3 @Ivrea, Éditions Champ libre / @Paris, France / @1971, 1979 / @2 85184 101 7 @Simon & Schuster / @New York, NY / @2007 / @1 416 53603 5 @Simon & Schuster / @UK / @2007 / @1 847 39103 6 @Editorial Anagrama / @Barcelona, Spain / @2014 / @84 3392 104 5 @Editorial Anagrama / @Barcelona, Spain / @1994 / @84 339 1255 0 @Editorial Anagrama / @Barcelona, Spain / @1983 / @84 339 1255 0 @Editorial Anagrama / @Barcelona, Spain / @1998 / @84 339 6615 4 @Editorial Anagrama / @Barcelona, Spain / @1975 / @84 339 1011 6 @Norstedt / @Stockholm / @1986 / @91 1 863311 0 @Roth / @Hillerød, Denmark / @1990 / @87 8900 539 2 @Anagrama / @Spain / @2005 / @ @Biblioteca Adelphi / @Milano, Italy / @1992 / @88 459 0890 9 @gli Adelphi / @Milano, Italy / @1997 / @88 459 1301 5 @Pioltello/Adelphi / @Italy / @1994 / @ @Pioltello/Adelphi / @Italy / @1995 / @ @Fischer / @Frankfurt a.M., Germany / @1984 / @3 596 23693 2 @Anagrama/Pagina 12 / @Argentina / @2010 / @9875035270 @Michael Joseph / @London, UK / @1967b / @ @Carl Hanser / @München, Germany / Wien, Austria / @1981 / @3 446 13177 9 @Simon and Schuster / Fireside / @Riverside, NJ / @1987 / @0 671 63963 3 @Pan/Norstedt / @Stockholm, Sweden / @1969 / @99 0104304 2 @gli Adelphi / @Milano, Italy / @1997 / @88 459 1301 5 @gli Adelphi / @Milano, Italy / @1997 / @88 459 1301 5 @ / @ / @unknown / @

- Manor Books, New York, NY, 1974, ISBN: 0 532 19163 3 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Amereon, 1976, 1993, ISBN: 0 8488 1092 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- Simon and Schuster / Fireside, Riverside, NJ, 1987, ISBN: 0 671 63963 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Time Warner Paperbacks, 1987, ISBN: 0 7515 0411 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Sphere Books, London, UK, 1989, ISBN: 0 7221 5863 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK FR ES IT CA

- Da Capo Press, 1994, ISBN: 0 306 80607 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Abacus Books, London, UK, 1995, ISBN: 0 349 10675 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Simon & Schuster, New York, NY, 2007, ISBN: 1 416 53603 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Simon & Schuster, UK, 2007, ISBN: 1 847 39103 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Carl Hanser, München, Germany / Wien, Austria, 1981, ISBN: 3 446 13177 9
titled: Die Groucho Letters: Briefe von und an Groucho Marx, translated by: Alain Wilcock / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Fischer, Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 1984, ISBN: 3 596 23693 2
titled: Die Groucho Letters: Briefe von und an Groucho Marx / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (español) Editorial Anagrama, Barcelona, Spain, 1983, ISBN: 84 339 1255 0
titled: Las cartas de Groucho Marx, translated by: Jos Oliver
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) Editorial Anagrama, Barcelona, Spain, 1994, ISBN: 84 339 1255 0
titled: Las cartas de Groucho Marx, translated by: Jos Oliver
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) Editorial Anagrama, Barcelona, Spain, 1998, ISBN: 84 339 6615 4
titled: Las cartas de Groucho Marx, translated by: Jos Oliver
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) Anagrama/Pagina 12, Argentina, 2010, ISBN: 84 339 6615 4
titled: Las cartas de Groucho, Selección, translated by: Jos Oliver
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (español) Editorial Anagrama, Barcelona, Spain, 2014, ISBN: 84 3392 104 5
titled: Las cartas de Groucho Marx, translated by: Jos Oliver
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA JP

- (français) Ivrea, Éditions Champ libre, Paris, France, 1971, 1979, ISBN: 2 85184 101 7
titled: Correspondance de Groucho Marx, translated by: Claude Portail, Harry Mathews
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (français) Gallimard, France, 1990, ISBN: 2 07 038230 3
titled: Correspondance de Groucho Marx, translated by: Claude Portail
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) Biblioteca Adelphi, Milano, Italy, 1992, ISBN: 88 459 0890 9
titled: Le lettere di Groucho Marx, translated by: D. Tortorella
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) gli Adelphi, Milano, Italy, 1997, ISBN: 88 459 1301 5
titled: Le lettere di Groucho Marx, translated by: Davide Tortorella
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) gli Adelphi, Milano, Italy, 1997, ISBN: 88 459 1301 5
titled: Le lettere di Groucho Marx, translated by: Davide Tortorella
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) gli Adelphi, Milano, Italy, 1997, ISBN: 88 459 1301 5
titled: Le lettere di Groucho Marx, translated by: Davide Tortorella
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Marx, Groucho: The Groucho Phile: An Illustrated Life
Groucho tells the story of his life in connection with all the performances he did. Contains many pictures, newspaper clippings and letters.
@Bobbs-Merrill Company / @Indianapolis, IN / @1976 / @0 672 52239 X @Wallaby / Pocket Books / Simon and Schuster / @New York, NY / @1977a / @0 671 79002 1 @Galahad Books / @New York, NY / London, UK / @1979 / @0 88365 433 4 @W.H. Allen / @London, UK / @1978 / @0 491 02134 8

- Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis, IN, 1976, ISBN: 0 672 52239 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- Wallaby / Pocket Books / Simon and Schuster, New York, NY, 1977, ISBN: 0 671 79002 1 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- W.H. Allen, London, UK, 1978, ISBN: 0 491 02134 8 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Galahad Books, New York, NY / London, UK, 1979, ISBN: 0 88365 433 4 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

Marx, Groucho: The Secret Word is Groucho
with Hector Arce
Story of the Radio and TV show with examples and quotes from people involved
@G.P. Putnam's Sons / @New York, NY / @1976 / @0 399 11690 7 @Berkeley Medallion Books / @New York, NY / @1977 / @0 425 03387 2

- G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, NY, 1976, ISBN: 0 399 11690 7 / hardbound
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- Berkeley Medallion Books, New York, NY, 1977, ISBN: 0 425 03387 2 / paperback (LoC 76-458)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Marx, Groucho: Love, Groucho (Letters from Groucho Marx to his daughter Miriam)
edited by Miriam Marx Allen
@Faber & Faber / @London, UK / @1997 / @0 571 19440 0 @Da Capo Press / @ / @2002 / @0 306 81103 0 @Seuil / @Paris, France / @1995 / @2 02 019890 8 @Faber & Faber / @Boston, MA / London, UK / @1993 / @0 571 19809 0 @Uproar Entertainment / @ / @ / @ @Grijalbo Mondadori / @Spain / @1995, 1996 (paperback) / @84 253 2229 4 @Faber & Faber / @Boston, MA / London, UK / @1992 / @0 571 12915 3 @Faber & Faber / @Boston, MA / London, UK / @1992 / @0 571 12915 3

- Uproar Entertainment / Audio CD
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Faber & Faber, Boston, MA / London, UK, 1992, ISBN: 0 571 12915 3 / (hardback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Faber & Faber, Boston, MA / London, UK, 1993, ISBN: 0 571 19809 0 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- Faber & Faber, London, UK, 1997, ISBN: 0 571 19440 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- The Publishing Mills, 2001, ISBN: 1 8793 7138 3 / audiobook, abridged, read by Frank Ferrante
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Da Capo Press, 2002, ISBN: 0 306 81103 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Uproar Entertainment, 2006 / audiobook, read by Frank Ferrante
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (français) Seuil, Paris, France, 1995, ISBN: 2 02 019890 8
titled: Lettres de Groucho à sa fille Miriam, translated by: Denis Baldwin-Beneich
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Marx, Groucho: Groucho Marx and Other Short Stories and Tall Tales: Selected Writings of Groucho Marx
edited by Robert S. Bader
"A collection of Groucho's writing, mostly magazine articles, and a discussion of his writing, including speculations about his collaboration with Arthur Sheekman, who is alleged to have been a major contributor to much of it. Good, funny stuff; many of the articles serve as the source for other writing about the Brothers, particularly "Bad Times are Good Memories" and "Up From Pantages." (Robert Rose)
@Faber & Faber / @London, UK / @1997 / @0 571 19432 X @Seuil/Vigule / @Paris, France / @1996 / @2 02 020908 X @Gradiva : Produções Fictícias / @Lisboa / @2006 / @989 616 098 8 @Applause Theatre & Cinema Books / @ / @2011 / @1 557 83791 0 @Plot Ediciones / @ / @2006 / @84 8670 258 5 @Faber & Faber / @Boston, MA / London, UK / @1993 / @0 571 19820 1 @Faber & Faber / @Boston, MA / London, UK / @1996 / @0 571 19898 8 @Angle Editorial / @Barcelona, Spain / @2004 / @84 96103 82 X @Arnoldo Mondadori / @Milano, Italy / @1999 / @88 04 47329 0

- Faber & Faber, Boston, MA / London, UK, 1993, ISBN: 0 571 19820 1 / hardcover
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- Faber & Faber, Boston, MA / London, UK, 1996, ISBN: 0 571 19898 8 / paperback
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Faber & Faber, London, UK, 1997, ISBN: 0 571 19432 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK FR ES IT CA

- Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, 2011, ISBN: 1 557 83791 0 / This "updated and expanded" edition has an extra 18 pieces/70 pages compared to the earlier edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) Plot Ediciones, 2006, ISBN: 84 8670 258 5
titled: ¡Sálvese Quien Pueda! y Otras Historias Inauditas
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (français) Seuil/Vigule, Paris, France, 1996, ISBN: 2 02 020908 X
titled: Crise et Grouchotements, translated by: Michel Lebrun / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (italiano) Arnoldo Mondadori, Milano, Italy, 1999, ISBN: 88 04 47329 0
titled: Grouchismi. Storie brevi 1925 -1973
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Marx, Groucho: Groucho&Marx
Sammelband mit den Titeln "Groucho und ich" und "Memoiren eines spitzen Lumpen" in der Übersetzung von Sven Böttcher
@Atrium Verlag / @Zürich & Hamburg / @2010 / @3 85535 506 1

- (deutsch) Atrium Verlag, Zürich & Hamburg, 2010, ISBN: 3 85535 506 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

Marx, Groucho with Richard J. Anobile: The Marx Brothers Scrapbook
"Quite mean-spirited, and seldom funny, but the photos and memorabilia are invaluable." (Wayne Wong) / "Seems pretty mean spirited, and while it's got a wealth of information, much of it shows an elderly, angry Groucho." (Jeff Kyle) / "Transcripts of several interviews with Groucho, along with several others, including Gummo, Zeppo, Harpo's widow Susan, Jack Benny, and a number of others who knew and worked with the team; plus photos and other materials that cannot be found elsewhere, much of it from Groucho's personal collection. Groucho sued Anobile to stop publication when he realized that he intended to use the transcripts verbatim - dirty words, possibly libelous stories, and all. The book is therefore brutally frank and sometimes distasteful, and in some places poorly researched, but I consider it valuable if only for revealing some of the real names behind many oft-told, exaggerated or fictionalized Marx stories." (Robert Rose)
@Darien House / Distr. by W.W. Norton / @New York, NY / @1973a / @0 393 08371 3 @Darien House / Warner Books / @New York, NY / @1975 / @0 352 39802 7 @Harper & Row, Perennial Library / @New York, NY / @1989 / @0 06 097265 3 @Grosset & Dunlap / @New York, NY / @1974a / @0 448 11907 2 @Darien House / Distr. by Crown Publishers / @New York, NY / @1973b / @0 517 51546 6 @W.H. Allen / @London, UK / New York, NY / @1974b / @0 491 01292 6

- Darien House / Distr. by W.W. Norton, New York, NY, 1973, ISBN: 0 393 08371 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- Darien House / Distr. by Crown Publishers, New York, NY, 1973, ISBN: 0 517 51546 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Grosset & Dunlap, New York, NY, 1974, ISBN: 0 448 11907 2 / oversize paperback
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

- W.H. Allen, London, UK / New York, NY, 1974, ISBN: 0 491 01292 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- Harper & Row, Perennial Library, New York, NY, 1989, ISBN: 0 06 097265 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Marx, Harpo: Harpo Speaks - About New York
excerpts from "Harpo speaks!", with an introduction by E.L. Doctorow
@Little Bookroom / @New York, NY / @2001 / @1 892145 06 5

- Little Bookroom, New York, NY, 2001, ISBN: 1 892145 06 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Marx, Harpo with Rowland Barber: Harpo Speaks!
"Extremely amusing autobiography of the silent brother, with particular focus on his youth and the vaudeville/Broadway years, and Harpo's relationship with his close friend, Alexander Woollcott. Not the best source for facts about the films (or necessarily a reliable source of hard facts at all), it's still a completely wonderful book." (Robert Rose) / "... it tends to leave out the more bizarre side of Harpo's character, but what's there is marvelous stuff. If you thought Harpo was just a great clown, this book will disabuse you of that notion in no time at all." (John Benz Fentner)
@Ramsay / @France / @1985 / @2 85956 438 1 @Rogner & Bernhard / @München, Germany / @1989 / @3 80770 232 6 @Pequod edition / @Vantaa, Finland / @1995 / @951 97226 0 2 @Montesinos / @Barcelona, Spain / @2001 / @84 95580 08 X @Seix barral / @ / @2010 / @84 3222 877 X @Bernard Geis Associates-Random House / @New York, NY / @1961a / @ @Limelight Editions / @ / @1985 / @0 87910 036 2 @Virgin Press / @London, UK / @1990 / @1 85227 190 6 @Albatross Publishers / @ / @2019 / @1 94696 321 6 @Avon Books / @New York, NY / @1961b / @ @Victor Gollancz / @London, UK / @1961c / @ @Ed. Charles Mandel / @Paris, France / @1963  (texte partiel) / @ @Coronet Books, Hodder & Stoughton / @London, UK / @1978 / @0 340 22308 1 @Scarabée & Compagnie / @Paris, France / @1983  (texte global) / @2 86722 006 8 @Montesinos Editor / @Barcelona, Spain / @1988 / @84 7639 081 5 @Erga / @Italy / @2016 / @88 8163 912 2 @Freeway Press / @Los Angeles, CA / @1974 / @ @Norstedt / @Stockholm, Sweden / @1990 (hardcover) / @91 1 893312 2 @Luchterhand / @Hamburg, Germany / Zürich, Switzerland / @1992 / @3 630 71064 6 @Robson Books / Harper Collins / @London, UK / @1976b / @0 903895 62 5 @Virgin Press / @London, UK / @1989 / @1 85227 190 6 @Virgin Press / @London, UK / @1989b / @1 85227 190 6

- Amereon, 1976, ISBN: 0 8488 0181 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK FR ES IT CA

- Robson Books / Harper Collins, London, UK, 1976, ISBN: 0 903895 62 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Coronet Books, Hodder & Stoughton, London, UK, 1978, ISBN: 0 340 22308 1 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Limelight Editions, 1985, ISBN: 0 87910 036 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Limelight Editions, 1985 / Kindle edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Virgin Press, London, UK, 1989, ISBN: 1 85227 190 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Virgin Press, London, UK, 1989, ISBN: 1 85227 190 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Virgin Press, London, UK, 1990, ISBN: 1 85227 190 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Albatross Publishers, 2019, ISBN: 1 94696 321 6 / Facsimile of the 1961 Edition.
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Rogner & Bernhard, München, Germany, 1989, ISBN: 3 80770 232 6
titled: Harpo spricht: Harpo Marx erzählt sein Leben, translated by: Werner Horch
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Luchterhand, Hamburg, Germany / Zürich, Switzerland, 1992, ISBN: 3 630 71064 6
titled: Harpo spricht: Harpo Marx erzählt sein Leben, translated by: Werner Horch
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) dtv, München, Germany, 1992, ISBN: 3 423 71064 0
titled: Harpo spricht: Harpo Marx erzählt sein Leben, translated by: Werner Horch
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (español) Seix barral, 2010, ISBN: 84 3222 877 X
titled: ¡Harpo habla!, translated by: Paloma Villegas
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (français) Ramsay, France, 1985, ISBN: 2 85956 438 1
titled: Harpo et moi
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) Erga, Italy, 2016, ISBN: 88 8163 912 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Scripts of plays, movies & radio shows

[Up to category list]

(Script): Monkey Business / Duck Soup
"... the versions presented here were built up from a dialogue continuity provided by Universal City Film Studios Inc., amplified with material gained from a shot-by-shot viewing of each film." (Editorial note)
@Lorrimer Publishing / @Godalming, UK / @1972a / @0 900855 65 7 @Editorial Fundamentos / @Madrid, Spain / @1982, 1989 / @84 245 0182 9 @Lorrimer Publishing / @Godalming, UK / @1974, 1981 / @0 900855 65 7 @Lorrimer Publishing / @ / @1972b / @0 900855 66 5 @Simon and Schuster / Classical Film Scripts / @New York, NY / @1972c / @0 671 21273 7

- Lorrimer Publishing, Godalming, UK, 1972, ISBN: 0 900855 65 7 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- Lorrimer Publishing, 1972, ISBN: 0 900855 66 5 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Simon and Schuster / Classical Film Scripts, New York, NY, 1972, ISBN: 0 671 21273 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Lorrimer Publishing, Godalming, UK, 1974, 1981, ISBN: 0 900855 65 7 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- Ungar Publ. Co., 1982, ISBN: 0 8044 6475 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Faber & Faber, 1989, ISBN: 0 571 12604 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

(Script): Monkey Business, Duck Soup, A Day at the Races
"[MB and DS] [...] were built up from a dialogue continuity [...] amplified with material gained from a shot-by-shot viewing of each film." "[ADATR] combines the script with the dialogue and the action in the film itself." (Publisher's note) This script of ADATR differs from the earlier Viking edition in the way that it only has the actual movie dialogue.
@Faber & Faber / @London, UK / @1993 / @0 571 16647 4

- Faber & Faber, London, UK, 1993, ISBN: 0 571 16647 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Barson, Michael (ed.): Flywheel, Shyster and Flywheel: The Marx Brothers' Lost Radio Show
Many gags of the films were used in or taken from this Radio Shows performed by Groucho and Chico. "Along with the other scripts, its a fun to look over, and neat to see what stayed the same and what changed" (teej)
@Rogner & Bernhard / @München, Germany / @1989 (hardcover) / @3 8077 0241 5 @Presses de la Renaissance / @Paris, France / @1989 / @2 85616 522 2 @Norstedts / @Stockholm, Sweden / @1989, 1994 (hardcover) / @91 1 919222 3 @Bompiani / @Milano, Italy / @2002 / @88 452 5308 2 @角川書店 / @Japan / @1995 / @40 488 3425 8 @Bompiani / @Milano, Italy / @1998 / @88 452 3798 2 @Bompiani / @ / @1996 / @88 452 2810 X @Bompiani / @ / @1992 / @88 452 1890 2 @Tusquets Editores / @Barcelona, Spain / @2013 / @84 8383 732 3 @Pantheon Books / @New York, NY / @1988 / @0 679 72036 7 @Chatto & Windus / @London, UK / @1989 / @0 7011 3423 2 @Susa literature / @ / @1990 / @84 86766 27 3 @Centrum / @Denmark / @1989, 1990 / @87 583 0564 5 @Tusquets Editores / @Barcelona, Spain / @1989, 1992 / @84 7223 108 9 @Tusquets Editores / @Barcelona, Spain / @1999 / @84 8310 639 6 @Tusquets Editores / @Argentina / @2013 / @987 6701 92 4 @Círculo de Lectores, S.A. / @Barcelona, Spain / @1990 / @84 226 3081 8 @Columna Edicions, Llibres i Comunicació / @Barcelona, Spain / @1989 / @84 7809 064 9 @Bompiani / @Milano, Italy / @1989 / @88 452 1498 2 @Círculo de Lectores, S.A. / @Barcelona, Spain / @1989 / @84 226 2956 9 @Círculo de Lectores / @ / @2002 / @84 226 9168 X

- Pantheon Books, New York, NY, 1988, ISBN: 0 679 72036 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

- Chatto & Windus, London, UK, 1989, ISBN: 0 7011 3423 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Rogner & Bernhard, München, Germany, 1989 (hardcover), ISBN: 3 8077 0241 5
titled: Die Marx Brothers Radio Show, translated by: Sven Böttcher, Harry Rowohlt
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 1989, 1992, ISBN: 84 7223 108 9
titled: Groucho y Chico, abogados, translated by: Olivia de Miguel, Jacobo Guitián
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 1999, ISBN: 84 8310 639 6
titled: Groucho & chico abogados : Flywheel, Shyster y Flywheel. El serial radiofónico perdido de los hermanos Marx, translated by: Olivia de Miguel
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) Círculo de Lectores, 2002, ISBN: 84 226 9168 X
titled: Groucho & Chico, abogados
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 2013, ISBN: 84 8383 732 3
titled: Groucho & Chico, abogados, translated by: Olivia de Miguel
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Argentina, 2013, ISBN: 987 6701 92 4
titled: Groucho & Chico, abogados, translated by: Olivia de Miguel
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

- (italiano) Bompiani, Milano, Italy, 1989, ISBN: 88 452 1498 2
titled: Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel. Legali da legare
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) Bompiani, 1992, ISBN: 88 452 1890 2
titled: Legali da legare
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) Bompiani, 1996, ISBN: 88 452 2810 X
titled: I fratelli Marx: Legali da legare
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) Bompiani, Milano, Italy, 1998, ISBN: 88 452 3798 2
titled: I fratelli Marx. Legali da legare
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) Bompiani, Milano, Italy, 2002, ISBN: 88 452 5308 2
titled: Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel. Legali da legare
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (japanese) 角川書店, Japan, 1995, ISBN: 40 488 3425 8
titled: マルクス・ラジオ 単行本
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA JP

Dalí, Salvador: Obra Completa Vol. III
Complete works volume 3. "Poesía, prosa, teatro y cine"
This contains a version of the script for a movie Dali wrote for the Marx Brothers titled "The Surrealistic Woman" This (never realised) movie is also known as "Giraffes on Horseback Salad". The version in this book is the Spanish translation of an English text.
@Ediciones Destino / @Barcelona / @2004 / @84 233 3626 3

- (español) Ediciones Destino, Barcelona, 2004, ISBN: 84 233 3626 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Kaufman, George S. et al.: Kaufman & Co.: Broadway Comedies
The text of Animal Crackers included in this book combines two scripts of the stage version, one from Sam Harris' papers at the Princeton University Library and one from Groucho's papers at the Library of Congress. The version from Groucho's papers is the main basis for this edition. This had never been published before. The appendix lists differences between the two versions and explains various references to people or events of the 1920's.
Also includes works by: Edna Ferber, Moss Hart, Ring Lardner, and Morrie Ryskind. Plays included are: The Royal Family, June Moon, Once in a Lifetime, Of Thee I Sing, Dinner at Eight, Stage Door, You Can't Take It with You, and The Man Who Came to Dinner (in which the character of Banjo is supposed to be based on Harpo.)
@Library of America / @ / @2004 / @1 931082 67 7

- Library of America, 2004, ISBN: 1 931082 67 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Kaufman, George Simon: A Night at the Opera
The original script and the dialogue and the action in the film
@The Viking Press / @New York, NY / @1972b / @0 670 01948 8 @The Viking Press, The MGM Library of Film Scripts / @New York, NY / @1972a / @0 670 51129 3 @The Viking Press, Viking Compass / @New York, NY / @1974? / @

- The Viking Press, The MGM Library of Film Scripts, New York, NY, 1972, ISBN: 0 670 51129 3 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- The Viking Press, New York, NY, 1972, ISBN: 0 670 01948 8 / (paperbound)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

- Lorrimer Publishing, Godalming, UK, 1972, ISBN: 0 85647 027 9 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK FR ES IT CA

- Lorrimer Publishing, Godalming, UK, 1972, ISBN: 0 85647 027 9 / (paperbound) label with UK ISBN in US edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK FR ES IT CA

- The Viking Press, Viking Compass, New York, NY, 1974 / (paperbound)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA JP

Kaufman, George Simon; Ryskind, Morrie: Animal Crackers
this is the version presented at the Arena Stage, Washington, DC on May 8, 1982
@Samuel French / @New York, NY / @1984 / @0 573 68137 6

- Samuel French, New York, NY, 1984, ISBN: 0 573 68137 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Pirosh, Robert; Seaton, George; Oppenheimer, George: A Day at the Races
The original script and a transcript of the film
@The Viking Press, The MGM Library of Film Scripts / @New York, NY / @1972a / @0 670 01947 X @The Viking Press, The MGM Library of Film Scripts / @New York, NY / @1972a / @0 670 25887 3 @The Viking Press, Viking Compass / @New York, NY / @1974 / @

- The Viking Press, The MGM Library of Film Scripts, New York, NY, 1972, ISBN: 0 670 25887 3 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- The Viking Press, The MGM Library of Film Scripts, New York, NY, 1972, ISBN: 0 670 01947 X / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- The Viking Press, Viking Compass, New York, NY, 1974 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Rapp, Philip: The Television Scripts of Philip Rapp
"In late 1958, Rapp pitched an idea for a series called Deputy Seraph, starring the Marx Brothers, which would wind up being their penultimate appearance on film together. Only a few minutes of their scene was shot, however, along with the photos inside this book, and nothing else. The project was scrapped too quickly once Chico failed to pass the medical physical exam required for insuring its stars during the series. Those few minutes have since wound up on DVD, but this is the first public viewing of their entire divine adventure." (amazon)
@Bearmanor Media / @Albany, GA / @2006 / @1 59393 070 4

- Bearmanor Media, Albany, GA, 2006, ISBN: 1 59393 070 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Books and articles by members of the Marx family about the Marx Brothers or the Marx family

[Up to category list]

Fleming Marx, Susan, with Robert S. Bader: Speaking of Harpo
From the publisher: "Her story is the counterpoint to the beloved and acclaimed Harpo Marx autobiography, 'Harpo Speaks!'. Susan's frank, opinionated perspective provides a true look behind the curtain and details Harpo's last years, following the publication of his own book."
@Applause Books / @ / @2022-07-15 / @1 493 06530 0

- Applause Books, 15 Jul 2022, ISBN: 1 493 06530 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Marx, Arthur: Son of Groucho
More or less Arthur's autobiography, but has of course something about Groucho. / "I personally like this one better than Arthur's biography of his father ("Life With Groucho"); it is more entertainingly written and, I think, more frank in many ways. A good deal of it concerns Arthur's own adventures, on the amateur tennis circuit, in the Coast Guard, as a budding writer, and as a man who divorces his first wife to marry his sister-in-law; but Groucho never stays out of the narrative for long. (Question: Did Groucho ever read this book, and find out how Arthur flummoxed him with the "Life With Groucho" galleys?) " (Robert Rose)
@David McKay / @New York, NY / @1972 / @72-86964 @Peter Owen / @London, UK / @1973 / @0 7206 0143 6

- David McKay, New York, NY, 1972, Library of Congress: 72-86964
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

- Peter Owen, London, UK, 1973, ISBN: 0 7206 0143 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

Marx, Arthur: My Life with Groucho
Expanded edition of "Life with Groucho" (1954). Chapters are added for the time after 1954. The text used for the first chapters is the rewritten version as in the British edition of 1954. The later chapters tell the story of Groucho's final years from Arthur's viewpoint.
@Barricade Books / @Fort Lee / @1992 / @0 942637 45 3 @Robson Books/ Parkwest Publications / @London, UK / @1988, 1991 / @0 86051 494 3 @Pan Books / @London, UK / @1988 / @0 330 31132 8 @Ediciones Paidós Ibérica / @Barcelona, Spain / @1991 / @84 7509 698 0 @Effepi Libri / @ / @2007 / @88 600 2007 7 @Salvat Editores / @Barcelona, Spain / @1995 / @84 345 9134 0 @Ediciones Paidós Ibérica / @Barcelona, Spain / @2004 / @84 493 1498 4 @Paidós / @Spain / @2010 / @84 493 2444 0

- Pan Books, London, UK, 1988, ISBN: 0 330 31132 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK FR ES IT CA

- Robson Books/ Parkwest Publications, London, UK, 1988, 1991, ISBN: 0 86051 494 3 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Barricade Books, Fort Lee, 1992, ISBN: 0 942637 45 3 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- G.K. Hall & Co, 1993, ISBN: 0 8161 5607 7 / (large print)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) Paidós, Mexico, 1991, ISBN: 968 853 213 4
titled: Mi vida con Groucho: Un mito visto por su hijo, translated by: Maricel Ford
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (español) Ediciones Paidós Ibérica, Barcelona, Spain, 2004, ISBN: 84 493 1498 4
titled: Mi vida con Groucho: Un mito visto por su hijo, translated by: Maricel Ford
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (español) Paidós, Spain, 2010, ISBN: 84 493 2444 0
titled: Mi vida con Groucho: Un mito visto por su hijo, translated by: Maricel Ford
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) Effepi Libri, 2007, ISBN: 88 600 2007 7
titled: La mia vita con Groucho, translated by: Lucia Mezzetti
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Marx, Arthur: The Secret Life of Bob Hope
This biography has a transcript of the ad-libbing Bob and Groucho did in a show, which finally let to Groucho hosting "You Bet Your Life"
@Barricade Books / @ / @1993 / @0 94263 774 7

- Barricade Books, 1993, ISBN: 0 94263 774 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Robson Books, London, UK, 1994, ISBN: 0 86051 897 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

Marx, Arthur: Arthur Marx's Groucho: A Photographic Journey
@Phoenix Marketing Services / @ / @2001 / @0 9707143 0 0

- Phoenix Marketing Services, 2001, ISBN: 0 9707143 0 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Marx, Arthur; Fisher, Robert: Groucho: A Life in Revue
(available on CD, see Records section)

- Samuel French Inc., #9143, New York, NY, 1988, ISBN: 0 573 67050 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

Marx, Bill: Son of Harpo Speaks
From Bearmanor Media: "For many years, friends and family have asked me, 'Bill, why don't you write a book about your life? You must have had quite a childhood growing up with your dad, Harpo, and those zany uncles of yours, the Marx Brothers. And what about those weird, maybe fatalistic happenings you've experienced that can only be described as 'too-Hollywood-to-believe?'" - Bill Marx
@Bearmanor Media / @Albany, GA / @2007 / @1 59393 062 3 @Applause Theatre & Cinema Books / @ / @2011-11 / @1 557 83790 2

- Bearmanor Media, Albany, GA, 2007, ISBN: 1 59393 062 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Waterlogg Productions, 2011 / Audiobook, unabridged, read by Bill Marx
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, Nov 2011, ISBN: 1 557 83790 2 / this edition has some minor changes compared to the previous version
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, Nov 2011 / Kindle edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Marx, Maxine: Growing Up With Chico
"It was not a terribly pleasant read, because it shows fairly plainly all the problems that Chico had, with gambling, women, etc." (Jeff Kyle) / "Chico's daughter tells us she was upset by her father's portrayal in the "Scrapbook." I don't know if she'd be reassured or dismayed that I feel her analysis of Chico was not substantially different (if considerably more affectionate): she portrays her father as an irresponsible compulsive gambler and womanizer, who nonetheless had a tremendous charisma and magnetism that earned the undying affection and loyalty of many people, including herself, her mother, and Minnie Marx herself. She does make a good case for Chico's importance to the act, for being the only one of the brothers who could work effectively as a solo, and for having more musical talent than he is often given credit for. A lot of good stuff, much of it not to be found elsewhere." (Robert Rose)
@Prentice Hall / @Englewood Cliffs, NJ / @1980 / @0 13 367821 0 @Limelight Editions / @New York, NY / @1986 / @0 87910 059 1

- Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1980, ISBN: 0 13 367821 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- Limelight Editions, New York, NY, 1986, ISBN: 0 87910 059 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Books about the Marx Brothers, their films etc.

[Up to category list]

Bader, Robert S.: Zeppo: The Reluctant Marx Brother
From the publisher: "Zeppo: The Reluctant Marx Brother gives a lively account of this checkered life and career. As Robert Bader recounts, Zeppo's lifelong addiction to gambling led him into relationships with several notorious organized crime figures. He would ultimately appear before grand juries more frequently than the camera. Socially, he mixed as easily with mobsters like Mickey Cohen as he did with movie stars like Clark Gable. He was certainly the only Marx Brother who saw the corpse of a friend in a newspaper crime scene photo. Comprehensively researched with the full cooperation of Zeppo's estate—including the first-ever interviews with his two sons — this is a remarkable look at the many lives of Zeppo Marx — even the ones he did his best to keep secret."
@Applause / @ / @2024-10 / @1 493 08796 7

- NEW Applause, Oct 2024, ISBN: 1 493 08796 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

(Various): El universo de Los Hermanos Marx
A kind of Spanish "Marx Brothers Encyclopedia".
Description translated from Spanish: "A select group of critics and film scholars give their view of the Marx Brothers' career."
Authors include: Ramón Alfonso, David Felipe Arranz, Victor Arribas, Guillermo Balmori, Joan Bassa, Quim Casas, Luis Alberto de Cuenca, Ramón Freixas, Juan Carlos Laviana, Fernando R. Lafuente, Carlos Marañón, Miguel Marias, Alejandro Melero Salvador, Diego Moldes, Moisés Rodríguez, Oti Rodríguez Marchante, Adrián Sánchez, Gerardo Sánchez, Eduardo Torres-Dulce, Joaquín Vallet, Juan Carlos Vizcaíno
@Notorious Ediciones S.L. / @Madrid, ES / @2016 / @84 15606 40 0

- (español) Notorious Ediciones S.L., Madrid, ES, 2016, ISBN: 84 15606 40 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Adamson, Joe: Groucho, Harpo, Chico and Sometimes Zeppo: A Celebration of The Marx Brothers and a Satire on the Rest of the World
"... well researched and well written (and funny) ... his Marx Brothers tome is absolutely heads and tails the best I've read, and I've read 'em all." (WGW) / "Adamson has done a superb job here, not only breaking down each film to discuss its strong and weak points, but detailing the history of each, from conception through filming, with particular emphasis on the scriptwriting phase. Plenty of biographical material, too, and Adamson has taken pains to avoid reprinting popular misconceptions about everything from birth dates to practical jokes, sorting fact from fiction with detailed research and interviews with virtually everyone who worked with the Marxes and was still alive to talk about it. Most of all, Adamson's style is nearly as hilarious as the films themselves; the chapter on Horsefeathers belongs in some anthology on great American humor. Even the footnotes are amusing, one reviewer noted, correctly. " (Robert Rose)
@Simon and Schuster / Touchstone / @New York, NY / @1983 / @0 671 47072 8 @Simon and Schuster / @New York, NY / @1973a / @0 671 21458 6 @Simon and Schuster / Fireside / @New York, NY / @1987 / @0 671 47072 8 @Simon and Schuster / Touchstone / @New York, NY / @1974a / @0 671 21910 3 @Pocket Books / @New York, NY / @1976 / @0 671 80365 4 @Coronet Books, Hodder & Stoughton / @London, UK / @1974b / @0 340 18807 3 @Ερατω / @Greece / @1984 / @ @W.H. Allen / @London, UK / @1973b / @0 491 01160 1

- Simon and Schuster, New York, NY, 1973, ISBN: 0 671 21458 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- W.H. Allen, London, UK, 1973, ISBN: 0 491 01160 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Simon and Schuster / Touchstone, New York, NY, 1974, ISBN: 0 671 21910 3 / full-sized paperback
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Coronet Books, Hodder & Stoughton, London, UK, 1974, ISBN: 0 340 18807 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Pocket Books, New York, NY, 1976, ISBN: 0 671 80365 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- Simon and Schuster / Touchstone, New York, NY, 1983, ISBN: 0 671 47072 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Simon and Schuster / Fireside, New York, NY, 1987, ISBN: 0 671 47072 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Alion, Yves: Les Marx Brothers
@Edilig / @Paris, France / @1985 / @2 85601 091 1

- (français) Edilig, Paris, France, 1985, ISBN: 2 85601 091 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Anobile, Richard J.: Why a Duck?
"An attempt to present the team's film humor in book form, by combining transcripts of dialogue from classic Marx routines with frame blow-ups from the films themselves. A good idea at the time, but now rather obsolete, since videotapes of the films are widely available. Still worth picking up if you happen upon an inexpensive used copy, if only for Groucho's introduction (and for that matter, a well-written preface by Richard F. Shepard). " (Robert Rose)
@Edilig / @Paris, France / @1985 / @2 85601 091 1 @Studio Vista /  Cassell Illustrated / @London, UK / @1972c / @0 289 70285 2 @Studio Vista /  Cassell Illustrated / @London, UK / @1972c / @0 289 70285 2 @Plot Editiones / @Madrid, Spain / @2004 / @84 86702 15 1 @Avon Books / New York Graphic Society / @New York, NY / @1972b / @0 380 00452 6 @Plot Editiones / @Madrid, Spain / @1991 / @84 86702 15 1 @Darien House / Distr. by New York Graphic Society / @New York, NY / @1971a / @0 8212 0373 8 @Studio Vista / @London, UK / @1972 / @0 289 70279 8 @Studio Vista / @London, UK / @1985 / @0 289 70285 2

- Darien House / Distr. by New York Graphic Society, New York, NY, 1971, ISBN: 0 8212 0373 8 / hardcover
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- Studio Vista, London, UK, 1972, ISBN: 0 289 70279 8 / hardcover
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- Avon Books / New York Graphic Society, New York, NY, 1972, ISBN: 0 380 00452 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Studio Vista / Cassell Illustrated, London, UK, 1972, ISBN: 0 289 70285 2 / (paperback), several reprints
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- (español) Plot Editiones, Madrid, Spain, 1991, ISBN: 84 86702 15 1
titled: Antología Marxista, translated by: Carlos Rodríguez Trueba
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (español) Plot Editiones, Madrid, Spain, 2004, ISBN: 84 86702 15 1
titled: Antología Marxista, translated by: Carlos Rodríguez Trueba
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Anobile, Richard J.: Hooray for Captain Spaulding! Verbal and Visual Gems from "Animal Crackers"
Blow-ups from the film with the dialogue next to the picture or in comic-strip bubbles
@Flare Books/Avon / @New York, NY / @1975a / @0 380 00458 5 @Darien House / Crown Publishers / @New York, NY / @1974 / @0 517 51683 7 @Michael Joseph / Darien House / @London, UK / @1975b / @0 7181 1343 8

- Darien House / Crown Publishers, New York, NY, 1974, ISBN: 0 517 51683 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Flare Books/Avon, New York, NY, 1975, ISBN: 0 380 00458 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- Michael Joseph / Darien House, London, UK, 1975, ISBN: 0 7181 1343 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Arce, Hector: Groucho
"A fairly accurate, unbiased, but not-too-bleak bio. Quite long, and well cited." (Wayne Wong) / "Probably the best thing about it is that it's not the usual puff piece that authorized biographies usually degenerate into. Arce says Groucho told him to "tell it all" and he's certainly done that. He's got some pretty harsh things to say about just about everybody including Groucho and even Minnie but it's clear that he never lost his affection and respect for his subject. If the book has a failing it's Arce's unfortunate tendency to wallow in pop psychology to explain motivations, particularly Groucho's sex life and attitude toward women in general." (John Benz Fentner)
@G.P. Putnam's Sons / Perigee / @New York, NY / @1980 / @0 399 50455 9 @G.P. Putnam's Sons / @New York, NY / @1979 / @0 399 12046 7

- G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, NY, 1979, ISBN: 0 399 12046 7 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- G.P. Putnam's Sons / Perigee, New York, NY, 1980, ISBN: 0 399 50455 9 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

Bader, Robert S.: Four of the Three Musketeers - The Marx Brothers on Stage
From the publisher: "Before film made them international comedy legends, the Marx Brothers developed their comic skills on stage for twenty-five years. In Four of the Three Musketeers: The Marx Brothers on Stage, Robert S. Bader offers the first comprehensive history of the foursome's hardscrabble early years honing their act in front of live audiences.
From Groucho's debut in 1905 to their final live performances of scenes from A Night in Casablanca in 1945, the brothers' stage career shows how their characters and routines evolved before their arrival in Hollywood. Four of the Three Musketeers draws on an unmatched array of sources, many not referenced elsewhere. Bader's detailed portrait of the struggling young actors both brings to vivid life a typical night on the road for the Marx Brothers and also illuminates the inner workings of the vaudeville business, especially during its peak in the 1920s.
As Bader traces the origins of the characters that would later come to be beloved by filmgoers, he also skillfully scrapes away the accretion of rumors and mythology perpetuated not only by fans and writers but by the Marx Brothers themselves. Revealing, vital, and entertaining, Four of the Three Musketeers will take its place as an essential reference for this iconic American act."
@Northwestern University Press / @Evanston, IL / @2016 / @0 8101 3416 0 @Northwestern University Press / @Evanston, IL / @2022-09 / @0 8101 4575 8

- Northwestern University Press, Evanston, IL, 2016, ISBN: 0 8101 3416 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Northwestern University Press, Evanston, IL, Sep 2022, ISBN: 0 8101 4575 8 / "[This] updated edition adds newly discovered performances [...] and additional information provided by descendants of long-departed vaudevillians mentioned in the book."
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Bardés, César; Iglesias, Jaime; López, Jesús Antonio; Morán, Ernesto Pérez: Sopa de ganso. El libro del 90 aniversario
Published on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of "Duck Soup". Publisher's description: "The book analyzes the different aspects of the film: the actors and their characters, the director, the filming, the comic gags, the dialogues... All accompanied by a great photographic display"
@Notorious Ediciones / @ / @2024 / @84 18181 75 3

- (español) NEW Notorious Ediciones, 2024, ISBN: 84 18181 75 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Bego, Mark: The Marx Brothers
@Pocket Essentials / @UK / @2001 / @1 903047 59 5

- Pocket Essentials, UK, 2001, ISBN: 1 903047 59 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Pocket Essentials, 2009 / Kindle edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Benayoun, Robert: Les Freres Marx
Half of the book is a Marx Brothers biography. The other half contains translations of scenes from several movies.
@Éditions du Seuil / @France / @1991 / @2 02 012931 0 @Seghers / @Paris, France / @1979 / @0339-8757

- (français) Éditions du Seuil, France, 1991, ISBN: 2 02 012931 0
titled: Les Marx Brothers ont la parole / there are some minor changes compared to the 1979 edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

- (français) Éditions du Seuil, France, 1991
titled: Les Marx Brothers ont la parole / Kindle edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

Bergan, Ronald: The Life and Times of the Marx Brothers
@The Green Wood Publishing Company / @London, UK / @1992 / @1 872532 08 X @Smithmark Publishers / Brompton Books Corp. / @New York, NY / @1992 / @0 8317 5806 6

- Smithmark Publishers / Brompton Books Corp., New York, NY, 1992, ISBN: 0 8317 5806 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- The Green Wood Publishing Company, London, UK, 1992, ISBN: 1 872532 08 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK FR ES IT CA

Blount Jr., Roy: Hail, Hail, Euphoria!
"Presenting the Marx Brothers in Duck Soup, the Greatest War Movie Ever Made"
This book provides a lot of background information about the movie, the people involved and the time when it was made. My main criticism would be that this background information sometimes goes too far — I don't want any speculations why there are more movies with mice than with ducks. As the book goes along Blount stays more on topic and overall it is a good read. He has done his homework, although the book contains a few factual errors. It would have been nice to have bibliography and index.
@It Books / @ / @2010 / @0 06 180816 4 @It Books / @ / @2011 / @0 06 180817 2

- It Books, 2010, ISBN: 0 06 180816 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Harper Collins, Inc., 2010 / Kindle Download
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- It Books, 2011, ISBN: 0 06 180817 2 / paperback
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Born, Simon: Die Marx Brothers und die Commedia dell'arte
@Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft / @Baden-Baden, Germany / @2019 / @3 8487 5012 0

- (deutsch) Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, Germany, 2019, ISBN: 3 8487 5012 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Brown, David: The World According to Groucho Marx
A Groucho/Marx Brothers biography interspersed with quotes. The appendix is a collection of quotes, but not all of them sound like Groucho's. No sources are given for any of the quotes.
@Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft / @Baden-Baden, Germany / @2019 / @3 8487 5012 0 @Michael O'Mara / @ / @2002 / @1 85479 130 3 @Robinbook - Coña Fina / @Spain / @2017 / @84 79 27714 9 @东方出版社 / @China / @2007 / @7 506 02567 1 @Robinbook / @Argentina / @2002 / @987 218 672 3

- Michael O'Mara, 2002, ISBN: 1 85479 130 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) Robinbook, Argentina, 2002, ISBN: 987 218 672 3
titled: El mundo según Groucho Marx
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- (español) Robinbook - Coña Fina, Spain, 2017, ISBN: 84 79 27714 9
titled: El mundo según Groucho Marx
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Chandler, Charlotte: Hello, I Must be Going: Groucho and his Friends
"... the book would have been a better (and more truthful) story if Chandler had waited a few years to tell it (once she fell out of Erin's graces)" (teej)
@Abacus Books / @ / @1994, 1995 / @0 349 10636 3 @Doubleday & Co. / @Garden City, NY / @1978 / @0 385 12444 9 @Penguin Books / @Harmondsworth, UK / New York, NY / @1979a / @0 14 005222 4 @Sphere Books / @London, UK / @1980 / @0 7221 2246 2 @Rogner & Bernhard / @München, Germany / @1989 / @3 8077 0200 8 @Rogner & Bernhard / @München, Germany / @1989 / @3 8077 0200 8 @Tusquets Editores / @Barcelona, Spain / @1983 / @84 7223 207 7 @Rogner & Bernhard / @München, Germany / @1984 / @3 8077 0200 8 @Heyne / @München, Germany / @1995 / @3 453 09403 4 @Tusquets Editores / @Barcelona, Spain / @1997 / @84 8310 529 2 @Heyne / @München, Germany / @1988 / @3 453 00815 4 @Simon & Schuster / @ / @2007 / @1 416 54422 4 @Simon & Schuster / @UK / @2007 / @1 847 39104 4 @Robson Books / @London, UK / @1979b / @0 86051 059 X @Carol Publishing Group/Citadel Press / @Seacaucus, NJ / @1992 / @0 8065 1346 2

- Doubleday & Co., Garden City, NY, 1978, ISBN: 0 385 12444 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

- Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, UK / New York, NY, 1979, ISBN: 0 14 005222 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Sphere Books, London, UK, 1980, ISBN: 0 7221 2246 2 / reprints 1980, 1982, 1986, 1988
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Carol Publishing Group/Citadel Press, Seacaucus, NJ, 1992, ISBN: 0 8065 1346 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- Abacus Books, 1994, 1995, ISBN: 0 349 10636 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Simon & Schuster, 2007, ISBN: 1 416 54422 4 / revised edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Simon & Schuster, UK, 2007, ISBN: 1 847 39104 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Simon and Schuster Digital Sales Inc, 2011 / Kindle download
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Rogner & Bernhard, München, Germany, 1984, ISBN: 3 8077 0200 8
titled: Groucho und seine Freunde, translated by: Benjamin Schwarz, Oliver Stephan / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Heyne, München, Germany, 1988, ISBN: 3 453 00815 4
titled: Groucho der Chef der Marx Brothers / paperback
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Rogner & Bernhard, München, Germany, 1989, ISBN: 3 8077 0200 8
titled: Groucho und seine Freunde, translated by: Benjamin Schwarz, Oliver Stephan / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Heyne, München, Germany, 1995, ISBN: 3 453 09403 4
titled: Groucho der Chef der Marx Brothers
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 1983, ISBN: 84 7223 207 7
titled: ¡Hola y adios! Groucho y sus amigos, translated by: Cohen, Marcelo
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- (español) Tusquets Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 1997, ISBN: 84 8310 529 2
titled: ¡Hola y adios! Groucho y sus amigos, translated by: Cohen, Marcelo
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Charney, Maurice: The Comic World of the Marx Brothers' Movies: Anything Further Father?
The publisher advertises this book as "filling an academic void", but others have been there before. The most part of the book is taken up by giving synopsis of the movies. The author is looking at 15(!) Marx Brothers movies by including "Copacabana" and "Double Dynamite". He claims to have not been able to get a copy of "A Girl in Every Port", which is easily available outside the US. There are a few factual errors and typos and a lot of facts are repeated and some seem irrelevant. In general the author doesn't seems to be really interested in the Marx Brothers and the book doesn't add anything to an academic look at their work.
@Fairleigh Dickinson University Press / @Madison, NJ / @2007-09 / @0 8386 4124 5

- Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Madison, NJ, Sep 2007, ISBN: 0 8386 4124 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Collier, Kevin Scott: The Marx Brothers Love Happy Confidential
A compilation of news articles, reviews and pictures
@Print on demand / @ / @2017 / @1 979876 68 1

- Print on demand, 2017, ISBN: 1 979876 68 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Coniam, Matthew: The Annotated Marx Brothers - A Filmgoer's Guide to In-Jokes, Obscure References and Sly Details
There are lots of scenes in the movies which we nowadays cannot fully understand because they refer to people or events who were well known at the time of filming. Matthew has put together a great collection of material which helps us to understand what is really going on.
@<a href='' target='_blank'>McFarland & Co</a> / @Jefferson, NC / @2015 / @0 7864 9705 X

- McFarland & Co, Jefferson, NC, 2015, ISBN: 0 7864 9705 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- McFarland & Co, Jefferson, NC, 2015 / Kindle edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Coniam, Matthew: That's Me, Groucho!
The Solo Career of Groucho Marx
@<a href='' target='_blank'>McFarland & Co</a> / @Jefferson, NC / @2016 / @1 476 66373 4

- McFarland & Co, Jefferson, NC, 2016, ISBN: 1 476 66373 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- McFarland & Co, Jefferson, NC, 2016 / Kindle edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Deschamps, Hélène; Muizon, Mathieu de : Les Marx Brothers : Les indomptables du cinéma
A biography written for children
@Editions À dos d'âne / @Paris, France / @2015 / @2 919372 38 6

- (français) Editions À dos d'âne, Paris, France, 2015, ISBN: 2 919372 38 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Diamond, Noah: Gimme a Thrill
The Story of "I'll Say She Is", the lost Marx Brothers musical, and how it was found
@BearManor Media / @Albany, GA / @2016 / @1 59393 933 7

- BearManor Media, Albany, GA, 2016, ISBN: 1 59393 933 7 / softcover
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- BearManor Media, Albany, GA, 2016, ISBN: 1 59393 934 5 / hardcover
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- BearManor Media, Albany, GA, 2016 / Kindle edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Dwan, Robert: As long as they're laughing: Groucho Marx and You Bet Your Life
Publisher's Note: Robert Dwan (Director of You Bet Your Life), reminisces about You Bet Your Life and remarkable host Groucho Marx.
@Midnight Marquee Press, Inc. / @Baltimore, MD / @2000 / @1 887664 36 X @Midnight Marquee Press, Inc. / @Baltimore, MD / @2000 / @1 887664 66 1

- Midnight Marquee Press, Inc., Baltimore, MD, 2000, ISBN: 1 887664 36 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- Midnight Marquee Press, Inc., Baltimore, MD, 2000, ISBN: 1 887664 66 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

Eyles, Allen: The Marx Brothers: Their World of Comedy
This was first published in a small paperback in 1966 and only three years later as a hardcover. / "A careful analysis of each of the Marx films; very comprehensive; almost too much so, in fact nowhere near as fun a read as Adamson, and focused almost entirely on what we see on screen rather than how it came to be. On the other hand, it does a very good job of considering the Marx film canon as a whole, drawing comparisons and showing parallels between the various films, rather than taking Adamson's approach of breaking things down into scenes. A good contrast, and worth having." (Robert Rose)
@Paperback Library (A Kinney Service Co) / @New York, NY / @1971, 1973 / @ @A.S. Barnes and Co. / A. Zwemmer Ltd. / @New York, NY / London, UK / @1969b / @0 302 00232 4 @A.S. Barnes and Co. / @South Brunswick, NJ / @1969a, 1974 / @0 498 01447 9 @A. Zwemmer Ltd./ A.S. Barnes and Co. printed by Tantivy Press / @London, UK / NJ / @1966 / @ @Warner Paperback Library / @ / @1974a, 1975 / @0 446 78865 1

- A.S. Barnes and Co., South Brunswick, NJ, 1969a, 1974, ISBN: 0 498 01447 9 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Warner Paperback Library, 1974a, 1975, ISBN: 0 446 78865 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Oak Tree Publications / Tantivy Press, 1974, ISBN: 0 498 07420 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

- Grand Central Publishing, 1975, ISBN: 0 446 66587 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

Eyles, Allen: The Complete Films of The Marx Bros.
@Carol Publishing Group / Citadel Press / @New York, NY / @1992 / @0 8065 1301 2 @Odín Ediciones / @Spain / @1994 / @84 493 0002 9

- Carol Publishing Group / Citadel Press, New York, NY, 1992, ISBN: 0 8065 1301 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Fix , Charlene: Harpo Marx as Trickster
From the publisher's website: "The author invites readers to spend time in the pleasure of Harpo's cinematic company while comparing him to tricksters from folklore, myth and legend. The book demonstrates how Harpo, the sweetest, wildest, most magical Marx brother, accomplishes the archetypal trickster's work. Thirteen chapters examine Harpo's trickster persona closely in each of the Marx Brothers' films"
@<a href='' target='_blank'>McFarland & Co</a> / @Jefferson, NC / @2013 / @0 786 47147 6

- McFarland & Co, Jefferson, NC, 2013, ISBN: 0 786 47147 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- McFarland & Co, Jefferson, NC, 2013 / Kindle Edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Frank, Josh; Heidecker, Tim; Pertega, Manuela (Illustrator) : Giraffes on Horseback Salad: Salvador Dali, the Marx Brothers, and the Greatest Movie Never Made
From Amazon: "It sounds like fan fiction, but it's true: modern art icon Salvador Dali struck up a friendship with chaotic pantomimer Harpo Marx, which led to a proposed film, Giraffes on Horseback Salad. Rejected by MGM studios, the script was thought lost forever[sic]. But author Josh Frank found it, and with comedian and writer Tim Heidecker (Tim and Eric; Tim & Eric's Zone Theory) and Spanish artist and comics creator Manuela Pertega, he's recreated the film that Dali and the Marx Brothers would have a graphic novel that presents the story in all its full-color, fully cinematic, fully surreal glory."
@Quirk Books  / @ / @2019-03 / @1 5947 4923 X @Nouveau Monde Éditions / @Paris, FR / @2021 / @2 369 43842 8

- Quirk Books , Mar 2019, ISBN: 1 5947 4923 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Quirk Books , Mar 2019 / Kindle edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- (français) Nouveau Monde Éditions, Paris, FR, 2021, ISBN: 2 369 43842 8
titled: La Femme Surréaliste
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Gardner, Martin Allen: The Marx Brothers: An Investigation of Their Films as Satirical Social Criticism
@<a href='' target='_blank'>McFarland & Co</a> / @Jefferson, NC / @2009 / @0 7864 3942 4 @McFarland & Co / @Jefferson, NC / @2009 / @

- McFarland & Co, Jefferson, NC, 2009, ISBN: 0 7864 3942 4 / titled "The Marx Brothers as Social Critics", this is an extended edition of the original Ph.D. thesis
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- McFarland & Co, Jefferson, NC, 2009 / Kindle Download
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Gehring, Wes D.: The Marx Brothers (A bio-bibliography)
@Greenwood Press / @Westport, CT / @1987 / @0 313 24547 9

- Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, 1987, ISBN: 0 313 24547 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Greenwood Press, 1987 / Kindle Download
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Gehring, Wes D.: Groucho Marx and W.C.Fields: Huckster Comedians
Gehring compares these two comedians by their lifes, the characters they played and their films
@University Press of Mississippi / @Jackson / @1994 / @0 87805 724 2

- University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, 1994, ISBN: 0 87805 725 0 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, 1994, ISBN: 0 87805 724 2 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Hahn, Matthew: The Animated Marx Brothers
From the publisher's website: "To many people, The Marx Brothers always seemed cartoonish. Small wonder that film animators [...] caricatured them in countless animated appearances in theatrical cartoons. Their animated likenesses have since been wisecracking in television cartoons, direct-to-video movies, fan films, commercials, flip books, avatars, emoji, a slot machine, and two TV pilots so rare they were once thought not to exist.
[...] Matthew Hahn's search for every animated appearance of a Marx brother has trailed longer than Groucho's coattails. His discoveries include the backstories of the studios, moviemakers, and stars, rare test drawings from the Smithsonian Institution National Portrait Gallery, abandoned projects, connections, coincidences, and apocrypha."
@BearManor Media / @Albany, GA / @2017 / @1 62933 225 9

- BearManor Media, Albany, GA, 2017 / (Kindle edition)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- BearManor Media, Albany, GA, 2017, ISBN: 1 62933 225 9 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Hoberman, J.: Duck Soup (BFI Film Classics)
From the publisher: "Hoberman's analysis provides a historical and political context as well as an in-depth production history, drawing on primary sources and emphasizing director McCarey's prior work along with the Marx Brothers as well as the situation at Paramount, a substantial synopsis, and an account of the movie's initial reception, concluding with its subsequent elevation to comic masterpiece."
"Hoberman provides a lot of background information. This book may not be for the uninitiated, but for any Marx Brothers fan this is a good read." (ST)
@British Film Institute (<a href='' target='_blank'>Bloomsbury</a>) / @London, UK / @2021 / @1 8390 2225 6

- British Film Institute (Bloomsbury), London, UK, 2021, ISBN: 1 8390 2225 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Hobsch, Manfred: Film ab: Die Marx Brothers
@Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf / @Berlin, Germany / @2001 / @3 89602 359 4

- (deutsch) Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin, Germany, 2001, ISBN: 3 89602 359 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

Hoppe, Ulrich: Die Marx Brothers
A (quite incomplete) biography, but has a well researched part about the Brothers German roots. Tries to write in a funny language, but it doesn't always work out well.
@Wilhelm Heyne Verlag / @München, Germany / @1985 / @3 453 86077 2

- (deutsch) Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, München, Germany, 1985, ISBN: 3 453 86077 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR ES IT CA

Kanfer, Stefan: Groucho: The Life and Times of Julius Henry Marx
@Knopf / @ / @2000 / @0 375 40218 7 @Vintage Books / @ / @2000 / @0 375 70207 5 @Penguin Books / @ / @2001 / @0 14 029426 0 @RBA Libros / @Barcelona, Spain / @2001 / @84 7901 726 0 @RBA Libros, S.A. / @ / @2001 / @84 7871 038 8 @Columna Edicions, Llibres i Comunicació / @Barcelona, Spain / @2001 / @84 664 0047 8 @RBA Libros, S.A. / @ / @2006 / @84 7871 527 4 @Allen Lane, The Penguin Press / @ / @2000 / @0 7139 9469 X

- Vintage Books, 2000, ISBN: 0 375 70207 5 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Knopf, 2000, ISBN: 0 375 40218 7 / (hardback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Allen Lane, The Penguin Press, 2000, ISBN: 0 7139 9469 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK FR ES IT CA

- Penguin Books, 2001, ISBN: 0 14 029426 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

- (catalan) Columna Edicions, Llibres i Comunicació, Barcelona, Spain, 2001, ISBN: 84 664 0047 8
titled: Groucho: la vida i l'època de Julius H. Marx, translated by: Marcel Farran
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (español) RBA Libros, Barcelona, Spain, 2001, ISBN: 84 7901 726 0
titled: Groucho, una biografía, translated by: María de Calonje
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (español) RBA Libros, S.A., 2001, ISBN: 84 7871 038 8
titled: Groucho, una biografía
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (español) RBA Libros, S.A., 2006, ISBN: 84 7871 527 4
titled: Groucho, una biografía
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Keesey, Douglas: Marx Brothers
Movie Icons Series.
Apart from a short introductory note and a basic chronology and filmography, the main part of this book is a "Filmography in Pictures" with notes on the pictures and quotes from the movies or by people working on them. There are loads of film stills and promotional pictures, a few of which I cannot remember seeing anywhere else before.
@Taschen / @Germany / @2007 / @3 8228 2219 1

- Taschen, Germany, 2007, ISBN: 3 8228 2219 1 / flexicover (flexible hardcover)
(publisher's website)
Texts in English, German and French

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Taschen, 2007, ISBN: 3 8228 2018 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Knecht Chantal: Les Marx Brothers par eux-mêmes
Jean-Loup Chiflet (Préface)
It's a little bit like an encyclopedia. Topics are looked at in alphabetical order, but contain mainly excerpts (in French) from "Harpo Speaks", "The Groucho Letters", "Les Marx Brothers ont la parole" and "Groucho Marx and Other Short Stories and Tall Tales",
Excerpt from the tables of contents:
@Robert Laffont / @Paris, France / @2020 / @2 221 24639 X

- (français) Robert Laffont, Paris, France, 2020, ISBN: 2 221 24639 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Koestenbaum, Wayne: The Anatomy of Harpo Marx
Described on the publisher's website as "a luxuriant, detailed play-by-play account of Harpo Marx's physical movements as captured on screen". The author gives the best description of his book himself: "I will not seek [Bill Marx] out, lest he say: 'keep your fantasies away from my father's image'." This really sums it up. The book looks at Harpo's gestures and expressions and over-analyses them. Koestenbaum shows off his knowledge of 20th century philosophy, but I don't think you can learn anything about Harpo. This review comes to a similar conclusion. WGW writes: "Koestenbaum is hermetically sealed in his own mind - as if he couldn't care less whether his readers have any clue what he's talking about. Worst of all is that Kostenbaum clearly has a brilliant mind, and a gift for language. This book, however, really should not exist anywhere but on his own computer's hard drive. I wish he had left the rest of the world out of it."
@University of California Press / @Berkeley, CA / @2012 / @0 520 26900 4

- University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 2012, ISBN: 0 520 26900 4 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 2012, ISBN: 0 520 26901 2 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Liethen, Anne-Marie: Die Marx Brothers im Krieg. Eine Analyse von "Duck Soup"
Analysis of "Duck Soup". University assignment
@self-published / @ / @2022 / @3 346 75376 X

- (deutsch) self-published, 2022, ISBN: 3 346 75376 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR ES IT CA

Louvish, Simon: Monkey Business - The Lives and Legends of the Marx Brothers
@St Martins Press / @ / @2000 / @0 312 25292 7 @T & B Editores / @Madrid, Spain / @2000 / @84 95602 03 2 @T & B Editores / @Madrid, Spain / @2001 / @84 95602 01 6 @T & B Editores / @Madrid, Spain / @2010 / @8 492626 77 1 @Interlink Pub Group / @ / @2018 / @1 56656 033 0 @Faber and Faber / @London, UK / @1999 / @0 571 19350 1 @St. Martins / Griffin Trade Paperback / @ / @2001 / @0 312 28382 2

- Faber and Faber, London, UK, 1999, ISBN: 0 571 19350 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- St Martins Press, 2000, ISBN: 0 312 25292 7 / hardback
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- St. Martins / Griffin Trade Paperback, 2001, ISBN: 0 312 28382 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Interlink Pub Group, 2018, ISBN: 1 56656 033 0 / part of the "Louvish Hollywood Biographies" series
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) T & B Editores, Madrid, Spain, 2000, ISBN: 84 95602 03 2
titled: Monkey Business. La Vida y Leyenda de los Hermanos Marx, translated by: Mónica Rubio Fernández
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (español) T & B Editores, Madrid, Spain, 2010, ISBN: 8 492626 77 1
titled: Monkey Business. La Vida y Leyenda de los Hermanos Marx, translated by: Mónica Rubio Fernández
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Louvish, Simon: Coffee with Groucho
Foreword by Frank Ferrante
@Duncan Baird / @ / @2007 / @1 84483 515 4

- Duncan Baird, 2007, ISBN: 1 84483 515 4 / US edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Duncan Baird, 2007, ISBN: 1 84483 469 7 / UK edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

Marsh, Carole: Marx Brothers: The Colorful Comedy Team
1000 Readers series, for school children aged 7-12
@Gallopade International / @Peachtree City, GA / @2005 / @0 635 02650 3

- Gallopade International, Peachtree City, GA, 2005, ISBN: 0 635 02650 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Martello, Luca: Groucho e i suoi fratelli
La vita e l'arte dei Marx Bros.
@Alberto Castelvecchi Editore Srl  / @ / @2010 / @88 7615 367 5 @Alberto Castelvecchi Editore Srl  / @ / @2017 / @

- (italiano) Alberto Castelvecchi Editore Srl , 2010, ISBN: 88 7615 367 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) Alberto Castelvecchi Editore Srl , 2017 / (Kindle e-book)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Martini, Andrea: I Marx
@Il Castoro Cinema (magazine), La Nuova Italia / @Firenze, Italy / @1980, Jul/Aug / @ @l'Unita / @ / @1995b / @ @Il castoro cinema / @ / @1995a / @88 8033 048 9

- (italiano) Il castoro cinema, 1995, ISBN: 88 8033 048 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Metzner, Holger: Say, am I stewed or did a grapefruit just flew by?
(Untertitel/secondary title) Die Komik der Marx Brothers zwischen Unterhaltung und Avantgarde
Abstract: "Eine hermeneutische Analyse einer der erfolgreichsten und gleichzeitig avantgardistischsten Comedy-Gruppen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Die Marx-Brothers haben nicht nur ein Millionenpublikum unter einfachen amerikanischen Arbeitern gefunden, sondern auch Impulse für die bildende und darstellende Kunst Europas gegeben. Die Ursache dieses Erfolges liegt wesentlich in ihrer Verwurzelung in den großen Krisen und Umbrüchen ihrer Zeit.
Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt den Zusammenhang zwischen komischem Ausdruck und lebensweltlicher Realität. Groucho, Harpo und Chico - als festgelegte komische Figuren entstammen sie einer uralten Komödientradition. Dabei präsentieren alle drei eine jeweils verschiedene Lachkultur. Im Vergleich dieser historischen Vorbilder mit der Realisierung durch die Marx-Brothers in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts werden die Abgründe, Absurditäten und Neurosen einer kapitalistischen Gesellschaft deutlich, die unserer eigenen Zeit in ihrer Schnellebigkeit, Dynamik und Aggressivität sehr nahe ist."

- (deutsch) Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Leipzig, Germany, 2000, ISBN: 3 838659 66 X / MA Thesis / Diplomarbeit
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

Mills, Joseph (ed.): A Century of the Marx Brothers
"Most scholarly work on the Marx Brothers has focused on biographical aspects of their careers and lives; "A Century of the Marx Brothers" suggests a myriad of other useful approaches to their film and stage productions. The collection's eleven essays examine the Marx Brothers' work from a number of critical perspectives ranging from reader-response theory to film semiotics. The contributors include international scholars in a variety of fields, such as literature, cultural studies, performance studies, and film history." (Publisher's information)
Articles include:
- Joseph Mills: "The Faces of Twentieth Century Comedy"
- Matthew Daube: "The Case of Rabbi Cantor vs. Roscoe W. Chandler: The Marx Brothers' Ethnic Construction of Character"
- Renata Jackson: "Who's Your Dada? The Marx Brothers at Paramount"
- Dean Wilcox: "Surrealistic Heroes: The Marx Brothers and the European Avant-Garde"
- Thomas Grochowski: "Horse Feathers, Monkey Business, and Lion Taming: The Marxes in Transition"
- Eric Sterling: "The Marx Brothers and the Satire of the Upper Class"
- Matthew Turner: "Signs, Slapstick, and Silence: The Transformation of Semiotic Meaning in the Comedy of Harpo Marx"
- Christopher Kelen: "Nation, Anthem, Irony in the Figure of Rufus Firefly"
- Lance Duerfahrd: "The Extras to the Extraordinary: The Other Characters in the Marx Brothers Film"
- Marc DiPaolo: "'Italians' Know Nothing of Love: The Marx Brothers as Guardian Angels for Young Couples in Jeopardy"
- Joseph Alvarez: "Woody Allen: A Red-Headed Marx Brothers Stepchild?"
- Zoe Brigley: "The Big Grey Ir-Elephant: The Play of Language in the Marx Brothers' Scripts and in Charles Bernstein's L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Poetry"
@Cambridge Scholars Publishing / @Newcastle upon Tyne, UK / @2007 / @1 84718 240 2

- Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2007, ISBN: 1 84718 240 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Mitchell, Glenn: The Marx Brothers Encyclopedia
All kind of facts about the Marx Brothers in encyclopedic form. Keywords include people and films but also (for example) "Lawyers", "Waxworks" or "Boats" / "It's a dip and browse kinda book Very well researched with a wealth of material on the lesser known characters in the Marx Saga." (John Benz Fentner)
@Batsford / @London, UK / @1996 / @0 7134 7838 1 @Reynolds and Hearn / @Richmond, Surrey, UK / @2003 / @1 903111 49 8 @Titan Books / @ / @2012 / @0 8576 8778 6

- Batsford, London, UK, 1996, ISBN: 0 7134 7838 1 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Reynolds and Hearn, Richmond, Surrey, UK, 2003, ISBN: 1 903111 49 8 / (paperback) revised and expanded edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Reynolds and Hearn, Richmond, Surrey, UK, 2006, ISBN: 1 90528 711 9 / (hardcover), added to the title: "The Definitive A-Z", foreword by Leonard Maltin
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Reynolds and Hearn, Richmond, Surrey, UK, 2008, ISBN: 1 90528 781 X / (paperback) (yet another "revised" edition of this book)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Titan Books, 2012, ISBN: 0 8576 8778 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Nolden, Rainer: Die Marx Brothers
@Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag / @Reinbek, Germany / @2002 / @3 499 50454 5

- (deutsch) Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek, Germany, 2002, ISBN: 3 499 50454 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Pérez Agustí, Adolfo: El humor de ... Los Hermanos Marx
can also be found as a chapter in the book "Cómicos del cine" by the same author
@Ediciones Masters / @Madrid, Spain / @2005 / @84 96319 19 9 @Ediciones Masters / @Madrid, Spain / @2018 / @1 7926 7518 6

- (español) Ediciones Masters, Madrid, Spain, 2013 / Kindle Edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) Ediciones Masters, Madrid, Spain, 2018, ISBN: 1 7926 7518 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Perelman, S.J.: Los hermanos Marx

- (español) Fundamentos, Spain, 1980, ISBN: 84 245 0182 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Pérez Agustí, Adolfo: Los Hermanos Marx
@Edimat Libros, Ediciones y Distribuciones Mateos / @ / @1998 / @84 95002 69 8 @Edimat Libros, Ediciones y Distribuciones Mateos / @ / @1998 / @84 95002 69 8

- (español) Edimat Libros, Ediciones y Distribuciones Mateos, 1998, ISBN: 84 95002 69 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

Presley-Rippingale, Sally; Ballow, John E.: The Secret Word is Groucho
Story of Ballow being the cook in Groucho house in his last years. Concentrates mostly on Erin Fleming's behaviour towards Groucho. This is a 'paid for' publication (i.e. the author paid the publisher for printing this book).
@Dorrance Publishing / @Pittsburgh / @1992 / @0 8059 3272 0

- Dorrance Publishing, Pittsburgh, 1992, ISBN: 0 8059 3272 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Sanmartín, José; Peris, José Alfredo: El personalismo fílmico de Leo McCarey en The kid from Spain (1932) con Eddie Cantor y en Duck Soup (1932) con los hermanos Marx y otros estudios transversales

- (español) Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir, Spain, 2020, ISBN: 84 165 6230 X / online
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Schulte, Michael: Warum haben Sie nicht das Pferd geheiratet? (Groucho Marx-Sein Leben)
@R. Piper / @München, Germany / @1990 / @3 492 11279 X

- (deutsch) R. Piper, München, Germany, 1990, ISBN: 3 492 11279 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Siegel, Lee: Groucho Marx - The Comedy of Existence
From the publisher's website: "The first critical biography of Groucho Marx to approach his work analytically, this fascinating study draws unique connections between Groucho's comedy and his life, concentrating primarily on the brothers' classic films as a means of understanding and appreciating Julius the man."
@Yale University Press / @New Haven, CT / @2016 / @0 300 17445 4 @Yale University Press / @ / @2019 / @0 300 24454 1

- Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 2016, ISBN: 1 515 95248 7 / Audio book. Narrator: Joe Barrett
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 2016 / Kindle edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 2016, ISBN: 0 300 17445 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Yale University Press, 2019, ISBN: 0 300 24454 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Sinclair, Iain: Groucho positive / Groucho negative
This 8-page A4 booklet has a 4-page article about the Marx Brothers and especially Groucho. It also looks at their influence on authors of the Beat generation like Kerouac and Ginsberg. The other four pages a stills from various movies.

- Village Press, London, UK, 1973, ISBN: 0 9503032 4 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK FR ES IT CA

Smith, Andrew T.: Marx & Re-Marx - Creating and Recreating the Lost Marx Brothers Radio Series
From the publishers website:
"For the first time in detail Marx and Re-Marx takes a look at the history of this enduring series, its genesis, its death and its resurrection.
- Previously unpublished letters from the desk of Flywheel creator Nat Perrin.
- Full Episode Guides for both incarnations of the Flywheel and a guide to related productions.
- Contributions from the cast and crew of the BBC remake of Flywheel; Mark Brisenden (Weekending, Spitting Image), David Firman (Dinner Ladies, Norbert Smith: A Life), Graham Hoadly (The Adventures of Sexton Blake, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: The Stageshow), Dirk Maggs (Superman: Doomsday and Beyond, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency), and Frank Lazarus (Pennies From Heaven, Our Friends in the North).
- Transcripts of the remaining recordings of the original series.
@BearManor Media / @Albany, GA / @2010 / @1 59393 609 5

- BearManor Media, Albany, GA, 2010, ISBN: 1 59393 609 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Stables, Kate: Marx Brothers
@Chartwell Books / @Secaucus, NJ / @1992a / @1 55521 793 1 @Bison Books / @London, UK / @1992c / @1 85422 377 1

- Chartwell Books, Secaucus, NJ, 1992, ISBN: 1 55521 793 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- Magna Books / Bison Books, London, UK, 1992, ISBN: 0 8612 4777 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- Bison Books, London, UK, 1992, ISBN: 1 85422 377 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

Stoliar, Steve: Raised Eyebrows - My Years Inside Groucho's House
Stoliar was a secretary an archivist to Groucho in later years. / "There was enough vintage Groucho in the book to bring a smile on my face, balancing the occasional tear from my eye." (J.Jacobs) / "... a good inside look at the Erin Fleming years." (Robert Rose)
@General Publishing Group / @Los Angeles, CA / @1996 / @1 881649 73 3 @BearManor Media / @Albany, GA / @2011 / @1 59393 652 4

- General Publishing Group, Los Angeles, CA, 1996, ISBN: 1 881649 73 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- BearManor Media, Albany, GA, 2011, ISBN: 1 59393 652 4 / this edition has been expanded with an 12-page "Afterword" which has reactions to the original publication of this book and some information about Melinda Marx and Erin Fleming
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- BearManor Media, Albany, GA, 2011 / Kindle edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Tchernoff, Alexis: Les Marx Brothers
Preface by Pierre Richard. Half of the book is a Marx Brothers biography. The other half has a filmography with many photos, cast listings and plot description
@Éditions Pygmalion / Gérard Watelet / @Paris, France / @1990 / @2 85704 318 X

- (français) Éditions Pygmalion / Gérard Watelet, Paris, France, 1990, ISBN: 2 85704 318 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Tiersma, Peter Meijes: Language-based Humor in the Marx Brothers Films
"[This study] will analyze [...] those instances of humor which are linguistic in nature, in other words, those which are amusing because of the way in which language is manipulated." (taken from the Introduction)

- Indiana University Linguistics Club, Bloomington, IN, 1985
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Tyson, Peter: Groucho Marx
Pop Culture Legends Collection
@Chelsea House Publishers / @New York, NY / @1995 / @0 7910 2341 9

- Chelsea House Publishers, New York, NY, 1995, ISBN: 0 7910 2341 9 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Vega, Sergi: Lo que el doblaje se llevó: Los Hermanos Marx (Vol. I)
This book is an annotated guide to to the bits which got lost in translation when dubbing "Duck Soup" and "At the Circus" into Spanish.
@self-published / @ / @2021 / @

- (español) self-published, 2021
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Weir, Robert E.: The Marx Brothers and America
"Where Film, Comedy and History Collide" (previously: "The Films in Historical Context")
@<a href='' target='_blank'>McFarland & Co</a> / @Jefferson, NC / @2022 / @1 476 68895 8

- McFarland & Co, Jefferson, NC, 2022, ISBN: 1 476 68895 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Wolf, William: The Marx Brothers
@Pyramid Communications / @New York, NY / @1975 / @0 515 03754 0 @Milano Libri Editizioni / @Milano, Italy / @1978 / @ @iesa / @Spain / @1980 / @84 7311 049 8

- Pyramid Communications, New York, NY, 1975, ISBN: 0 515 03754 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) iesa, Spain, 1980, ISBN: 84 7311 049 8
titled: Los Hermanos Marx
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) Milano Libri Editizioni, Milano, Italy, 1978
titled: I Fratelli Marx
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Yahn, Michael A.: The Music of the Marx Brothers
A Bio-Discography of the Works of Groucho, Harpo, Chico, Gummo, and Zeppo Marx
" In the 1930s and 40s the Marx Brothers kept the world laughing in good times and bad with such screen classics as Animal Crackers, Duck Soup and A Night at the Opera. Comedy was always the driving force behind the Marx Brothers team on-screen. Off-screen they were three unique individuals who shared a love of music. Music from Marx Brothers' plays and movies has been recorded by a variety of artists since the early 1920s, but it may surprise some to learn that the Marx Brothers, themselves, also left behind an impressive body of work on record." (Publisher's info)
@Publish America / @Frederick, MD / @2007 / @1 4241 6971 2

- Publish America, Frederick, MD, 2007, ISBN: 1 4241 6971 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Zachary Kwitner Books: The Marx Brothers Poster Book
Book of 37.5x27.5cm Posters
@Zachary Kwitner Books / @London, UK / @1991 / @1 872532 35 7 @Editorial Libsa / @Alcobendas, Spain / @1991 / @84 7630 087 5

- Zachary Kwitner Books, London, UK, 1991, ISBN: 1 872532 35 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Zimmerman, Paul D.; Goldblatt, Burt: The Marx Brothers at the Movies
@G.P. Putman's Sons / @New York, NY / @1968 / @68-25434 @Signet Book from New American Library / @New York, NY / @1970 / @ @Berkley Windhover Books, Berkley Publishing / @New York, NY / @1975 / @ @Shobun-Sha (晶文社) / @Japan / @1972 / @4 7949 5822 6 @Solar / @Paris, France / @1972 / @

- G.P. Putman's Sons, New York, NY, 1968, Library of Congress: 68-25434 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (japanese) Shobun-Sha (晶文社), Japan, 1972, ISBN: 4 7949 5822 6
titled: マルクス兄弟(ブラザーズ)のおかしな世界, translated by: 中原, 弓彦; 永井, 淳
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

Books in which the Marx Brothers appear as characters

[Up to category list]

Biller, Maxim: Die Marx-Brothers in Deutschland
in: "Land der Väter und Verräter"
Fictional story about a grandson of Groucho making a movie in Germany
@Kiepenheuer & Witsch / @Köln, Germany / @1994 / @3 462 02356 X @Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag / @München, Germany / @1997 / @3 423 12356 7

- (deutsch) Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln, Germany, 1994, ISBN: 3 462 02356 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, München, Germany, 1997, ISBN: 3 423 12356 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

Boutin, Patrick: Harpo
The description on amazon says that this is some kind of tribute to Harpo
@APARIS - Edilivre Edition Classique / @ / @2009 / @2 8121 1893 8

- (français) APARIS - Edilivre Edition Classique, 2009, ISBN: 2 8121 1893 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

Briggs, Nate: Marx Soup: A Play in Two Acts
"The year is 1933 as a contract writer - R.K. Schmeddlapp - arrives at Paramount Studios to help with the new Marx Brothers feature, as yet unnamed. Hilarity ensues." (amazon) In the foreword the author makes a point that for copyright reasons the characters are only referred to as Julius, Leonard, Arthur and Herbert
@self-published / @ / @2020 / @

- self-published, 2020
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Castell, Dan: The Marx Brothers Meet God
Cover text: "Join Groucho, Chico, and Harpo on a hilarious romp through the heavenly realms…and enjoy the glory and wonder of an afterlife turned upside down"
@self-published / @ / @2023 / @ @self-published / @ / @2023 / @

- self-published, 2023 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- self-published, 2023 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- self-published, 2023 / (Kindle ebook)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Celati, Gianni: La Farsa Dei Tre Clandestini
This is an automated (but manually cleaned up) translation of an Italian webpage ( about the book: "Who of us has never wished as a child, to re-live an adventure as some great hero of the screen? Well, Gianni Celati has captured this opportunity and she offers it as a scenario for a film of the Marx Brothers. The trace of the text is obtained from the works of the great comedians. The situations in which Groucho, Harpo and Chico get involved are the surrealistic and absurd, while corruption and speculation serve as a background to this farce. Who loves vaudeville and has been enjoying ' Duck Soup ', ' Animal Crackers ', ' A Night at the Opera', will be in a position to pick up the message. A lot authenticity and often as innovative as what the Marx Brothers have left us. Gianni Celati gives back a dream to us."
@Baskerville / @Bologna, Italia / @1987 / @88 8000 901 X

- (italiano) Baskerville, Bologna, Italia, 1987, ISBN: 88 8000 901 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Conford, Ellen: The Genie with the Light Blue Hair
a children's book, in which the Genie is described like Groucho
@Bantam Starfire Books / @New York, NY / @1989 / @0 553 05806 1

- Bantam Starfire Books, New York, NY, 1989, ISBN: 0 553 05806 1 / has a picture of Groucho on the dustjacket
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- Starfire / Bantam, New York, NY, 1990, ISBN: 0 553 28484 3 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Czarnik, Thomas J.: Shirley, You Joust!
A Marx Brothers Comic Play
@self-published / @ / @2023 / @ @self-published / @ / @2023 / @

- self-published, 2023 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- self-published, 2023 / (Kindle ebook)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

De Vries, Peter: Madder Music
Novel about a man who thinks he is Groucho. Although Joe Swerling has this delusion for a small part of the book, it is also fun to read when no Grouchoism is around. Jo Swerling was the name of the director of "Humorisk" (a coincidence?)
@Little, Brown & Company / @Boston, MA / Toronto / @1977 / @0 316 18190 0 @Penguin / @ / @1982 / @0 14 006133 9 @Victor Gollancz Ltd. / @ / @1978 / @0 575 02427 5

- Little, Brown & Company, Boston, MA / Toronto, 1977, ISBN: 0 316 18190 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1978, ISBN: 0 575 02427 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Penguin, 1982, ISBN: 0 14 006133 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Goulart, Ron: Groucho Marx, Master Detective
First in the series. "It was a fast read but not a very good read. It was not a great mystery and the portrayal of Groucho was a poor mix of his stage and real life characters." (IJD) [I agree, ST]
@St. Martin's Press / @New York, NY / @1998 / @0 312 18106 X @Crimetime / @ / @2000 / @1 902002 27 X @Edition Phantasia / @ / @2010 / @3 937897 40 2

- St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 1998, ISBN: 0 312 18106 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Crimetime, 2000, ISBN: 1 902002 27 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Edition Phantasia, 2010, ISBN: 3 937897 40 2
titled: Groucho Marx, Meisterdetektiv, translated by: Joachim Körber
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

Goulart, Ron: Groucho Marx, Private Eye
@St. Martin's Press / @New York, NY / @1999 - 1 / @0 312 19895 7

- St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 1999 - 1, ISBN: 0 312 19895 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Goulart, Ron: Elementary, my dear Groucho
@St. Martin's Press / @New York, NY / @1999 - 2 / @0 312 20892 8 @Le Cherche midi / @France / @2000 / @2 86274 776 9

- St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 1999 - 2, ISBN: 0 312 20892 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- St. Martin's Press, 2011 / Kindle download
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (français) Le Cherche midi, France, 2000, ISBN: 2 86274 776 9
titled: Groucho Marx contre Sherlock Holmes
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Goulart, Ron: Groucho Marx and the Broadway Murders
@St. Martin's Press / @New York, NY / @2001 / @0 312 26598 0 @Chivers Press / @Bath, UK / @2002 / @0 7540 4703 2

- St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 2001, ISBN: 0 312 26598 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Thorndike Press, Waterville, ME, 2002, ISBN: 0 7862 3692 2 / large print
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Chivers Press, Bath, UK, 2002, ISBN: 0 7540 4703 2 / large print, softbound
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Chivers Press, Bath, UK, 2002, ISBN: 0 7540 4702 4 / large print, hardcover
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

- St. Martin's Press, 2011 / Kindle download
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR ES IT CA

Goulart, Ron: Groucho Marx, Secret Agent
@St. Martin's Press / @New York, NY / @2002 / @0 312 28005 X @Thorndike Pr / @ / @2002 / @0 7862 4741 X

- Thorndike Pr, 2002, ISBN: 0 7862 4741 X / large print
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 2002, ISBN: 0 312 28005 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Chivers Press, 2003, ISBN: 0 7540 8802 2 / large print, softbound
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Chivers Press, 2003, ISBN: 0 7540 8801 4 / large print, hardcover
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- St. Martin's Press, 2011 / Kindle download
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Goulart, Ron: Groucho Marx, King of the Jungle
A Mystery Featuring Groucho Marx
@St. Martin's Press / @New York, NY / @2005 / @0 312 32216 X @Robert Hale Ltd / @ / @2006 / @0 7090 8050 6 @Wheeler Publishing / @ / @2006 / @1 597 22331 X

- St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 2005, ISBN: 0 312 32216 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Robert Hale Ltd, 2006, ISBN: 0 7090 8050 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK FR ES IT CA

- Wheeler Publishing, 2006, ISBN: 1 597 22331 X / (large print edition)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK FR ES IT CA

- St. Martin's Press, 2011 / (Kindle ebook)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR ES IT CA

Gullo, Jim: Grouch Bag: A Novel
A boy goes back in time to save comedy. In 1908 he meets the Marx Brothers before they became famous. 2017 edition changes the title to "The Comedy Keeper"
@Yam Hill Publishing / @ / @2015 / @0 692 50620 9 @Yam Hill Publishing / @ / @2017 / @0 692 83700 0

- Yam Hill Publishing, 2015, ISBN: 0 692 50620 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Yam Hill Publishing, 2017, ISBN: 0 692 83700 0 / titled: "The Comedy Keeper"
New title and cover: "Note to readers & fans: This book was originally published as "Grouch Bag". If you bought that book, don't buy this one! It's the same story with an updated cover and design!! This version has a much more kid-friendly design and format."

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Yam Hill Publishing, 2017 / (Kindle e-book)
titled: 'The Comedy Keeper'
Same story with an updated cover and design

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Hampton, Christopher: Tales from Hollywood
Cover description: "With the Austro-Hungarian playwright Ödon von Horvath as our guide, [this play] takes us on a tour of [...] 1940s Los Angeles. Taking in such improbable residents as Thomas and Heinrich Mann, Bertolt Brecht and the Marx Brothers amongst others. [...]"
Harpo and Chico appear briefly in the first scene doing one of their usual charades.
@Faber & Faber / @ / @2001 / @0 571 11883 6

- Samuel French Ltd, UK, 1983, ISBN: 0 573 11433 1 / acting edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Faber & Faber, 2001, ISBN: 0 571 11883 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Jean-Philippe, Claude; Lesueur, Patrick: Une Nuit chez les Marx
Comic Book which illustrates especially the earlier years of the Marxes. It shows situations like the cigarmaker from which Harpo got the "Gookie", and Groucho in his Napoleon uniform being stuck in traffic with his new car
@Dargaud Editeur / @Paris, France / @1986 / @2 205 02835 9

- (français) Dargaud Editeur, Paris, France, 1986, ISBN: 2 205 02835 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Kaminsky, Stuart M.: You bet your life
Crime story (Fiction). "It's Chicago. It's February, 1941. And Toby Peters, Private Eye, has a cold. Louis B. Mayer has hired him to help the Marx Brothers out of $120,000 worth of trouble. With the mob." (Cover text)
@Bruna / @Utrecht, NL / @1986 / @90 449 2235 1 @Editions 10/18 / @France / @1999 / @2 264 02882 3 @Ediciones Júcar / @Gijón, Spain / @1988 / @84 334 3673 2 @Blackstone Audio, Inc. / @ / @2005 / @0 786 14231 6 @Wilhelm Heyne Verlag / @München, Germany / @1985 / @3 453 10731 4 @St. Martin's Press / @New York, NY / @1978 / @0 312 89662 X @Charter Communications / @New York, NY / @1980 / @0 441 94980 0 @J. Curley & Associates / @South Yarmouth, MA / @1980 / @0 89340 238 9 @Warner Books / @ / @1990 / @0 445 40906 1 @Mondadori (1633) / @Italy / @1980 / @

- St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 1978, ISBN: 0 312 89662 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

- J. Curley & Associates, South Yarmouth, MA, 1980, ISBN: 0 89340 238 9 / Large print edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- Charter Communications, New York, NY, 1980, ISBN: 0 441 94980 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Warner Books, 1990, ISBN: 0 445 40906 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- (français) Editions 10/18, France, 1999, ISBN: 2 264 02882 3
titled: Chico, banco, bobo
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) Mondadori (1633), Italy, 1980
titled: Giocarsi la Pelle, translated by: Luciana Crepax
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (italiano) Mondadori, Italy, 2013
titled: Giocarsi la Pelle, translated by: Luciana Crepax / Kindle e-book
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Kaufman, George; Hart, Moss: The Man Who Came to Dinner (Play)
This play is a hommage to Alexander Woollcott. The character of Banjo is fashioned after Harpo
@in: 'Three Plays by Kaufman and Hart', Grove Press / @ / @1988 / @0 8021 5064 0

- in: "Plays by Kaufman and Hart", Olympic Marketing Corp, 1984, ISBN: 0 933826 66 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- in: "Three Plays by Kaufman and Hart", Grove Press, 1988, ISBN: 0 8021 5064 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Laurent, Verron (dessin); Yann (scénario): Les Exploits d'Odilon Verjus, Vol. 6, Vade retro Hollywood
Comic book featuring the Brothers
@Le Lombard / @Bruxelles / @2002 / @2 80361 769 2

- Le Lombard, Bruxelles, 2002, ISBN: 2 80361 769 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Levigne, Michelle L. : Liar, Liar, Hearts On Fire
Romance novel. Strictly speaking it doesn't feature the Marx Brothers, but only uses names and places. From the publisher's website: "Ray and Lauren [...] build an alliance of minds and hearts as they work through the maze of Fredonia, Uncle Zeppo's remote mountain mansion. The old house is full of secret doors and staircases, with every clue in the scavenger hunt coming from a Marx Brothers movie."
@Amber Quill Press / @ / @2010 / @1 611 24990 2

- Amber Quill Press / Kindle download
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Amber Quill Press, 2010, ISBN: 1 611 24990 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

Levigne, Michelle L.: Never Moon A Werewolf
Sequel to "Liar, Liar, Hearts On Fire ..."
@Amber Quill Press / @ / @2012 / @1 611 24932 5

- Amber Quill Press, 2012, ISBN: 1 611 24932 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Amber Quill Press, 2012 / Kindle download
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Lewis, Vincent P.: The Marx Brothers Meet Shakespeare
@(Print on demand) / @ / @2013 / @1 49377 566 9

- (Print on demand), 2013, ISBN: 1 49377 566 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

López, Alfonso: Una Tarde con Himmler
comic book
@Ediciones La Cúpula / @Spain / @2022 / @84 1880947 7

- (español) Ediciones La Cúpula, Spain, 2022, ISBN: 84 1880947 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Mazur, Gail: Zeppo's First Wife: New and Selected Poems
@University Of Chicago Press / @ / @2005 / @0 226 51447 1

- University Of Chicago Press, 2005, ISBN: 0 226 51447 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

McGuinness, Frank: Dinner With Groucho
Play in which Groucho meets T.S.Eliot
@Faber and Faber / @ / @2022 / @0 571 38096 4

- Faber and Faber, 2022, ISBN: 0 571 38096 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Milligan, Spike: Robin Hood According to Spike Milligan
"All of Robin's Merry Men are in attendance in Spike's Robin Hood, although not quite as they were in the original. Maid Marion is a champion pole vaulter, Little John has been renamed Big Dick (for reasons we need not go into here) and Will Scarlet and Friar Tuck are joined by a brand-new addition to the renegade band--Groucho Marx." (Amazon promotional text)
@Virgin Publishing / @London, UK / @ / @0 753 50303 4

- Virgin Publishing, London, UK, ISBN: 0 753 50303 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Milligan, Spike: "Treasure Island": According to Spike Milligan
"All the familiar faces from Robert Louis Stevenson's classic pirate adventure story join in the fun - but this time they are accompanied by Groucho Marx." (
@Virgin / @London, UK / @2001 / @0 753 50503 7

- Virgin, London, UK, 2000, ISBN: 1 85227 895 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Virgin, London, UK, 2001, ISBN: 0 753 50503 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Nigro, Don: Monkey Soup
From the publisher: "Set on the stage of a New York theatre in the 1930s, this demented, madcap, no holds barred, galloping farce is a loving parody and homage to the sort of movie the Marx Brothers might have made after a hundred cups of coffee with their hair on fire."
@Samuel French / @New York, London / @2004 / @0 573 63304 5

- Samuel French, New York, London, 2004, ISBN: 0 573 63304 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK FR ES IT CA

Pérez-Arévalo, Juan Carlos: Groucho's
Play. "Adolfo returns home one day to find his father dressed up and behaving like Groucho Marx."
@ViveLibro / @ / @2021 / @84 188 4039 0 @ / @ / @2021 / @

- (english) , 2021 / (hardback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (english) , 2021 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (english) , 2021 / Kindle edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) ViveLibro, 2021, ISBN: 84 188 4039 0 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) ViveLibro, 2021 / Kindle edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (español) ViveLibro, 2021 / (hardback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Pachter, Josh (ed.): Monkey Business (Crime fiction inspired by the films of the Marx Brothers)
"A Who’s Who of award-winning crime writers pays homage to the Marxes in fourteen short stories, each inspired by one of the brothers’ thirteen studio films."
@Untreed Reads <a href ='' target='_blank'>(click here to buy directly from the publisher)</a> / @ / @2021 / @1 95360 166 9

- Untreed Reads (click here to buy directly from the publisher), 2021, ISBN: 1 95360 166 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Untreed Reads, 2021 / Kindle edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Palmer, Stuart: You Bet Your Life
Palmer wrote several novels and stories featuring Hildegarde Withers, a spinster schoolteacher who is an amateur sleuth. "[In this story] Miss Withers goes on the TV show as a contestant - a set-up - to announce that she knows the whereabouts of a missing crook. ... Groucho makes an appearance and banters with her on the show for a few lines before the plot takes off. Palmer could be authentic because he had been on the Oct 21, 1954 episode. ... The story's a trifle, but still a nice addition to any collection." (SC)
@in: <a href='' target='_blank'>'Hildegarde Withers: Final Riddles?'</a>, Crippen & Landru / @Cincinnati, OH / @2021 / @1 93636 356 9

- in: "Hildegarde Withers: Final Riddles?", Crippen & Landru, Cincinnati, OH, 2021, ISBN: 1 93636 356 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Paronuzzi, Alessandro: Sono marxista, di tendenza Groucho : un'antologia critica delle migliori battute del partner di Dylan Dog
@F.Muzzio / @Padua, Italy / @1999 / @88 7021 885 6

- (italiano) F.Muzzio, Padua, Italy, 1999, ISBN: 88 7021 885 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Pearce, Jeff: Reich TV
In this "Alternate History Thriller" the Marx Brothers are based in London and do a propaganda show for the BBC. George Orwell and Dylan Thomas also make an appearance
@Gallivant Books / @ / @2011 / @0 98681 802 X

- Gallivant Books, 2011 / Kindle download
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Gallivant Books, 2011, ISBN: 0 98681 802 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Phillips, Louis: The Last Of The Marx Brothers' Writers
@Broadway Play Publishing Inc. / @New York, NY / @2007 / @0 88145 339 0

- Broadway Play Publishing Inc., New York, NY, 2007, ISBN: 0 88145 339 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Sheldon, Sidney: A Stranger in the Mirror
This novel about a stand-up comedian is dedicated to Groucho (who was the godfather of Sheldon's daughter). In the final chapters it seems to be (more or less) based on Groucho's relation to Erin Fleming
@Warner Books, Grand Central Publishing / @ / @ / @0 446 35657 3

- William Morrow and Company, New York, NY, ISBN: 0 688 03002 5 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Warner Books, Grand Central Publishing, ISBN: 0 446 35657 3 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- in "Three complete Novels", ISBN: 0 517 07773 6 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Pan Books, London, UK, 1977, ISBN: 0 330 25076 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

Sim, David: Cerebus the Aardvark
(Comic) Lord Julius (Groucho) shows up quite frequently. Lord Julius was introduced early on as the head of state of a country called Palnu, and who virtually controls the economy of most of the known world single-handedly. One can guess at the results. He also has a painted-on mustache instead of a real one. In at least one issue, Sim also introduced a Duke Leonardi from New Serpa, who spoke with an outrageous Italian accent.
@(Vol 2.:'High Society') Aardvark Vanaheim / @ / @1986 / @0 919359 07 8

- (Vol 2.:"High Society") Aardvark Vanaheim, 1986, ISBN: 0 919359 07 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Thomsen, Winfried; Mali, Werner: Die Unschuld von Bonn: ein Schmieren-Comic mit drei Marx-Brothers und einem idealen Staatsbürger
Political comic and text with the Marx Brothers and German politicians as acting persons
@Rotbuch Verlag / @Berlin, Germany / @1976 / @3 88022 160 X

- (deutsch) Rotbuch Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1976, ISBN: 3 88022 160 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR ES IT CA

Trav S. D: The Marx Brothers Miscellany - A Subjective Appreciation of the World's Greatest Comedy Team
From the publisher: "Writer/ performer Trav S.D. [...] turns his attention to the greatest of all stage and screen comedy teams in 'The Marx Brothers Miscellany'. Adapted from a series of public lectures and over 150 articles [...], 'The Marx Brothers Miscellany' mimics its unruly subject with an irreverent style and crazy-quilt structure combining cultural history, biography, criticism, and more than a few surprises."
@Bear Manor Media / @ / @2024 / @

- NEW Bear Manor Media, 2024 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- NEW Bear Manor Media, 2024 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Turledove, Harry: Hail! Hail!
Author's description: "Hail! Hail!" has - The Marx Brothers! - The Texas Revolution! - Fre(e)donia X2! all in one peculiar package
@Swallow's End Publishing / @ / @2018 / @

- Swallow's End Publishing, 2018 / e-book
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Ventura / Nieto: Grouñidos en el desierto
@Ciro Ediciones / @ / @2006 / @84 96600 56 4

- (español) Ciro Ediciones, 2006, ISBN: 84 96600 56 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Ventura / Nieto: Grouñidos en el desierto 1979-1980
@Dolmen Editorial / @ / @2016 / @84 164 3660 6

- (español) Dolmen Editorial, 2016, ISBN: 84 164 3660 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Viscogliosi, Fabio: Harpo
Novel about Harpo's return journey from Russia. Interview with the author
@Actes Sud / @ / @2020 / @2 330 13065 1

- (français) Actes Sud, 2020, ISBN: 2 330 13065 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- (français) Actes Sud, 2020 / (Kindle ebook)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

Vosburgh, Dick: A Day in Hollywood, A Night in the Ukraine
Premiere in 1979. The first half of the show - A Day in Hollywood - examines Hollywood in the Thirties. The second half - A Night in the Ukraine -, is loosely based on Checkov's "The Bear", as if it was made as a Marx Brothers movie.
@Samuel French Inc., #6658 / @New York, NY / @1984 / @

- Samuel French Inc., London, UK, 2000, ISBN: 0 573 08111 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

Waldrop, Howard: Save a Place in the Lifeboat for Me
"Waldrop is a master of humorous, innovative, sometimes disturbing short fiction that plays on 'alternate history' tropes and a stunning amount of research. One of his earlier stories, '...Lifeboat' depicts Harpo and Chico, Laurel and Hardy, and Abbot and Costello going back (yes, back) in time in an attempt to save Buddy Holly. They are _apparently_ returned from an ambiguous afterlife and appear in the story as we know them on screen ('_Honk honk_ went Arthur...'). The god who appears to be running the operation is a mysterious figure named Quackenbush who make a 'burning bush' appearance in a TV show called 'You Bet Your Duck.' "
@in: 'Howard Who?', Doubleday / @Garden City, NY / @1986 / @0 385 19708 X

- in: "Howard Who?", Doubleday, Garden City, NY, 1986, ISBN: 0 385 19708 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Books in which material of the Marx Brothers is quoted

[Up to category list]

Brallier, Jess M.: Medical Wit and Wisdom : The Best Medical Quotations from Hippocrates to Groucho Marx
@ / @ / @1993 / @1 56138 289 2

- , 1993, ISBN: 1 56138 289 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Gonzalez, Luis Anthony: Wisdom of the Marx Brothers: Life Lessons from Groucho, Chico, and Harpo
The author takes scenes from the movies and applies the "morale" to our normal life.
@self-published / @ / @2018 / @1 98682 071 8

- self-published, 2018, ISBN: 1 98682 071 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR ES IT CA JP

Green, Joey: Marx & Lennon : The Parallel Saying
a collection of 400 quotes by Marx and Lennon. (Groucho and John)
@Hyperion / @ / @2005 / @1 401 30809 0

- Hyperion, 2005, ISBN: 1 401 30809 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Gribetz, Jessica (ed.): Wise Words : A Treasury of Jewish Wisdom from the Bible to Groucho Marx
@William Morrow and Company / @New York, NY / @1997 / @0 688 15108 6

- William Morrow and Company, New York, NY, 1997, ISBN: 0 688 15108 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Hofmarcher, Arnaud (Series Ed.): Les Marx Brothers: Pensées, répliques et anecdotes
Preface by Pierre Drachline. Quotes, mostly from Groucho.
@J'ai lu / @France / @1999 / @2 290 05334 1 @Le Cherche Midi / @ / @2010 / @2 7491 1663 5 @le cherche midi éditeur / @Paris, France / @1995 / @2 86274 400 X @le cherche midi éditeur / @Paris, France / @1995 / @2 86274 400 X

- (français) le cherche midi éditeur, Paris, France, 1995, ISBN: 2 86274 400 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (français) le Grand livre du mois, Paris, France, 1995, ISBN: 2 286 07189 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (français) J'ai lu, France, 1999, ISBN: 2 290 05334 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (français) Le Cherche Midi, 2010, ISBN: 2 7491 1663 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Jarski, Rosemarie: Wisecracks : Great Lines from the Classic Hollywood Era
Publisher's description: "Rosemarie Jarski's selection mixes all the classic Hollywood lines with little known gems"
@Contemporary Books / @ / @1999 / @0 8092 2516 6

- Contemporary Books, 1999, ISBN: 0 8092 2516 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Prion Books Ltd, 2000, ISBN: 1 85375 357 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Menchin, Robert; Kohl, Joe (Illustrator): 101 Classic Jewish Jokes : Jewish Humor from Groucho Marx to Jerry Seinfeld
@ / @ / @1997 / @0 914457 88 8

- , 1997, ISBN: 0 914457 88 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Muir, Frank: The Oxford Book of Humorous Prose: From William Caxton to P.G. Wodehouse
Muir makes several references to Groucho Marx in his section on S.J. Perelman. He also reprints Groucho's correspondence with Warner Bros. regarding the release of "A Night In Casablanca."
@Oxford University Press / @Oxford, UK / New York, NY / @1990 / @0 19 282959 9

- Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK / New York, NY, 1990, ISBN: 0 19 282959 9 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK / New York, NY, 1990, ISBN: 0 19 214106 6 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Rosten, Leo: Leo Rosten's Carnival of Wit; From Aristotle to Groucho Marx
@Plume / @ / @1996 / @0 452 27099 5

- E P Dutton, 1994, ISBN: 0 525 93716 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- Plume, 1996, ISBN: 0 452 27099 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Spagnoli, Marco: Se mi sposi non guarderò mai più un altro cavallo. Battute e pensieri
I think this is a collection of Groucho quotes
@Nuovi Equilibri / @Italy / @1998 / @88 7226 412 X

- (italiano) Nuovi Equilibri, Italy, 1998, ISBN: 88 7226 412 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Zéboulon, Richard: Petite Anthologie De L'Humour Juif. Opus 2
Citations De Karl à Groucho Marx en passant par
@Le Bord de l’eau / @Lormont, France / @2006 / @2 915651 45 0

- (français) Le Bord de l’eau, Lormont, France, 2006, ISBN: 2 915651 45 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Articles about the Marx Brothers, their movies, stage shows etc.

[Up to category list]

Chandler, Charlotte: Groucho Marx: A Candid Conversation with Minna [sic] Marx's Third - and funniest - son
@Le Bord de l’eau / @Lormont, France / @2006 / @2 915651 45 0

- M Press, 2008, ISBN: 1 595 82066 3 / in "The Playboy Interviews: The Comedians"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Fuentes Luque, Adrián: On the (Mis/Over/Under) Translation of the Marx Brothers' Humour
@in: 'Translation, Humour and the Media: Translation and Humour', Vol 2.
Delia Chiaro (ed.), Continuum / @London, UK / @2010 / @1 4411 3788 2

- in: "Translation, Humour and the Media: Translation and Humour", Vol 2. Delia Chiaro (ed.), Continuum, London, UK, 2010, ISBN: 1 4411 3788 2 / (hardback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- in: "Translation, Humour and the Media: Translation and Humour", Vol 2. Delia Chiaro (ed.), Continuum, London, UK, 2010, ISBN: 1 4411 7691 8 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Galestin, Paul: The Marx Brothers: Verbal and Visual Nonsense in Their Films
Keywords: general literature; film; use of nonsense; relationship to the visual; the verbal; in Marx Brothers films
@Tigges-Wim (ed.): 'Explorations in the Field of Nonsense', Rodopi / @Amsterdam, Netherlands / @1987 / @90 6203 699 6

- Tigges-Wim (ed.): "Explorations in the Field of Nonsense", Rodopi, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1987, ISBN: 90 6203 699 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Books and articles which have the Marx Brothers not as their main topic, but have a significant part about them

[Up to category list]

植草 甚一: いい映画を見に行こう
Title roughly translates as :"Let's go see a good movie". As far as I can make out, this book contains essays about cinema. One chapter mentions the Marx Brothers in the chapter title.
@晶文社 / @ / @2004 / @4 794 92561 1

- (japanese) 晶文社, 2004, ISBN: 4 794 92561 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (japanese) 晶文社, 2004 / (Kindle edition)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (japanese) 晶文社, 2017, ISBN: 4 794 97201 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR ES IT CA JP

Allen, Steve: Funny People
This book is a kind of updated version of his earlier book. He added some contemporary comedians like Robin Williams and Billy Crystal, but there is also a chapter about Groucho.

- Stein and Day Publishers, New York, NY, 1981, ISBN: 0 8128 2764 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Stein and Day Publishers, New York, NY, 1984, ISBN: 0 8128 8011 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Austerlitz, Saul: Another Fine Mess: A History of American Film Comedy
has a chapter about the Marx Brothers (12 out of 512 pages), and they are mentioned a few times throughout, especially in the chapters about Mae West and Woody Allen
@Chicago Review Press / @Chicago, IL / @2010 / @1 556 52951 1

- Chicago Review Press, Chicago, IL, 2010, ISBN: 1 556 52951 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Berkowitz, Edward D.: Mass Appeal: The Formative Age of the Movies, Radio, and TV
The chapter "From Broadway to Hollywood with Groucho, Fred, and Ginger" has a ten page history of the Marx Brothers. Irritatingly the author (or the spellcheck) uses "Marx brothers", with a small "b" throughout.
@Cambridge University Press / @ / @2010 / @0 521 88908 1

- Cambridge University Press, 2010, ISBN: 0 521 88908 1 / harcover
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Cambridge University Press, 2010, ISBN: 0 521 71777 9 / paperback
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Boller, Paul F., Jr.; Davis, Ronald L.: Hollywood Anecdotes
Good stories, authentic and apocryphal about making movies in Hollywood and those involved. Keywords: Hollywood, DeMille, Gary Cooper, Jack Warner, Sam Goldwyn, Walt Disney, Groucho Marx, Jimmy Cagney, Greer Garson, Billy Wilder

- William Morrow and Company, New York, NY, 1987, ISBN: 0 688 05875 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Ballantine Books, 1988, ISBN: 0 345 35654 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Brandlmeier, Thomas: Filmkomiker: Die Errettung des Grotesken
Chapter: Die Marx Brothers
@Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag / @ / @2017 / @3 596 31815 7 @Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag / @ / @1983 / @3 596 23690 8

- (deutsch) Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1983, ISBN: 3 596 23690 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 2017, ISBN: 3 596 31815 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

Braun, Michael (Hrsg.), Jahraus, Oliver (Hrsg.), Neuhaus, Stefan (Hrsg.), Pesnel, Stéphane (Hrsg.): Komik im Film
Contains the chapter "Anarchische Komik im Film am Beispiel der Marx Brothers" by Stefan Neuhaus
@Königshausen & Neumann / @Würzburg / @2019 / @3 8260 6401 1

- (deutsch) Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 2019, ISBN: 3 8260 6401 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Burr, Lonnie: Two for the Show: Great 20th Century Comedy Teams
has a chapter about the Marx Brothers / @Lincoln, NE / @2000 / @0 595 00300 1

-, Lincoln, NE, 2000, ISBN: 0 595 00300 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Carabba, Claudio; Vannini, Andrea: Sogni proibiti: i comici di Hollywood dai Marx Brothers a Woody Allen
@Vallecchi / @Firenze, Italy / @1979 / @

- (italiano) Vallecchi, Firenze, Italy, 1979
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Conrich, Ian: Merry Melodies: The Marx Brothers' Musical Moments
@Intellect Books / @Exeter, UK / Portland, OR / @2000 / @1 84150 003 8

- Intellect Books, Exeter, UK / Portland, OR, 2000, ISBN: 1 84150 003 8 / in "Musicals: Hollywood and Beyond", Bill Marshall , Robynn Stilwell (eds.)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Dale, Alan: Comedy Is a Man in Trouble
"Rather than attempt of account for every low-comedy star and his/her entire repertoire, Dale focuses on a handful of key superstars - specifically Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, the Marx Brothers and Jerry Lewis - and combines biography with cinematic analysis to create a convincing timeline of the rise, fall, and rebirth of one of the movies' most popular genres. He also takes time to examine the controversial role of women in Hollywood comedy, ultimately anointing Katherine Hepburn as the Queen of Slapstick." - Fade In
@University of Minnesota Press / @Minneapolis, MN / @2002 / @0 8166 3658 3

- University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN, 2000, ISBN: 0 8166 3657 5 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN, 2002, ISBN: 0 8166 3658 3 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Doctorow, E.L.: Creationists: Selected Essays: 1993-2006
This book has a piece about Harpo, most likely the introduction Doctorow wrote for "Harpo Speaks"
@Random House / @ / @2006 / @1 400 06495 3

- Random House, 2006, ISBN: 1 400 06495 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Durgnat, Raymond: Durgnat on Film
Selection from Durgnat's earlier works. Marx Brothers chapter 'Four against alienation', based on his booklet for the Östereichisches Filmmuseum, same chapter in "The Crazy Mirror".

- Faber and Faber, London, UK, 1976, ISBN: 0 571 10656 0 / has the Marx Brothers on the cover
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Edelson, Edward: Funny men of the movies
Chapter 7: "The Marx Revolution"; "Traces the development of comedy in film, discussing such comedians as Chaplin, Keaton, the Hardys, Marx Brothers, Fields, Jerry Lewis, and Woody Allen." (NYPL info)

- Doubleday & Co., Garden City, NY, 1976, ISBN: 0 385 09688 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Doubleday & Co., Garden City, NY, 1976, ISBN: 0 385 09693 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- Pocket Books, New York, NY, 1980, ISBN: 0 671 29912 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Feibleman, James: Praise of Comedy: A Study of its Theory and Practice
Chapter 5: "The Comedy of Everyday Life: The Marx Brothers"
@Horizon Publishing / @ / @1970 / @0 8180 1152 1 @Routledge / @ / @2022 / @1 032 22214 X

- Horizon Publishing, 1970, ISBN: 0 8180 1152 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Routledge, 2022, ISBN: 1 032 22214 X / (hardback) reprint of the 1939 edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Fowler, Christopher; Buckley, Stuart (Ills.): How to Impersonate Famous People
Has instructions for dressing up as Groucho or Harpo

- Quartet Books, London, UK, 1984, ISBN: 0 7043 3463 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK FR ES IT CA

- Crown Publishers, Prince Paperbacks, New York, NY, 1985, ISBN: 0 517 55838 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Freedland, Michael: So Lets Hear the Applause
The Story of the Jewish Entertainer. Biographies of: The Marx Brothers, Woody Allen, B. Streisand, Walter Matthau, Bob Dylan & others

- Vallentine Mitchell, London, UK, 1984, ISBN: 0 85303 215 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

French, Philip; Wlaschin, Ken (eds.): The Faber Book of Movie verse
Poems about movie stars and cinema in general. Has "Ode to Groucho" by Martin Bell, "To the Lady Portrayed by Margret Dumont" by John Hollander, "Villanelle for Harpo Marx" by John Wain, "To Harpo Marx" by Jack Kerouac and "Harpo Marx" by Robert Lowell

- Faber and Faber, 1993, ISBN: 0 571 16660 1 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Faber and Faber, London, UK, 1994, ISBN: 0 571 17329 2 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Ramboro Books PLC, 1997, ISBN: 7 215 99561 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Gale, Matthew (ed.): Dali & Film
Exhibition catalogue. Contains an article about Dali's script for the Marx Brothers and an article by Dali about Hollywood and Harpo in particular
@Tate Publishing / @London, UK / @2007 / @1 8543 7685 3

- Tate Publishing, London, UK, 2007, ISBN: 1 8543 7685 3 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Tate Publishing, London, UK, 2007, ISBN: 1 8543 7684 5 / (hardback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

Gehring, Wes D.: Film Clowns of the Depression: Twelve Defining Comic Performances
Examines 12 movies made between 1931 and 1939, including Duck Soup and A Night at the Opera (about 15 pages each)
@<a href='' target='_blank'>McFarland & Co</a> / @Jefferson, NC / @2007 / @0 7864 2892 9

- McFarland & Co, Jefferson, NC, 2007, ISBN: 0 7864 2892 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Gehring, Wes D.: Gehring Lost & Found: Selected Essays
Collections of essays including:
  • The Marx Of Time
  • Television's Other Groucho
  • Groucho Lost & Found: His Other Letters
@BearManor Media / @Albany, GA / @2019 / @1 62933 481 2

- BearManor Media, Albany, GA, 2019, ISBN: 1 62933 481 2 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- BearManor Media, Albany, GA, 2019, ISBN: 1 62933 482 0 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- BearManor Media, Albany, GA, 2019 / (Kindle e-book)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Giesen, Rolf (Bernhard Matt ed.): Lachbomben: die grossen Filmkomiker
Comedians from silent films to the 1940s
@Heyne / @München, Germany / @1991 / @3 453 04937 3

- (deutsch) Heyne, München, Germany, 1991, ISBN: 3 453 04937 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR ES IT CA

Gore, Chris: The 50 Greatest Movies Never Made
Mentions the Billy Wilder project "A Day at the United Nations"

- St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 1999, ISBN: 0 312 20082 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Guttmacher, Peter: Legendary Comedies
This book covers comedy movies from Harold Loyd to Robin Williams. The Marx Brothers have four pages devoted to them.
@Metrobooks - Friedman/Fairfax / @New York, NY / @1996 / @1 56799 239 0

- Metrobooks - Friedman/Fairfax, New York, NY, 1996, ISBN: 1 56799 239 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Herrmann, Dorothy: With Malice Toward All
Lives and loves of some 20th century American wits (Groucho Marx, Benchley, Woollcott, Fields, Parker)

- G.P. Putnam, 1982, ISBN: 0 399 12710 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Hytner, Nicholas: Film - 20th Century Icons
Selected by Nicholas Hytner, text by Simon Braund. The Marx Brothers are on the cover. Paperback featuring director Nicholas Hytner's ("The Madness of King George") choice of films of the century. Features "A Night at the Opera" among others movies like "Lawrence of Arabia", "Psycho", "Rashomon", "The Godfather", "The Wizard of Oz"
@Absolute Press / @Bath, UK / @1999 / @1 899791 87 6

- Absolute Press, Bath, UK, 1999, ISBN: 1 899791 87 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Johnson, Paul: Humorists
This book about people as diverse as Benjamin Franklin and Toulouse-Lautrec has a chapter about the Marx Brothers
@Harper Collins / @ / @2010 / @0 06 182591 3 @Blackstone Audio, Inc. / @2010 / @ / @1 441 75744 9

- Blackstone Audio, Inc., 2010, ISBN: 1 441 75744 9 / Audiobook
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Harper Collins, 2010, ISBN: 0 06 182591 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Harper Collins, 2010 / Kindle Download
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Jordan, Thomas H.: The Anatomy of Cinematic Humor, with an Analytic Essay on the Marx Brothers

- Revisionist Press, New York, NY, 1974/1975, ISBN: 0 87700 209 6 / also sometimes listed with (wrong) ISBNs 0 685 04343 6, 0 87700 205 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

Leeflang, Thomas: De wereld van de comedy
has a chapter on the Marx Brothers
@Windward / @Leicester, UK / @1988 / @0 7112 0493 4

- Windward, Leicester, UK, 1988, ISBN: 0 7112 0493 4
titled: The World of Comedy, translated by: Phil Goddard
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Lie, Sulgi: Gehend kommen
Adornos Slapstick: Charlie Chaplin & The Marx Brothers
From the publisher's website: "[...] Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist nichts anderes, als für Adornos Gelächter eine theoretische Lanze zu brechen und diesem nicht nur in seinen Texten nachzuspüren, sondern auch in den Filmen jener Komiker, die er so bewunderte: von Charlie Chaplin und den Marx Brothers. Aus der parallelen Lektüre von philosophischen Texten und Hollywood-Filmen wird nicht zuletzt eine Filmästhetik extrahiert, von der immer noch von manchen angenommen wird, dass es diese bei einem Denker nicht geben könne, der ja berechtigterweise einmal behauptete, nach jedem Kinobesuch wieder dümmer herauszukommen. [...]"
I. Zweimal: Adornos Chaplin, pp.21-152
II. Dreimal: The Marx Brothers, pp.153-266
III. Noch einmal: Charlie Chaplin, pp. 267-385
@Vorwerk 8 / @Berlin / @2022 / @3 947238 27 4

- (deutsch) Vorwerk 8, Berlin, 2022, ISBN: 3 947238 27 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Lloyd, Ann (ed.): Movies of the Thirties
Has a four page article about the Marx Brothers by Charlotte Chandler, of which half a page is an article about Margret Dumont

- Orbis Publishing, London, UK, 1983, ISBN: 0 85613 523 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Maltin, Leonard: The Great Movie Comedians: From Charlie Chaplin to Woody Allen
This book features classic comedians like: Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, W.C.Fields, Bob Hope and Jerry Lewis. There is one chapter about the Marx Brothers.
@Crown Publishers / @New York, NY / @1978 / @0 517 53241 7 @(independent) / @ / @2015 / @1 514 32494 6 @Crown Publishers / @New York, NY / @1982 / @0 517 54606 X

- Crown Publishers, New York, NY, 1978, ISBN: 0 517 53241 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Harmony Books, New York, NY, 1982, ISBN: 0 517 36184 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Crown Publishers, New York, NY, 1982, ISBN: 0 517 54606 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (independent), 2015, ISBN: 1 514 32494 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

Manchel, Frank: The Talking Clowns: From Laurel and Hardy to the Marx Brothers
Brief sketches of the life and careers of the great talking film comedians of the 1930's: Laurel and Hardy, W. C. Fields, Mae West, and the Marx Brothers. (Book summary) (130 pages, 34 page chapter about the Marx Brothers)

- Franklin Watts, New York, NY / London, UK, 1976, ISBN: 0 531 01153 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Maslon, Laurence; Kantor, Michael: Make 'Em Laugh: The Funny Business of America
Has chapters about Harpo and Groucho. The author says: "... we were looking at different styles and genres of comedy performances - Harpo as a physical comedian, Groucho as a wise guy. I thought it might be fun to break up the usual parsing of the Marx Brothers and maybe it would shed some light, especially as we have a Harpo/Lucy pairing, and later on Groucho as a member of a group and also his solo career."
@Twelve / @ / @2008 / @0 446 50531 5

- Twelve, 2008, ISBN: 0 446 50531 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Twelve, 2008 / (Kindle e-book)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Montgomery, John: Comedy Films: 1894-1954
Chapter 16 "The Eccentrics" devoted to the Marxes and W.C. Fields
@George Allen & Unwin / @London, UK / @1968 / @0 04 791018 6 @Routledge / @ / @2022 / @1 032 21289 6

- George Allen & Unwin, London, UK, 1968, ISBN: 0 04 791018 6 / (revised)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Routledge, 2022, ISBN: 1 032 21289 6 / reprint of the 1954 edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Nippoldt, Robert; Kothenschulte, Daniel: Hollywood in den 30er Jahren
Articles about various actors from the 1930s including the Marx Brothers
@Gerstenberg Verlag / @ / @2011 / @3 8369 2628 8

- (deutsch) Gerstenberg Verlag, 2011, ISBN: 3 8369 2628 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

Norman, Barry: The Movie Greats
This one is a collection of chapters about 9 personalities: Chapter 3 is about Groucho. The others are: Marilyn Monroe, Peter Finch, Jack Hawkins, Edward G. Robinson, Robert Donat, Gracie Fields, Leslie Howard, Charlie Chaplin and a final chapter on Hollywood in general.

- Hodder and Stoughton, London, UK, 1981, ISBN: 0 340 25972 8 / also has ISBN 0 563 17972 4 for BBC publication
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- Arrow, London, UK, 1982, ISBN: 0 09 929170 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

Norman, Barry: The Film Greats

- Hodder and Stoughton / British Broadcasting Corp., Sevenoaks, Kent, UK / London, 1985, ISBN: 0 340 35270 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Pérez Agustí, Adolfo: Cómicos del cine
This book has chapters about the Marx Brothers,Cantinflas, Woody Allen and Charlie Chaplin. Other comedians get a few pages. The Marx Brothers chapter is almost identical to the book "El humor de ... Los Hermanos Marx" by the same author
@Ediciones Masters / @Madrid, Spain / @2004 / @84 933186 6 3 @Self published / @ / @1995 / @84 920232 3 6

- (español) Self published, 1995, ISBN: 84 920232 3 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (español) Ediciones Masters, Madrid, Spain, 2004, ISBN: 84 933186 6 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (español) Ediciones Masters, 2014 / (Kindle ebook)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Palumbo, Michele : Club Marx - Karl e Groucho
"... uno scherzo filosofico ..."
@Etet Edizioni / @ / @2013 / @88 9724 014 3

- (italiano) Etet Edizioni, 2013, ISBN: 88 9724 014 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Parish, James Robert; Leonard, William T.; Mank, Gregory W.; Hoyt, Charles: The Funsters
This book presents 62 movie comedians from Charlie Chaplin to Woody Allen. It has a 13-page chapter on the Marx Brothers.

- Arlington House, New Rochelle, NY, 1979, ISBN: 0 87000 418 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Reichwein, Horst: Die Juden in der ostfriesischen Herrlichkeit Dornum
Book about about the history of the Jewish population in the home town of the Marx Brothers' mother Minnie. Contains the chapter "Die Marx Brothers und ihre Abstammung aus Dornum"
@Edition Holtriem / @Westerholt, Germany / @1997 / @3 931641 03 1

- (deutsch) Edition Holtriem, Westerholt, Germany, 1997, ISBN: 3 931641 03 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

Robinson, Jeffrey: Teamwork: The Cinema's Greatest Comedy Teams
The chapter "The Marx Brothers" takes 17 of the 128 pages

- Proteus, New York, NY, 1982, ISBN: 0 86276 108 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Proteus, New York, NY, 1982, ISBN: 0 86276 107 7 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Seeßlen, Georg: Klassiker der Filmkomik
has a chapter about the Marx Brothers
@Roloff und Seeßlen / @München, Germany / @1976 / @3 88144 101 8

- (deutsch) Roloff und Seeßlen, München, Germany, 1976, ISBN: 3 88144 101 8 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Roloff und Seeßlen, München, Germany, 1976, ISBN: 3 88144 201 4 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Rowohlt, Reinbek, Germany, 1982, ISBN: 3 499 17424 3 / Programm Roloff und Seeßlen, "Grundlagen des populären Films 10"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR ES IT CA

Sennett, Ted: Laughing in the Dark - Movie Comedy from Groucho to Woody
Part of the chapter "The Comedy Icons of the Thirties" is about the Marx Brothers

- St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 1992, ISBN: 0 312 06280 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Sinyard, Neil: Classic Movie Comedians
Chapter 6: "The Marx Brothers"
@Smithmark Publishers / Brompton Books Corp. / @New York, NY / @1992 / @0 8317 1451 4

- Smithmark Publishers / Brompton Books Corp., New York, NY, 1992, ISBN: 0 8317 1451 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Thomas, Nick: Raised by the Stars
Collection of interviews with the children of Hollywood legends. This includes interviews with Harpo's children Bill (telephone interview) and Minnie (via email)
@<a href='' target='_blank'>McFarland & Co</a> / @Jefferson, NC / @2011 / @0 7864 6403 8

- McFarland & Co, Jefferson, NC, 2011, ISBN: 0 7864 6403 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Took, Barry: Comedy Greats: A Celebration of Comic Genius Past and Present
Has a chapter about the Marx Brothers. Also featured are Bob Hope, Lucille Ball, Barry Humphries, Jacques Tati and others

- Equation, Wellingborough, UK, 1989, ISBN: 1 85336 039 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Vogel, Michelle: Children of Hollywood
about the children of Hollywood celebrities, includes chapters about Arthur Marx, Harpo's children and Maxine Marx. Unfortunately almost all of the material is taken from previously published books, so if you have got books like "Son of Groucho" or "Growing up with Chico" etc., you won't find anything new in here.
@<a href=''>McFarland & Co</a> / @Jefferson, NC / @2005 / @0 7864 2046 4

- McFarland & Co, Jefferson, NC, 2005, ISBN: 0 7864 2046 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Weales, Gerald: Canned Goods as Caviar: American Film Comedy of the 1930s
Chapter 3: "Duck Soup"

- The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL / London, UK, 1985, ISBN: 0 226 87664 0 / paperback
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL / London, UK, 1985, ISBN: 0 226 87663 2 / hardcover
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Winokur, Mark Brian: American Laughter: Immigrants, Ethnicity, and 1930's Hollywood Film Comedy
Abstract: "My dissertation begins with the fact that American film comedy is produced by a disproportionate number of ethnics and immigrants, from creative staff (Chaplin, the Marx Brothers) to businessmen (Mayer, Thalberg, Zukor). I use historical parallels in literature to justify the sence that thematic treatment of assimilation in comedy is a distinctly American development. [..] But the bulk of the work consists of readings of three comedies, and so of three comic subgenres: Modern Times and silent comedy, Duck Soup and antic comedy, The Thin Man and the screwball. "
@St. Martin's Press / @New York / @1995 / @0 312 12342 6

- St. Martin's Press, New York, 1995, ISBN: 0 312 12342 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Woollcott, Alexander: While Rome Burns
Has the articles 'Obituary [for Minnie Marx]' and 'My Friend Harpo'

- Amereon, ISBN: 0 89190 148 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Young, Jordan R.: Writing for Groucho Marx and Fred Allen
Interviews with Irving Brecher and Bob Weiskopf
@ / @ / @2013 / @

- , 2013 / (Kindle e-book)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Books and articles which mention the Marx Brothers in a larger context

[Up to category list]

Beach, Christopher: Class, Language, and American Film Comedy
Amazon description: "... focuses on [...] language, class, and social relationships in early sound comedies by the Marx Brothers, the screwball comedies of the 1930s [...], 1950s comedies [...] and contemporary films [...]. Beach argues that sound and narrative expanded the semiotic and ideological potential of a film, providing moments of genuine social critique and also mass entertainment."
@Cambridge University Press / @ / @2002 / @0 521 00209 5

- Cambridge University Press, 2002, ISBN: 0 521 00209 5 / paperback
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Cambridge University Press, 2002, ISBN: 0 521 80749 2 / hardback
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Bergman, Andrew: We're in the Money: Depression America and its Films
Chapter 3: "Some Arnarcho-Nihilistic Laff Riots" "The early Marx Bros. films fall within what Bergman refers to as 'anarchic comedy,' full of chaos, in which meaning and meaningless were fused." (andrease)
@Ivan R. Dee / @ / @1992 / @0 929587 85 5

- Harper & Row / Harper Torchbooks, New York, NY, 1972, ISBN: 0 06 131948 1 / 15th printing 1988
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Ivan R. Dee, 1992, ISBN: 0 929587 85 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Bermel, Albert: Farce: A History from Aristophanes to Woody Allen
Abstract: "In a celebration of the expansiveness and inclusiveness of farce, this book describes the art form rather than defines it. [..] The book reviews a Hollywood-inspired resurgence of farce [..]. The book also discusses the works of such modern masters of farce as Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, the Marx Brothers, Woody Allen, Mel Brooks, Sid Caesar, and Monty Python."

- Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, IL, 1990, ISBN: 0 8093 1645 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Cabrera Infante, Guillermo : Holy Smoke
A history of cigars. Many editions have Groucho on the cover. "... he spends [some] pages discussing Groucho's famous prop." (TFG)
@Harper & Row / @ / @1985 / @0 06 015432 2 @Faber & Faber / @ / @1985 / @0 571 13518 8 @Faber & Faber / @ / @1988 / @0 571 14594 9 @Passage du Nord-Ouest / @ / @2007 / @2 914834 25 X @Insel Verlag / @ / @2009 / @3 458 17462 1 @Suhrkamp / @ / @1990 / @3 518 38250 0 @Punto De Lectura / @ / @2005 / @84 6630 498 3 @Alfaguara / @Mexico / @2000 / @968 190 800 7 @Alfaguara / @Spain / @2000 / @84 204 7861 X @Bertrand / @Brasil / @2003 / @85 286 0996 0

- Harper & Row, 1985, ISBN: 0 06 015432 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- Faber & Faber, 1985, ISBN: 0 571 13518 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Faber & Faber, 1988, ISBN: 0 571 14594 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Suhrkamp, 1990, ISBN: 3 518 38250 0
titled: Rauchzeichen, translated by: Joachim Kalka
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (deutsch) Insel Verlag, 2009, ISBN: 3 458 17462 1
titled: Rauchzeichen, translated by: Joachim Kalka
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

- (español) Alfaguara, Mexico, 2000, ISBN: 968 190 800 7
titled: Puro Humo
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (español) Alfaguara, Spain, 2000, ISBN: 84 204 7861 X
titled: Puro Humo
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (español) Punto De Lectura, 2005, ISBN: 84 6630 498 3
titled: Puro Humo
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (français) Passage du Nord-Ouest, 2007, ISBN: 2 914834 25 X
titled: Holy Smoke, translated by: Albert Bensoussan
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (português ) Bertrand, Brasil, 2003, ISBN: 85 286 0996 0
titled: Fumaça Pura
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Cavett, Dick; Porterfield, Christopher: Cavett
Chapter 7

- Bantam Books, New York, NY, 1975, ISBN: 0 553 02044 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

Cipa, Matthew: Is Harpo Free? - And Other Questions of the Metaphysical Screen
The preface ("Prelude: Is Harpo Free? Four Ways") is about Harpo.
From the publisher: "'Is Harpo Free?' is a lively appreciation of film and television's ability to artistically explore concepts typical of philosophical metaphysics, such as free will, causality, and personal identity. [...] the book [...] celebrates the artistic ways in which they give life to various metaphysical concepts and how the artistic expression of these concepts and ideas helps us understand ourselves, the world, and our place within it. [...] Films and television programs discussed include 'A Night at the Opera'; 'Run, Lola, Run'; 'Shane'; 'Harvey'; 'Three Colours: Blue'; 'The Americans'; 'Dark'; and 'Fargo'."
@SUNY Press / @New York / @2024 / @1 438 49735 0

- NEW SUNY Press, New York, 2024, ISBN: 1 438 49735 0 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- NEW SUNY Press, New York, 2024 / (Kindle ebook)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Culhane, Shamus: Talking Animals and Other People
Culhane was married to Maxine Marx (Chico's daughter). She and the Marx Brothers get mentioned in a few places.
@Da Capo Press / @New York, NY / @1998 / @0 306 80830 7

- Da Capo Press, New York, NY, 1998, ISBN: 0 306 80830 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Cullen, Frank: Vaudeville, Old & New: An Encyclopedia of Variety Performers in America
Two volumes. Vol. 2 has a very detailed article about the Brothers' career in Vaudeville
@Routledge / @New York, London / @2006 / @0 415 93853 8

- Routledge, New York, London, 2006, ISBN: 0 415 93853 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

DesRochers, Rick : The Comic Offense
from Vaudeville to Contemporary Comedy. "... examines how contemporary writer/performers are influenced by the comedic vaudevillians of the early 20th century ... " (publisher's website)
@Bloomsbury Academic / @ / @2014 / @1 4411 3232 5

- Bloomsbury Academic, 2014, ISBN: 1 4411 3232 5 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- Bloomsbury Academic, 2014, ISBN: 1 4411 6087 6 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

- Bloomsbury Academic, 2014 / (Kindle e-book)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

Doherty, Thomas: Pre-Code Hollywood: Sex, Immorality, and Insurrection in American Cinema, 1930-1934
@University Presses of California, Columbia and Princeton / @ / @1999 / @0 231 11095 2

- University Presses of California, Columbia and Princeton, 1999, ISBN: 0 231 11095 2 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- University Presses of California, Columbia and Princeton, 1999, ISBN: 0 231 11094 4 / (hardback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Epstein, Lawrence J.: The Haunted Smile: The Story of Jewish Comedians in America
"Epstein (A Treasury of Jewish Anecdotes) has done yeoman work to make this enormous subject accessible. His saga includes nearly all the top-level Jewish-American comedians, from the Marx Brothers and Allen Sherman to Joan Rivers and Jerry Seinfeld." (Amazon/Publishers Weekly)
@PublicAffairs / @ / @2002 / @1 58648 162 2 @PublicAffairs / @ / @2001 / @1 891620 71 1

- PublicAffairs, 2001, ISBN: 1 891620 71 1 / hardcover
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- PublicAffairs, 2002, ISBN: 1 58648 162 2 / paperback
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Epstein, Lawrence J.: Mixed Nuts: America's Love Affair with Comedy Teams from Burns and Allen to Belushi and Aykroyd
"Organizing this work chronologically, Epstein (The Haunted Smile: The Story of Jewish Comedians in America) provides a lively history of entertainment from early vaudeville through radio, film and television. He's especially good at viewing humor through a sociological prism, showing, for example, how the cynicism of the early Marx Brothers needed to be reworked to accommodate a Depression-era mentality. With FDR's New Deal, Epstein explains, Groucho's character was made more likable. In fact, comedy teams were most popular during America's tough times, such as WWII, when Abbott and Costello delivered much-needed relief." (Amazon/Publishers Weekly)
@PublicAffairs / @ / @2004 / @1 58648 190 8 @Sagoma / @ / @2010 / @88 650 6008 5

- PublicAffairs, 2004, ISBN: 1 58648 190 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (italiano) Sagoma, 2010, ISBN: 88 650 6008 5
titled: Quando i comici facevano touchdown. Dai Fratelli Marx ai Blues Brothers, l'esilarante epopea dei team comici d'America, translated by: C. Lattanzi
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Epstein, Lawrence J. : American Jewish Films: The Search for Identity
"This is a thematic survey of American films with significant Jewish content that made an important statement about America. Both familiar and lesser known films are included. An introduction discusses why American Jews were attracted to films as audiences, performers and business people, and evaluates how films help audiences think about their lives. The book then focuses on themes and representative and important films, placing them in their cultural contexts. One of the aspects of American Jewish life brought out by the films in general is the tensions between an American and a Jewish identity and between a Jewish identity and a broader human identity." (Publisher's website)
The book has a few pages about the Marx Brothers' movies.
@<a href='' target='_blank'>McFarland & Co<a>  / @Jefferson, NC / @2013 / @0 7864 6962 5

Etkes, Asher B.; Stadtmauer, Saul: Jewish Contributions to the American Way of Life

- Northside Publishing, 1996, ISBN: 0 9644430 1 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Gilbert, Ivan: My Brother Married Groucho Marx
well, his brother was briefly married to Melinda (POD) / @ / @2012 / @1 300 21087 7

- (POD), 2012, ISBN: 1 300 21087 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Hoberman, J.; Shandler, Jeffrey: Entertaining America: Jews, Movies, and Broadcasting
Catalogue for the exhibition at The Jewish Museum in New York (Feb - Sep 2003)
@Princeton Univ Press / @Princeton, NJ / @2003 / @0 691 11302 5

- Princeton Univ Press, Princeton, NJ, 2003, ISBN: 0 691 11302 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Princeton Univ Press, Princeton, NJ, 2003, ISBN: 0 691 11301 7 / hardcover
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Horton, Andrew: Laughing Out Loud: Writing the Comedy-Centered Screenplay
The Marx Brothers and their movies are mentioned a few times throughout this book. There is also a three page bit headed "Vaudeville and the Marx Brothers"
@University of California Press / @ / @2000 / @0 520 22015 3

- University of California Press, 2000, ISBN: 0 520 22015 3 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- University of California Press, 2000, ISBN: 0 520 22014 5 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- University of California Press, 2000 / Kindle download
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Horton, Andrew ; Rapf, Joanna E.: A Companion to Film Comedy
Collection of 24 essays exploring film comedy from the silent era to the present
@Wiley-Blackwell / @ / @2012 / @1 444 33859 5

- Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, ISBN: 1 444 33859 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Ingrams, Richard (ed.): I Once Met - Fifty Encounters with the famous
One page stories of people meeting the famous from Rachmaninoff to Winnie the Pooh. One story is about Harpo.

- Oldie Publications Ltd., London, UK, 1996, ISBN: 1 901170 02 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Jenkins, Henry: What Made Pistachio Nuts? - Early Sound Comedy and the Vaudeville Aesthetic
The Marx Brothers belong to the most referenced in this book
@Columbia University Press / @New York, NY / @1992 / @0 231 07855 2

- Columbia University Press, New York, NY, 1992, ISBN: 0 231 07855 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Joe, Jeongwon; Theresa, Rose (Eds.): Between Opera and Cinema
Mentions "A Night at the Opera"
@Garland Publishing / Taylor & Francis, Inc. / @ / @2001 / @0 8153 3450 8

- Garland Publishing / Taylor & Francis, Inc., 2001, ISBN: 0 8153 3450 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Kanin, Garson: Hollywood, Stars and Starlets, Tycoons and Flesh-Peddlers, etc.
Stories from Kanin's time at MGM. Chapter 22 has a short anecdote about Groucho and Harry Ruby
@Viking / @New York, NY / @1974 / @0 670 37575 6

- Viking, New York, NY, 1974, ISBN: 0 670 37575 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Limelight Editions, New York, NY, 1984, ISBN: 0 8791 0010 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Keyser, Gawie: Kijken maakt gelukkig
@Walburg Pers / @Zuphten, Netherlands / @2021 / @94 624 9707 9

- (nederlands) Walburg Pers, Zuphten, Netherlands, 2021, ISBN: 94 624 9707 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Krutnik, Frank: Hollywood Comedians: The Film Reader
Anthology of film theory texts. Contains extracts from Mark Winokur's "American Laughter: Immigrants, Ethnicity and 1930s Hollywood Film Comedy" and Henry Jenkins' "'Fifi Was My Mother's Name': Diplomaniacs, Anarchistic Comedy and the Vaudeville Aesthetic"
@Routledge / @ / @2002 / @0 415 23552 9 @Routledge / @ / @2002 / @0 415 23551 0

- Routledge, 2002, ISBN: 0 415 23552 9 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Routledge, 2002, ISBN: 0 415 23551 0 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Levant, Oscar: The Memoirs of an Amnesiac
Contains something about Harpo (Adamson)
@Samuel French Trade / @ / @1989 / @0 573 60698 6

- Samuel French Trade, 1989, ISBN: 0 573 60698 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

MacGillivray, Scott and Jan: Gloria Jean: A Little Bit of Heaven
This book about the child star Gloria Jean has a full chapter devoted to the production of Groucho's "Copacabana," and there also is an account of Gloria's opening night in London in 1947, on the same stage bill with Chico.
@iUniverse, Inc. / @ / @2005 / @0 595 67454 2

- iUniverse, Inc., 2005, ISBN: 0 595 37080 2 / paperback
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- iUniverse, Inc., 2005, ISBN: 0 595 67454 2 / hardcover
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Misch, David: Funny: The Book
From the publisher's website: "[A] look at the art of comedy, from its historical roots to the latest scientific findings, with diversions into the worlds of movies (Buster Keaton and the Marx Brothers), television (The Office), prose (Woody Allen, Robert Benchley), theater (The Front Page), jokes and stand-up comedy (Richard Pryor, Steve Martin), as well as personal reminiscences from the author's experiences on such TV programs as Mork and Mindy."
@Applause Theatre & Cinema Books / @ / @2012 / @1 557 83829 1

- Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, 2012, ISBN: 1 557 83829 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Moger, Art: Hello! My real name is ...
A collection of celebs and their real names. Keywords: cine George burns Marx brothers Crawford Joan rivers redd foxx Jane darwell Mary wickes mel broks john denver
@Citadel Press / @Seacausus, NJ / @1983 / @0 8065 0802 7

- Citadel Press, Seacausus, NJ, 1983, ISBN: 0 8065 0802 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Mongin, Olivier: Eclats de Rire: Variations Sur Le Corps Comique
Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Jacques Tati, Les Marx Brothers, Laurel Et Hardy, Jerry Lewis
@Éditions du Seuil / @France / @2002 / @2 02 051700 0

- (français) Éditions du Seuil, France, 2002, ISBN: 2 02 051700 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

New Yorker Magazine (Introduction by David Remnick): The Complete New Yorker: Eighty Years of the Nation's Greatest Magazine
The Marxes were often featured in this magazine
@Random House / @ / @2005 / @1 400 06474 0

- Random House, 2005, ISBN: 1 400 06474 0 / Hardcover book & 8 DVD-ROMs
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Reaves, Wendy Wick: Celebrity Caricature In America
Publisher's description: "Mae West, George Gershwin, the Marx Brothers, Babe Ruth - these were just a few of the celebrities caricatured in popular American periodicals during the first half of the 20th century. This book presents hundreds of these rediscovered drawings and introduces a type of portraiture based on modern design and a preoccupation with personality-based fame."
@Yale University Press / @ / @1998 / @0 300 07463 8

- Yale University Press, 1998, ISBN: 0 300 07463 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Rickman, Gregg: The Film Comedy Reader
Publisher's description: "From the early artistry of Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd, the madcap antics of the Three Stooges and the Marx Brothers to the satire of the 'Graduate' and the outrageous humour of the Farelly Brothers, the world of film comedy is explored by more than 30 screen critics."
@Limelight Editions / @ / @2000 / @0 87910 295 0

- Limelight Editions, 2000, ISBN: 0 87910 295 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Sarris, Andrew: The American Cinema: Directors and Directions, 1929-1968
Biographies of people in the Movie Business. Has a short biography for the Marx Brothers
@U of Chicago Press / @ / @ / @0 226 73500 1 @Da Capo Press / @New York, NY / @1996 / @0 306 80728 9

- U of Chicago Press, ISBN: 0 226 73500 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Da Capo Press, New York, NY, 1996, ISBN: 0 306 80728 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Sarris, Andrew: "You ain't heard nothin' yet": the American talking film, history and memory, 1927-1949
The Marx Brothers appear in chapter four: "Actors and Actresses"
@Oxford University Press / @Oxford, UK / @1998 / @0 19 503883 5

- Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1998, ISBN: 0 19 503883 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Sinatra, Barbara: Lady Blue Eyes: My Life with Frank
Biography of Zeppo's second wife who went on to marry Frank Sinatra
@Crown Archetype / @ / @2011 / @0 307 38233 8 @Hutchinson / @UK / @2011 / @0 09 193724 8

- Crown Archetype, 2011, ISBN: 0 307 38233 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Random House Audio, 2011, ISBN: 0 307 74732 8 / Audiobook
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Hutchinson, UK, 2011, ISBN: 0 09 193724 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

Staveacre, Tony: Slapstick: The illustrated story of knockabout comedy
The Marx Brothers are mentioned several times throughout the book
@Hutchinson / @UK / @2011 / @0 09 193724 8

- Angus & Robertson, North Ryde, Australia, 1987, ISBN: 0 207 15493 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Stein, Charles W.: American Vaudeville as seen by its Contemporaries
This is a collection of articles about Vaudeville. The book contains excerpts from "Groucho and Me" and "Harpo Speaks!". None of the other articles mention the Marx Brothers
@Knopf / @ / @1984 / @

- , 1985, ISBN: 0 306 80256 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Tierny, Tom: Thirty from the 30's - Paperdolls for grownups - Costumes of the great stars
This book has paperdolls of 1930's sheet has the Marx Brothers in "A Day at the Races"

- Prentice Hall, 1974, ISBN: 0 13 918755 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK FR ES IT CA

Tigges, Wim: An anatomy of literary Nonsense
He has the Marx Brothers as an example of nonsense in the tradition of Lewis Carroll

- Rodopi, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1988, ISBN: 90 5183 019 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Trahair, Lisa: The Comedy of Philosophy: Sense and Nonsense in Early Cinematic Slapstick
@State University of New York Press / @ / @2008 / @0 7914 7248 5

- State University of New York Press, 2007, ISBN: 0 791 47247 7 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- State University of New York Press, 2008, ISBN: 0 7914 7248 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- State University of New York Press, 2012 / (Kindle ebook)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Trav S. D.: No Applause - Just Throw Money
"Writer and modern-day vaudevillian Trav S.D. chronicles vaudeville's far-reaching impact in No Applause--Just Throw Money. He explores the many ways in which vaudeville's story is the story of show business in America and documents the rich history and cultural legacy of our country's only purely indigenous theatrical form, including its influence on everything from USO shows to Ed Sullivan to The Muppet Show and The Gong Show." (from the publisher's website)
@Faber and Faber, Inc. / @USA / @2005 / @0 571 21192 5

- Faber and Faber, Inc., USA, 2005, ISBN: 0 571 21192 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Vieira, Mark A.: Sin in Soft Focus: Pre-Code Hollywood
About censorship and the Hayes office. It mentions a scene being cut from Horsefeathers, where Harpo is romancing Thelma Todd.
@Harry N Abrams / @ / @1999 / @0 8109 4475 8

- Harry N Abrams, 1999, ISBN: 0 8109 4475 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Harry N Abrams, 2003, ISBN: 0 8109 8228 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Wagg, Stephen: Because I Tell a Joke or Two: Comedy, Politics and Social Difference
Amazon book description: "... explores the complex relationship between comedy and social difference. In provocative essays, the contributors consider issues of class, ethnicity, age, gender, and sexuality and reveal the ways comedy has been used to sustain, to challenge and to change power relationships in society. Spanning a wide range of genres, texts, and performers, from the Marx Brothers to Lea DeLaria, and from Ozzie and Harriet to Friends, ..."
@Routledge / @ / @1998 / @0 415 12921 4

- Routledge, 1998, ISBN: 0 415 12921 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Routledge, 1998, ISBN: 0 415 12920 6 / Library Binding
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Young, Jordan R.: Biography and Solo Performance
Recreating Famous Lives On Stage
about Frank Ferrante as Groucho and Tovah Feldshuh as Golda Meir
@ / @ / @2012 / @

- , 2012 / (Kindle e-book)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Young, William H.; Young, Nancy K.: The 1930s
American Popular Culture through History series
@Greenwood Press / @ / @2002 / @0 313 31602 3

- Greenwood Press, 2002, ISBN: 0 313 31602 3 / has the Brothers on the cover
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Books and articles by and about colleagues and contemporaries of the Marx Brothers

[Up to category list]

Alonso, Harriet Hyman: Yip Harburg: Legendary Lyricist and Human Rights Activist
@Wesleyan University Press / @ / @2012 / @0 8195 7128 8

- Wesleyan University Press, 2012, ISBN: 0 8195 7128 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Benchley, Robert: Inside Benchley

- , ISBN: 0 88411 302 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Benchley, Robert: The Benchley Roundup
@The University of Chicago Press / @Chicago, IL / @1983 / @0 226 04218 9

- The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 1983, ISBN: 0 226 04218 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Brecher, Irving (with Hank Rosenfeld): The Wicked Wit of the West
The Last Great Golden Age Screenwriter Shares the Hilarity and Heartaches of Working With Groucho, Garland, Gleason, Burns, Berle, Benny, and many more
@Ben Yehuda Press / @Teaneck, NJ / @2008 / @0 978998 08 1 @Sagoma / @ / @2013 / @88 650 6031 X

- Ben Yehuda Press, Teaneck, NJ, 2008, ISBN: 1 934730 23 8 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Ben Yehuda Press, Teaneck, NJ, 2008, ISBN: 0 978998 08 1 / (hardback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Ben Yehuda Press, 2009, ISBN: 1 934730 32 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- (italiano) Sagoma, 2013, ISBN: 88 650 6031 X
titled: A pesca con Groucho
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- (italiano) Sagoma, 2013
titled: A pesca con Groucho / Kindle edition
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Carlisle Hart, Kitty: Kitty, an autobiography
Biography by the actress from "A Night At The Opera" who later married the writer Moss Hart

- Doubleday, New York, NY, 1988, ISBN: 0 385 24425 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Thorndike Press, Thorndike, ME, 1989, ISBN: 0 89621 851 1 / Large Print
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 1989, ISBN: 0 312 03373 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Cassara, Bill: Edgar Kennedy - Master of the slow burn
Edgar Kennedy appeared as the lemonade vendor in "Duck Soup"
@Bearmanor Media / @Albany, GA / @2005 / @1 59393 018 6

- Bearmanor Media, Albany, GA, 2005, ISBN: 1 59393 018 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Curley, Mallory: Zeppo's Marion Benda and Valentino's Marion Benda: A Legacy of Confusion
Promotional description: "When Zeppo Marx's first wife Marion Bimberg and Rudolph Valentino's last lover Marion Wilson both chose the stage name Marion Benda in the early 1920s, it generated confusion that has continued to this day. Both were performers on the Broadway stage concurrently, Zeppo's girl as an actress and Valentino's as a Ziegfeld Follies dancer [...] In addition to exploring all four marriages of the two Marion Bendas, this dual biography touches on Zeppo's strange role with the Marx Brothers and the intriguing Lady in Black phenomenon.
@Randy Press / @ / @2016 / @1 9007927 72 6

- Randy Press, 2016, ISBN: 1 9007927 72 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Curtis, James: Buster Keaton: A Filmmaker's Life
Mostly, the brothers are mentioned in passing. One section talks about working on At the Circus. There is mention of Chico attending Keaton's opening at the Medrano, and it mentions is Keaton attending Chico's funeral.
@Knopf / @ / @2022 / @0 385 35421 5

- Knopf, 2022, ISBN: 0 385 35421 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Knopf, 2022 / Kindle e-book
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Drennan, Robert E. (Ed): The Algonquin Wits
@Replica Books / @ / @2000 / @0 7351 0116 7

- Frewin, London, UK, 1973, ISBN: 0 85632 063 3 / titled: Wit's end: the best of the brilliant humour of the celebrated Round Table (The vicious circle of wit) at the Algonquin Hotel, New York
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Citadel Pr, 1995, ISBN: 0 8065 0947 3 / Heywood H. Broun (foreword), paperback
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Replica Books, 2000, ISBN: 0 7351 0116 7 / Heywood H. Broun (foreword), hardcover
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Enss, Chris; Kazanjian, Howard : Straight Lady
The Life and Times of Margaret Dumont, "The Fifth Marx Brother"
Reviews note that the book doesn't really have a lot about Margret Dumont. It also seems to be riddled with errors.
@Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. / The Lyons Press / @ / @2022 / @1 4930 6040 6

- Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. / The Lyons Press, 2022, ISBN: 1 4930 6040 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. / The Lyons Press, 2022 / (Kindle ebook)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Gale, Steven H.: S.J. Perelman (an annotated bibliography)

- Garland Publishing, New York, NY, 1985, ISBN: 0 8240 8845 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Gale, Steven H.: S.J. Perelman (a critical study)
The chapter on Perelman's film scripts is mainly on his work with the Marx Brothers
@Greenwood Press / @New York, NY / Westport, CT / London, UK / @1987 / @0 313 25003 0

- Greenwood Press, New York, NY / Westport, CT / London, UK, 1987, ISBN: 0 313 25003 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Garcia, Roger (ed.): Frank Tashlin
Publisher's description: "A tribute to a multi-talented American illustrator, film director and screenwriter, whose comic scripts were used by Hal Roach, the Marx Brothers and Bob Hope, amongst other stars. Tashlin's work is saluted in this volume by Martin Scorsese, Wim Wenders, Joe Dante and many others."

- British Film Institute, 1994, ISBN: 0 8517 0462 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Herrmann, Dorothy: S.J. Perelman (a life)

- Simon and Schuster, New York, NY / London, UK, 1988, ISBN: 0 671 65460 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

Kaufman, George S.; Donald Oliver (ed.): By George (A Kaufman collection)
This book has a script of the stage version of "The Cocoanuts"

- St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 1979, ISBN: 0 312 11101 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Meade, Marion: Dorothy Parker, What Fresh Hell Is This?
Several pages mention the Marx Brothers and their association with Parker.
@Penguin Books / @New York, NY / @1989 / @0 14 011616 8

- Penguin Books, New York, NY, 1989, ISBN: 0 14 011616 8 / paperback
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Meredith, Scott: George S. Kaufman and his Friends

- , ISBN: 0 04 920052 6 / titled: 'George S. Kaufman and the Algonquin Round Table'
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

O'Brien, Scott: Kay Francis: I Can't Wait to Be Forgotten
Kay Francis played 'Penelope' in The Cocoanuts
@Bearmanor Media / @Albany, GA / @2006 / @1 59393 036 4

- Bearmanor Media, Albany, GA, 2006, ISBN: 1 59393 036 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Perelman, S.J.: The Most of S.J. Perelman
Includes "I'll always call you a schnorrer, my African explorer" which had appeared as an article in 'Holiday' titled "A Weekend with Groucho Marx"

- Eyre Methuen, London, UK, 1978, ISBN: 0 413 45490 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK FR ES IT CA

- Mandarin, 1991, ISBN: 0 7493 1039 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR ES IT CA

Perelman, S.J.: The Last Laugh
Includes a chapter "The Marx Brothers" which had been an article in 'Show' called "The Winsome Foursome"
@Simon and Schuster / @New York, NY / @1981 / @0 671 42515 3

- Simon and Schuster, New York, NY, 1981, ISBN: 0 671 42515 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Perelman, S.J.; Crowther, Prudence (ed.): Don't Tread on Me (The selected letters of S.J. Perelman)
Has two letters addressed to Groucho. The Marx Brothers are mentioned in letters to other people

- Viking, New York, NY, 1987, ISBN: 0 670 81759 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Perelman, S.J.; Teicholz, Tom (ed.): Conversations With S.J. Perelman (Literary Conversations Series)
contains the chapter where Perelman, Groucho, and Kenneth Tynan talk about funny men

- University Press of Mississippi, 1995, ISBN: 0 87805 790 0 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- University Press of Mississippi, 1995, ISBN: 0 87805 789 7 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Ryskind, Morrie; Roberts, John H. M.: I Shot an Elephant in My Pajamas: The Morrie Ryskind Story

- Huntington House Publishers/Vital Issues Press, 1994, ISBN: 1 56384 000 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Stern, Sydney Ladensohn: The Brothers Mankiewicz: Hope, Heartbreak, and Hollywood Classics
Herman J. Mankiewicz was the producer of Monkey Business, Horse Feathers and Duck Soup,
@University Press of Mississippi / @ / @2019 / @1 617 03267 0

- University Press of Mississippi, 2019, ISBN: 1 617 03267 0 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- University Press of Mississippi, 2019 / (Kindle ebook)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Strom, Robert: Virginia O'Brien: MGM's Deadpan Diva
Cover text: "Virginia O'Brien was one of the more unique talents under contract to Metro Goldwyn Mayer. The California native was discovered by MGM's mogul, Louis B. Mayer when he attended a performance of the musical revue Meet the People. It was here that Virginia stopped the show with the deadpan delivery of her solo number. Her appearances in more than a dozen of MGM's musicals were always a highlight. While one can't 'stop' a film, Virginia's singular performances are etched in the memory of the fans of MGM's lavish musicals. This is the story of the comedic actress-singer who was fondly known as 'Miss Frozen Face.'"
@Bearmanor Media / @Albany, GA / @2017 / @1 62933 220 8

- Bearmanor Media, Albany, GA, 2017, ISBN: 1 62933 220 8 / (hardback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Bearmanor Media, Albany, GA, 2017, ISBN: 1 62933 219 4 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Bearmanor Media, Albany, GA, 2017 / (Kindle e-book)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Teichman, Howard: Smart Aleck: The Wit, World, and Life of Alexander Woollcott

- William Morrow and Company, New York, NY, 1976, ISBN: 0 688 03034 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Thomas, Bob: Thalberg

- Garland Publishing, ISBN: 0 8240 5779 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Young, Jordan R.: The Laugh Crafters: Comedy Writing in Radio and TV's Golden Age
Interviews with writers for radio comedy. Includes Charlie Isaacs and Irving Brecher who did write for Groucho.
@Past Times Pub Co / @ / @1999 / @0 940410 37 0

- Past Times Pub Co, 1999, ISBN: 0 940410 37 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Books and articles of little or unknown relation to the Marx Brothers

[Up to category list]

(N.N.): Invaders from Marx. Un anno con i fratelli Marx. Libro agenda del cinema 1998

- (italiano) Lindau, 1997, ISBN: 88 718 0195 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Aguado, Óscar: Las últimas palabras de harpo
@Amargord / @Spain / @2010 / @84 92560 36 3

- (español) Amargord, Spain, 2010, ISBN: 84 92560 36 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Bellina, Mario: I marx redentori della società
@Giraldi Editore / @Italy / @2008 / @88 6155 204 8

- Giraldi Editore, Italy, 2008, ISBN: 88 6155 204 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Benagulu, Luis: Groucho y la televisión
Probably nothing to do with the Marx Brothers. The title could come from a Groucho quote. The plot is set in "Marx Brother Cabin Street" ("Calle Camarote de los Hermanos Marx").
@Célebre Editorial / @ / @2021 / @84 123788 9 X

- (español) Célebre Editorial, 2021, ISBN: 84 123788 9 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Bennett, Saul: Harpo Marx at Prayer
This is a book of poems. It has one poem with this title, which has a vague reference to Harpo.
@Archer Books / @ / @2000 / @0 9662299 6 7

- Archer Books, 2000, ISBN: 0 9662299 6 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Breuer, Michael: Ökonomische Grundlagen der Sozialversicherungsorganisation
Die Konsequenzen des Groucho-Marx-Effektes

- (deutsch) Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden Baden, Germany, 1999, ISBN: 3 7890 5858 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

Burkhart, Jeff; Stuart, Bruce: Hollywood's First Choices (Or Why Groucho Marx Never Played Rhett Butler) : How the Greatest Casting Decisions Were Made

- Darien House / Crown Publishers, 1994, ISBN: 0 517 88086 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Cervera, Alfons: Historia, novela y memoria o el camarote de los hermanos Marx

- Centro de Profesores y Recursos de Cuenca, Spain, 2008, ISBN: 84 95964 54 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Cohen, Jeffrey: Some Like It Hot-Buttered
From the author: "A man buys a movie theatre to show only comedies (he calls it Comedy Tonight), and in the first novel in the series (Some Like It Hot-Buttered), he professes his love for the Marx Brothers many times, quotes Groucho, and during a few chapters, shows Horse Feathers."
@Berkley (Prime Crime) / @ / @2007 / @0 425 21799 X

- Berkley (Prime Crime), 2007, ISBN: 0 425 21799 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Corwin, Norman: Script for 'The Curse of 589'
Corwin has written some radio plays which starred Groucho.

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA JP

Englund, Peter: Die Marx-Brothers in Petrograd
Don't be fooled by the title, this has nothing to do with the Marx Brothers we are talking about.

- (deutsch) , Germany, ISBN: 3 86163 060 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR ES IT CA

Fields, Ronald J. (ed.): W.C. Fields By Himself
(reference in Arce: Groucho)

- Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1973, ISBN: 0 13 944462 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Gehring, Wes D.: Kinds of American Film Comedy: Six Core Genres and Their Literary Roots
From the publisher: "This groundbreaking film study begins with a survey of American print humorists from eras leading up to and overlapping the advent of film—including some who worked both on the page and on the screen [...]. Six comic film genres are identified as outgrowths of a national tradition of Cracker Barrel philosophers, personality comedy, parody, screwball comedy, romantic comedy and dark comedy. [...]"
I assume the Marx Brothers will be mentioned in some place.
@McFarland / @ / @2024 / @1 476 68899 0

- NEW McFarland, 2024, ISBN: 1 476 68899 0 / softcover
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- NEW McFarland, 2024 / eBook
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Gilbert, Douglas: American Vaudeville. Its Life and Times
General information about American Vaudeville. "Fun in Hi Skule" and "I'll Say She Is" are very briefly mentioned.
@Dover Publications / @ / @1963 / @0 486 20999 7

- Dover Publications, 1963, ISBN: 0 486 20999 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Goulart, Ron: Groucho
short story (cat, science fiction)

- in: "Magicats!", ACE, 1984, ISBN: 0 441 51530 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

- in: "Magicats!", ACE, 1987, ISBN: 0 441 51531 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA JP

Hoche, Karl: Die Marx-Brothers : eine Geschichte des Sozialismus - 150 Jahre, die den Kapitialismus und das Zwerchfell erschütterten
Although this 'History of Socialism' has the Marx Brothers in the title, they are not the ones we are interested in.
@Droemer Knaur / @München, Germany / @1983 / @3 426 19080 X

- (deutsch) Droemer Knaur, München, Germany, 1983, ISBN: 3 426 19080 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR ES IT CA

James, Sibyl: In China with Harpo and Karl
"A quirky, tender travel diary"
Doesn't really have anything to do with Harpo.
@Calyx Books / @ / @ / @0 934971 15 3

- Calyx Books, ISBN: 0 934971 15 3 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Calyx Books, ISBN: 0 934971 16 1 / (hardcover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Lamparski, Richard: Hollywood Diary
Publisher's info: "Twelve Untold Tales of Gary Cooper, Patsy Kelly, Pola Negri, Robert Taylor, Zeppo Marx, Quentin Crisp, The Grapes of Wrath, 'Our Gang', Rock Hudson, Soupy Sales, and more." Has a very short anecdote of Lamparski meeting Zeppo.
@BearManor Media / @Boalsburg, PA / @2006 / @1 59393 052 6

- BearManor Media, Boalsburg, PA, 2006, ISBN: 1 59393 052 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Mayer, Richard: Warhol's Jews: Ten Portraits Reconsidered
Catalogue for the exhibition at the Jewish Museum, NY (16 March - 3 Aug 2008). This series includes a portrait of the Marx Brothers.
@Jewish Museum / @New York / @2008 / @0 300 14115 7

- Jewish Museum, New York, 2008, ISBN: 0 300 14115 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

Moore, Christopher: Practical Demon Keeping
This book gives a brief Marx Brothers mention. A genie is talking to someone while watching one of the Marx movies on TV. When he sees Harpo performing he laughs so hard the tears are rolling down his cheeks. His comment is that he doesn't know who Harpo is, but he must be a genie.

- St. Martins Press, 1992, ISBN: 0 312 07069 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Pivetti, Paolo: La Bibbia e Groucho Marx! Humour di Dio
The tilte translates as "The Bible or Groucho Marx. Humour of God". I think the title is the only connection and the book is more about religion and humour.
@Piemme / @Italy / @2001 / @88 384 5158 3

- (italiano) Piemme, Italy, 2001, ISBN: 88 384 5158 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Ross, Alison: The Language of Humour
from the publisher: "examines the importance of the social context for humour / explores the issue of gender and humour in areas such as the New Lad culture in comedy and stand-up comedy / includes comic transcripts from TV sketches such as Clive Anderson and Peter Cook
@Routledge / @ / @1998 / @0 415 16912 7

- Routledge, 1998, ISBN: 0 415 16912 7 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Routledge, 2005 / (Kindle ebook)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

- Routledge, 2015, ISBN: 1 138 13653 0 / (hardback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Rudahl, Sharon: A Dangerous Woman
"The Graphic Biography of Emma Goldman"
In this comic book illustrating the life of anarchist and radical icon Emma Goldman, the panel signifying her first acquaintance with Marxism features three of the Marx Brothers quoting from "The Communist Manifesto"
@The New Press / @New York,NY / @2007 / @1 59558 064 6

- The New Press, New York,NY, 2007, ISBN: 1 59558 064 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA

Sturkey, Marion F.: No Greater Love: The Groucho Marx Battle
Story from the Vietnam war. Has nothing to do with the Marx Brothers

- Heritage Press Intl (self-published), 2015, ISBN: 0 991301 11 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Tibbetts, Peggy: The Road to Weird: Carly's Ghost / Harpo Marx is Seeing Things
The "Harpo ..." story has a main character called Harpo Marx, but has otherwise no relation to the Marx Brothers
@Zumaya Publications / @ / @2003 / @1 8699 4259 0

- Zumaya Publications, 2003, ISBN: 1 8699 4259 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel: Cuestiones marxistas
@Anagrama / @Barcelona, Spain / @1974 / @84 339 0422 1 @Frasinelli / @Italy / @2001 / @88 7684 671 9 @Anagrama / @Barcelona, Spain / @1979 / @84 339 1221 6

- (español) Anagrama, Barcelona, Spain, 1974, ISBN: 84 339 0422 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (español) Anagrama, Barcelona, Spain, 1979, ISBN: 84 339 1221 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

- (español) Frasinelli, Italy, 2001, ISBN: 88 7684 671 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR ES IT CA

Walker, Nancy A.: What's So Funny?
"Humor in American Culture"
A collection of 15 essays from Nancy Walker and Zita Dresner, Joseph Boskin and Joseph Dorinson, William Keough, Roy Blount, Jr., and others
@Rowman & Littlefield / @ / @1998 / @0 8420 2688 6

- Rowman & Littlefield, 1998, ISBN: 0 8420 2688 6 / (paperback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Rowman & Littlefield, 1998, ISBN: 0 8420 2687 8 / (hardback)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

- Rowman & Littlefield, 1998 / (Kindle e-book)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA FR ES IT CA

Wallace, Adam; Geddes, Serena (Illustrations): Rusty, Buster and Patch versus the Opera
Children's book with Marx-Brothers-like characters on the cover
@Krueger Wallace Press / @ / @2017 / @0 994469 39 X

- Krueger Wallace Press, 2017, ISBN: 0 994469 39 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

Yacowar, Maurice: I found it at the Movies
has a 2 pages about the Marx Brothers

- Revisionist Press, New York, NY, 1977, ISBN: 0 87700 256 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR ES IT CA

Marx Brothers Movies

[Up to category list]

@Universal / @ / @2004 / @ @Universal / @Europe / @2005 / @ @Universal / @ / @2013 / @ @Universal / @USA / @2016 / @ @Universal / @Spain / @ / @ @Arrow Academy / @UK / @2017-05-29 / @ @ESC Editions / @ / @2018 / @ @ESC Editions / @ / @2018 / @ @Umbrella Entertainment / @Australia / @2022 / @ @Umbrella Entertainment / @Australia / @2018 / @
The Marx Brothers Silver Screen Collection ( Box Set, Paramount )
includes "The Cocoanuts", "Animal Crackers" (+theatrical trailer), "Horse Feathers" (+theatrical trailer), "Monkey Business" and "Duck Soup" (+theatrical trailer)
All have English Dolby Digital 2.0 audio and all except Cocoanuts also have Spanish audio. All are subtitled in English, French and Spanish
An extra disc of bonus material has:
- Today Show Interview with Harpo Marx (1961)
- Today Show Interview with Groucho Marx (1963)
- Today Show Interview with William Marx, Harpo's son (1985)
Some columnist and some people on amazon have stated that these movies have been "censored". This is not true, they are the same as the versions previously available on video and DVD.

- DVD, Region 1: Universal, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Universal, 2013 / This has the first five movies on two (probably double-sided) discs.
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 4: Umbrella Entertainment, Australia, 2018 / Extras: "The Marx Brothers: Hollywood's Kings of Chaos"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- DVD, Region 2: Universal, Spain / Este pack incluye los siguientes DVDs:
  •  Disco 1: Los Cuatro Cocos: The Marx Brothers Collection
  •  Disco 2: El Conflicto de los Hermanos Marx
  •  Disco 3: Pistoleros de Agua Dulce
  •  Disco 4: Plumas de Caballo
  •  Disco 5: Sopa de Ganso

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): ES

- DVD, Region 2: Arcades Video, 2007
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR IT

- DVD, Region 2: ESC Editions, 2018 / "Cult Edition"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- Blu-Ray, NTSC: Universal, USA, 2016 / Three Blu-Ray discs with the five Paramount movies in restored sound and picture quality. Animal Crackers also has some additional footage:
  •  Disc 1 - The Cocoanuts: Feature Commentary with Film Historian Anthony Slide
  •  Disc 1 - Animal Crackers: Feature Commentary with Film Historian Jeffrey Vance
  •  Disc 2 - Monkey Business: Commentary with Marx Bros. Historian/Author Robert S. Bader and Bill Marx
  •  Disc 2 - Horse Feathers: Feature Commentary with Film Critic F.X. Feeney
  •  Disc 3 - Duck Soup: The Marx Brother: Hollywood's Kings of Chaos (new feature-length documentary); Inside the NBC Vault - Today Show: Interview with Harpo Marx (1961), Interview with Groucho Marx (1963), Interview with William Marx (1985); Commentary with Film Critic/Historian Leonard Maltin and Marx Bros. Historian/Author Robert S. Bader

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Blu-Ray, NTSC: Arrow Academy, UK, 29 May 2017 /
(Limited edition) contains:
  •  Commentary on The Cocoanuts by film scholar Anthony Slide
  •  Commentary on Animal Crackers by film historian Jeffrey Vance
  •  Commentary on Monkey Business by Marx Brothers historian Robert S Bader and Bill Marx, son of Harpo Marx
  •  Commentary on Horse Feathers by film critic FX Feeney
  •  Commentary on Duck Soup by Bader and film critic Leonard Maltin
  •  The Marx Brothers: Hollywood's Kings of Chaos, a feature-length documentary containing interviews with Leonard Maltin, Dick Cavett and others
  •  Three excerpts from NBC's The Today Show featuring interviews with Harpo Marx, Groucho Marx and Bill Marx
  •  Sibling Revelry, an introduction to the Marx Brothers by critic David Cairns
  •  DUCKFEATHERMONKEYNUTCRACKER, a new video essay about the films by David Cairns
  •  60-page book containing writing by Robert S. Bader, author of Four of the Three Musketeers: The Marx Brothers on Stage, plus new writing on each of the films by Pamela Hutchinson, Christina Newland, Kevin Jackson, Michael Brooke and Vic Pratt
  •  Reversible sleeve featuring two pieces based on artwork from the films' original release

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE ES IT

- Blu-Ray, NTSC: Umbrella Entertainment, Australia, 2022 / Blu-Ray discs with the five Paramount movies in restored sound and picture quality. Animal Crackers also has some additional footage:
  •  Disc 1 - The Cocoanuts: Feature Commentary with Film Historian Anthony Slide
  •  Disc 1 - Animal Crackers: Feature Commentary with Film Historian Jeffrey Vance
  •  Disc 2 - Monkey Business: Commentary with Marx Bros. Historian/Author Robert S. Bader and Bill Marx
  •  Disc 2 - Horse Feathers: Feature Commentary with Film Critic F.X. Feeney
  •  Disc 3 - Duck Soup: The Marx Brother: Hollywood's Kings of Chaos (new feature-length documentary); Inside the NBC Vault - Today Show: Interview with Harpo Marx (1961), Interview with Groucho Marx (1963), Interview with William Marx (1985); Commentary with Film Critic/Historian Leonard Maltin and Marx Bros. Historian/Author Robert S. Bader

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR ES IT CA JP

- Blu-Ray, PAL: ESC Editions, 2018 / "Cult Edition"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

@Universal, 8212006 / @UK / @2003 / @ @Universal, 8212006 / @UK / @2003 / @
The Marx Brothers Collection 1 (4 DVD) ( Box Set, Paramount )
Contains 'Animal Crackers', 'Monkey Business', 'Horse Feathers' and 'Duck Soup'

- DVD, Region 2: Universal, 8212006, UK, 2003
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

@Universal Pictures Video, 8237453 / @UK / @2006 / @
Marx Brothers Collection 2 (4 DVD) ( Box Set, Paramount )
includes: 'A Girl In Every Port', 'The Cocoanuts', 'Room Service', 'Love Happy'

- DVD, Region 2: Universal Pictures Video, 8237453, UK, 2006
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

@Universal Pictures Video, 8245155 / @UK / @2006 / @
Marx Brothers Collection 3 (8 DVD) ( Box Set, Paramount )
a combination of box sets 1 and 2 this contains: 'The Cocoanuts', 'Animal Crackers', 'Monkey Business', 'Horse Feathers', 'Duck Soup', 'Room Service', 'Love Happy', 'A Girl In Every Port'

- DVD, Region 2: Universal Pictures Video, 8245155, UK, 2006
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

@Universal / @Australia / @ / @ @Universal / @France / @2004 / @ @Universal / @Italy / @2003 / @
The Marx Brothers Collection (3 DVD) ( Box Set, Paramount )
Contains 'Animal Crackers', 'Horse Feathers' and 'Duck Soup'

- DVD, Region 2: Universal
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): JP

- DVD, Region 2: Universal, France, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

@Warner Home Video, <a href='' target='_blank'></a> / @ / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @France / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Germany / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Poland / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Spain / @2005 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Spain / @2005 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Spain / @2005 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Spain / @2005 / @
The Marx Brothers Collection ( Box Set, Warner Movies )
Contains (varying from country to country): 'A Night at the Opera', 'A Day at the Races', 'Room Service', 'At the Circus', 'Go West', 'The Big Store', 'A Night in Casablanca'

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video,, 2004 / 5 DVDs: 'A Night at the Opera', 'A Day at the Races', 'Room Service'/'At the Circus' (doublesided), 'Go West'/'The Big Store' (doublesided), 'A Night in Casablanca'
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video, 2012 / 7 movies on 5 DVDs
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 2: Warner Home Video, Japan, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): JP

- DVD, Region 2: Warner Home Video, UK, 2004 / 6 DVDs: 'A Night at the Opera', 'A Day at the Races', 'At the Circus', 'Go West', 'The Big Store', 'A Night in Casablanca'; this UK edition does not contain 'Room Service'
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- DVD, Region 2: Warner Home Video, France, 2004 / probably does not contain 'Room Service'
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- DVD, Region 2: Warner Home Video, Germany, 2004 / probably does not contain 'Room Service' and 'A Night in Casablanca'
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

- DVD, Region 2: Warner Home Video, Spain, 2005 / titled: "Los Hermanos Marx Colección", does not contain 'Room Service' and 'A Night in Casabanca'
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): ES

- DVD, Region 2: Warner Home Video, Spain, 2018 / titled: "Los Hermanos Marx Colección", does not contain 'Room Service' and 'A Night in Casabanca'
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): ES

@MCA Universal Home Video / @Encore Edition 40378 / @1990 / @ @Image Entertainment / @ / @1998 / @ @Universal / @ / @2001 / @ @Universal / @Italy / @2005 / @ @Universal / @Poland / @2005 / @ @Universal / @Sweden / @2005 / @ @Universal Studios / @ / @2011 / @ @ESC Editions / @ / @2018 / @ @ESC Editions / @ / @2018 / @ @MCA/Universal / @ / @ / @ @MCA/Universal / @ / @ / @ @MCA/Universal / @ / @ / @
The Cocoanuts (1929)

- VHS, NTSC: MCA/Universal
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- VHS, NTSC: MCA/Universal, 2000 / with "Animal Crackers"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- VHS, PAL: Universal, 2001
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- DVD, Region 1: Image Entertainment, 1998
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Universal, 2004 / included in the "Marx Brothers Silver Screen Collection" (see below)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Universal Studios, 2011
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 2: Arcades Video, 2007 / French edititon, titled "Le noix de coco", subtitles and dubbed in various languages
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR IT

- DVD, Region 2: ESC Editions, 2018 / titled "Noix de Coco"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- Blu-Ray, PAL: ESC Editions, 2018 / titled "Noix de Coco"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

@Image Entertainment / @ / @1998 / @ @ / @ / @2001 / @ @ / @Brazil / @ / @ @Universal / @Germany / @2004 / @ @Universal / @ / @2003 / @ @Universal / @ / @2003 / @ @Universal / @Spain / @2003 / @ @Universal Studios / @ / @2011 / @ @ESC Editions / @ / @2018 / @ @ESC Editions / @ / @2018 / @ @Universal / @ / @2001 / @ @MCA/Universal / @ / @1987 / @ @MCA/Universal / @ / @1987 / @
Animal Crackers (1930)

- VHS, NTSC: MCA/Universal, 1987
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- VHS, NTSC: MCA/Universal, 2000 / with "The Cocoanuts"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- VHS, NTSC: MCA/Universal, 2000 / with "Duck Soup"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- VHS, PAL: 1992
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK

- VHS, PAL: Universal, 2001 / boxed with: Duck Soup / Horse Feathers
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- VHS, PAL: 2001
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- DVD, Region 1: Image Entertainment / Box with: 'Horse Feathers' and 'Duck Soup'
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Image Entertainment, 1998
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Universal, 2004 / included in the "Marx Brothers Silver Screen Collection" (see below)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Universal Studios, 2011
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 2: Universal, 2003 / titled: "L'Explorateur En Folie"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- DVD, Region 2: Universal, 2003 / Boxed with 'Monkey Business', 'Horse Feathers' and 'Duck Soup'
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- DVD, Region 2: Universal, Germany, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

- DVD, Region 2: Universal, UK, 2005
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- DVD, Region 2: Arcades Video, 2007 / French edition, titled: "L'explorateur en folie", subtitles and dubbed in various languages
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR IT

- DVD, Region 2: ESC Editions, 2018 / titled "L'Explorateur en Folie"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- Blu-Ray, PAL: ESC Editions, 2018 / titled "L'Explorateur en Folie"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

@ / @Brazil / @1998 / @ @ / @Brazil / @1998 / @ @ / @ / @2001 / @ @ / @ / @ / @ @Image Entertainment / @ / @1998 / @ @ / @ / @2003 / @ @Universal / @Poland / @2005 / @ @Universal / @Spain / @2005 / @ @Universal / @Sweden / @2005 / @ @Universal / @ / @2010 / @ @Universal Studios / @ / @2011 / @ @ESC Editions / @ / @2018 / @ @ESC Editions / @ / @2018 / @ @MCA / Universal / @ / @1987 / @ @MCA / Universal / @ / @1987 / @
Monkey Business (1931)

- VHS, NTSC: MCA / Universal, 1987
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- VHS, PAL: German "Die Marx Brothers auf See"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK

- VHS, PAL: 2001
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- VHS, SECAM: version originale, sous-titrée en français
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR

- DVD, Region 1: Image Entertainment, 1998
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Universal, 2004 / included in the "Marx Brothers Silver Screen Collection" (see below)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Universal Studios, 2011
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 2: 2003 / Boxed with 'Animal Crackers', 'Horse Feathers' and 'Duck Soup'
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- DVD, Region 2: Universal, Germany, 2005 / titled "Die Marx Brothers auf See". This contains the same extras - "Today" show interviews with Harpo, Groucho and Bill - as the US "Silver Screen Collection"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

- DVD, Region 2: Arcades Video, 2007 / French edititon, titled "Monnaie de singe", subtitles and dubbed in various languages
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR IT

- DVD, Region 2: Universal, 2010 / titled "Die Marx Brothers auf See"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

- DVD, Region 2: ESC Editions, 2018 / titled "Monnaie de Singe"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- Blu-Ray, PAL: ESC Editions, 2018 / titled "Monnaie de Singe"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

@Image Entertainment / @ / @1998 / @ @ / @ / @ / @ @ / @ / @2001 / @ @ / @ / @ / @2001 @ / @ / @2004 / @ @ / @ / @2003 / @ @ / @ / @2003 / @ @Universal / @Italy / @2003 / @ @Universal / @Italy / @1999 / @ @Universal / @Spain / @2003 / @ @Universal Studios / @ / @2011 / @ @ESC Editions / @ / @2018 / @ @ESC Editions / @ / @2018 / @ @MCA/Universal / @ / @1989 / @ @MCA/Universal / @ / @1989 / @
Horse Feathers (1932)

- VHS, NTSC: MCA/Universal, 1989
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- VHS, NTSC: 2000 / with "Duck Soup"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- VHS, PAL: 2001
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- VHS, PAL: 2001 / boxed with: Animal Crackers / Duck Soup
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- VHS, SECAM: version originale, sous-titrée en français
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR

- DVD, Region 1: Image Entertainment / Box with: 'Animal Crackers' and 'Duck Soup'
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Image Entertainment, 1998
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Universal, 2004 / included in the "Marx Brothers Silver Screen Collection" (see below)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Universal Studios, 2011
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 2: 2003 / Boxed with 'Animal Crackers', 'Monkey Business' and 'Duck Soup'
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- DVD, Region 2: 2004 / titled: "Blühender Blödsinn"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

- DVD, Region 2: Universal, UK, 2005
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- DVD, Region 2: Arcades Video, 2007 / French edition, titled: "Plumes de cheval", subtitles and dubbed in various languages
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR IT

- DVD, Region 2: ESC Editions, 2018 / titled "Plumes de Cheval"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- Blu-Ray, PAL: ESC Editions, 2018 / titled "Plumes de Cheval"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

@ESC Editions / @ / @2018 / @ @Image Entertainment / @ / @1998 / @ @ / @ / @2001 / @ @ / @ / @2001 / @ @ / @ / @2004 / @ @ / @ / @2003 / @ @ / @ / @2003 / @ @Universal / @Italy / @2003 / @ @Universal / @Italy / @1999 / @ @Universal / @Spain / @2003 / @ @Universal Studios / @ / @2011 / @ @Universal Home Video / @ / @2012 / @ @ESC Editions / @ / @2018 / @ @MCA / Universal / @ / @1987 / @ @MCA / Universal / @ / @1987 / @
Duck Soup (1933)

- VHS, NTSC: MCA / Universal, 1987
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- VHS, NTSC: 2000 / with "Horse Feathers"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- VHS, NTSC: 2000 / with "Animal Crackers"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- VHS, PAL: 2001 / boxed with: Animal Crackers / Horse Feathers
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- VHS, PAL: 2001
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- DVD, Region 1: Image Entertainment / Box with: 'Animal Crackers' and 'Horse Feathers'
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Image Entertainment, 1998
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Universal, 2004 / included in the "Marx Brothers Silver Screen Collection" (see below)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Universal Studios, 2011
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 1: Universal Home Video, 2012 / DVD + Digital Copy
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 2: 2003 / titled: "Soupe au Canard"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- DVD, Region 2: 2003 / Boxed with 'Animal Crackers', 'Monkey Business' and 'Horse Feathers'
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- DVD, Region 2: 2004 / titled: "Die Marx Brothers im Krieg"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

- DVD, Region 2: Universal, UK, 2005
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- DVD, Region 2: Arcades Video, 2007 / French edition, titled "Soupe au canard", subtitles and dubbed in various languages
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR IT

- DVD, Region 2: ESC Editions, 2018 / titled "La Soupe au Canard"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- DVD, Region 2: 2018 / titled "La Guerra Lampo Dei Fratelli Marx"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): IT

- DVD, Region 2: Arrow Academy, 2019
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE

- Blu-Ray, PAL: ESC Editions, 2018 / titled "La Soupe au Canard"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

@ / @ / @ / @ @ / @ / @2002 / @ @ / @ / @2000 / @ @Warner Home Video, <a href='' target='_blank'></a> / @ / @2004 / @ @MGM/UA / @ / @ / @ @Warner Home Video / @France / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Germany / @2004 / @ @Cult / @Italy / @1996 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Italy / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Poland / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @ / @2009 / @ @Warner Home Video / @ / @2011 / @ @Warner Bros Entertainment / @Spain / @ / @ @DNA / @Italy / @2015 / @ @MGM/UA / @ / @1987 / @ @MGM/UA / @ / @1987 / @ @MGM/UA / @ / @1987 / @ @Warner / @ / @2021 / @
A Night at the Opera (1935)

- VHS, NTSC: Warner Home Video, 1992
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE

- VHS, NTSC: MGM/UA, 1987
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- VHS, PAL: MGM/UA / with A Day At The Races
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- VHS, PAL: 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- VHS, PAL: 2002 / deutsche Fassung: Die Marx Brothers in der Oper
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

- VHS, SECAM: version originale, sous-titrée en français
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video,, 2004 /
  Special Features:
  Commentary by Leonard Maltin
  Documentary "Remarks On Marx"
  "The Hy Gardner Show" (1/1/61) excerpt featuring Groucho Marx View Clip (Quicktime / ISDN or Broadband recommended)
  Shorts: Robert Benchley's 'How To Sleep' / 'Sunday Night At The Trocadero'
  Theatrical Trailer

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: available in "The Marx Brothers Collection", see below, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video, 2009 / part of the 4 movie set: "TCM Greatest Classic Films Collection: Comedy"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 0: Warner Bros Entertainment, Spain / titled: "Una Noche En La Ópera"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): ES

- DVD, Region 2: Warner Home Video, France, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- DVD, Region 2: Warner Home Video, Germany, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

- DVD, Region 2: Warner Home Video, Italy, 2004 / titled: "Una notte all'opera"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): IT

- DVD, Region 2: DNA, Italy, 2015 / titled: "Una notte all'opera"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): IT

- Blu-Ray, : Warner Home Video, 2011
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- Blu-Ray, NTSC: Warner, 2021 / Extras: Feature Commentary, Featurettes: 'How To Sleep' & 'Los Angeles: Wonder City of the West', Remarks on Marx, Sunday Night at the Trocadero, Groucho Marx on the HY Gardner Show , Theatrical Trailer
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA

@MGM/UA Home Video -  Turner / @ML102562 / @1993 / @ @ / @ / @2000 / @ @ / @ / @ / @ @ / @ / @2002 / @ @Warner Home Video, <a href='' target='_blank'></a> / @ / @2004 / @ @MGM/UA / @ / @ / @ @Warner Home Video / @France / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Germany / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Italy / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Poland / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @ / @2011 / @ @DNA / @Italy / @2015 / @ @MGM / UA / @ / @1987 / @ @MGM / UA / @ / @1987 / @ @MGM / UA / @ / @1987 / @
A Day at the Races (1937)

- VHS, NTSC: MGM / UA, 1987
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- VHS, PAL: MGM/UA / with A Night At The Opera
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- VHS, PAL: 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- VHS, PAL: 2002 / deutsche Fassung: "Marx Brothers - Das große Rennen"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

- VHS, SECAM: version originale, sous-titrée en français
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video,, 2004 /
  Special Features:
  Commentary by Glenn Mitchell (author of 'The Marx Brothers Encyclopedia')
  Documentary 'On Your Marx, Get Set, Go!'
  Robert Benchley's 'A Night At The Movies'
  MGM Cartoons: 'Old Smokey' / 'Mama's New Hat' / 'Gallopin' Gals' View Clip (Quicktime / ISDN or Broadband recommended)
  Audio only: Musical Outtake 'A Message From The Man In The Moon' (performed by Allan Jones) / MGM Radio Promo 'Leo Is On The Air'
  Theatrical Trailer

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: available in "The Marx Brothers Collection", see below, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video, 2010 / Part of the set "TCM Greatest Classic Films Collection: Marx Brothers"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 2: Warner Home Video, France, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR IT

- DVD, Region 2: Warner Home Video, Germany, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

- DVD, Region 2: DNA, Italy, 2015 / titled: "Un giorno alle corse"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): IT

- Blu-Ray, : Warner Home Video, 2011
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

@ / @ / @1998 / @ @ / @ / @ / @ @<a href=''>Manga Films</a> / @Barcelona, Spain / @2001 / @ @Éditions Montparnasse / @France / @2003 / @ @Warner Home Video, <a href='' target='_blank'></a> / @ / @2004-05 / @ @Warner Home Video / @ / @2006 / @ @Kinowelt Home Entertainment / @ / @2009 / @ @RKO / @Italy / @2008 / @
Room Service (1938)

- VHS, NTSC: 1998
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video,, May 2004 / double-sided DVD, also contains 'At the Circus'
  Special Features (side A):
  Short: Our Gang in 'Party Fever'
  Looney Tunes cartoon: 'The Daffy Doc'
  Theatrical trailer
  (for side B see 'At the Circus)
  (only available as part of the "Marx Brothers Collection", see below)

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video, 2006 / also includes "At the Circus"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video, 2010 / Part of the set "TCM Greatest Classic Films Collection: Marx Brothers"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 2: Éditions Montparnasse, France, 2003
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- DVD, Region 2: RKO, Italy, 2008 / titled "Servizio In Camera"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): IT

- DVD, Region 2: Kinowelt Home Entertainment, 2009 / titled: "Zimmerdienst" (sic)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE IT

@ / @ / @ / @ @ / @ / @2002 / @ @ / @ / @2000 / @ @Warner Home Video, <a href='' target='_blank'></a> / @ / @2004-05 / @ @Warner Home Video / @France / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Germany / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Italy / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Poland / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @ / @2006 / @ @MGM / UA / @ / @1987 / @ @MGM / UA / @ / @1987 / @ @MGM / UA / @ / @1987 / @
At the Circus (1939)

- VHS, NTSC: MGM / UA, 1987
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- VHS, PAL: 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- VHS, PAL: 2002 / deutsche Fassung: Die Marx Brothers im Zirkus
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

- VHS, SECAM: version originale, sous-titrée en français
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video,, May 2004 / double-sided DVD, also contains 'Room Service'
  Special Features (side B):
  (for side A see 'Room Service)
  Short: Our Gang in 'Dog Daze'
  Cartoon 'Jitterbug Follies'
  Theatrical trailer
  (only available as part of the "Marx Brothers Collection", see below)

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video, 2006 / also includes "Room Service"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video, 2010 / Part of the set "TCM Greatest Classic Films Collection: Marx Brothers"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 2: Warner Home Video, France, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- DVD, Region 2: Warner Home Video, Germany, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

@ / @ / @2002 / @ @Warner Home Video, <a href='' target='_blank'></a> / @ / @2004 / @ @MGM/UA / @ / @ / @ @MGM/UA / @1993 / @ / @ @Warner Home Video / @France / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Germany / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Italy / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Poland / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @ / @2006 / @ @MGM/UA / @ / @ / @ @MGM/UA / @ / @ / @ @MGM/UA / @ / @ / @
Go West (1940)

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- VHS, PAL: MGM/UA, 1993 / with: The Big Store
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- VHS, PAL: 2002 / deutsche Fassung: Marx Brothers - Go West
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

- VHS, SECAM: version originale, sous-titrée en français
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video,, 2004 / double-sided DVD, also contains 'The Big Store'
  Special Features (side A):
  Shorts: Pete Smith specialty 'Quicker 'n a Wink' / Traveltalks: 'Cavalcade of San Francisco' View Clip (Quicktime / ISDN or Broadband recommended)
  Cartoon 'The Milky Way'
  'Leo is on the Air' Radio Promo
  Theatrical trailer
  (for side B see 'The Big Store)
  (only available as part of the "Marx Brothers Collection", see below)

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video, 2006 / also contains 'The Big Store'
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 2: Warner Home Video, France, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- DVD, Region 2: Warner Home Video, Germany, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

@ / @ / @2000 / @ @ / @ / @2002 / @ @Warner Home Video, <a href='' target='_blank'></a> / @ / @2004-05 / @ @MGM/UA / @1993 / @ / @ @Warner Home Video / @France / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Germany / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Italy / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Poland / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @ / @2006 / @ @MGM / UA / @ / @1989 / @ @MGM / UA / @ / @1989 / @ @MGM / UA / @ / @1989 / @
The Big Store (1941)

- VHS, NTSC: MGM / UA, 1989
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- VHS, PAL: MGM/UA, 1993 / with: Go West
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- VHS, PAL: 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- VHS, PAL: 2002 / deutsche Fassung: Die Marx Brothers im Kaufhaus
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

- VHS, SECAM: version originale, sous-titrée en français
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video,, May 2004 / double-sided DVD, also contains 'Go West'
  Special Features (side B):
  (for side A see 'Go West')
  Short: Pete Smith Speciality 'Flicker Memories'
  Cartoon 'Officer Pooch'
  Audio only musical outtake: 'Where There's Music'
  Theatrical trailer
  (only available as part of the "Marx Brothers Collection", see below)

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video, 2006 / also contains 'Go West'
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 2: Warner Home Video, France, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- DVD, Region 2: Warner Home Video, Germany, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

@ / @ / @1998 / @ @ / @UK / @ / @ @ / @ / @1989 / @ @<a href=''>Manga Films</a> / @Barcelona, Spain / @2001 / @ @<a href=''>Umbrella Entertainment</a> / @Australia / @2002 / @DAVID0008 @Warner Home Video, <a href='' target='_blank'></a> / @ / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @France / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Italy / @2004 / @ @Warner Home Video / @Poland / @2004 / @ @Lighthouse Home Entertainment / @Germany / @2010 / @ @ / @ / @ / @ @ / @ / @ / @ @M-Square Classics / daredo / @Germany / @2019 / @ @<a href='' target ='_blank'>ClassicFlix</a> / @ / @2020 / @
A Night in Casablanca (1946)

- VHS, NTSC: 1998
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- VHS, PAL: 1989 / deutsche Fassung: Eine Nacht in Casablanca
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

- VHS, SECAM: version originale, sous-titrée en français
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video,, 2004 /
  Special Features:
  Looney Tunes cartoon 'Acrobatty Bunny'
  Short: Joe McDoakes 'So You Think You're A Nervous Wreck' View Clip (Quicktime / ISDN or Broadband recommended)

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: available in "The Marx Brothers Collection", see below, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video, 2010 / Part of the set "TCM Greatest Classic Films Collection: Marx Brothers"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 0: Una Noche en Casablanca
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): ES

- DVD, Region 2: Warner Home Video, France, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- DVD, Region 2: Lighthouse Home Entertainment, Germany, 2010
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE IT

- Blu-Ray, NTSC: ClassicFlix, 2020 / This is BluRay region A (Americas) only. Bonus features:
  • A Night in Casablanca Trailer
  • Audio excerpt of a rare, on stage performance of the Marx Brothers in August 1945 where they tested out material before a live audience prior to filming A Night in Casablanca (5:28)
  • Various radio commercials promoting A Night in Casablanca (4:25)
  • Image gallery featuring rare stills, posters, lobby cards and other promotional material

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- Blu-Ray, PAL: M-Square Classics / daredo, Germany, 2019 / Edition also contains a DVD. Comes with a 16-page booklet
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR

@ / @ / @1997 / @ @Lionsgate / @ / @2004 / @ @Avo Film / @Italy / @1996 / @ @Paramount Home Video / @ / @2006 / @ @Kinowelt Home Entertainment / @ / @2009 / @ @Editions Montparnasse / @France / @2009 / @ @Olive Films / @ / @2014 / @ @ / @ / @2014 / @ @Rimini Editions / @ / @2019 / @ @Rimini Editions / @ / @2019 / @ @ / @ / @ / @
Love Happy (1949)

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- VHS, PAL: 1997
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- DVD, Region 1: Lionsgate, 2004 / Contains some restored scenes
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Paramount Home Video, 2006
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 2: Kinowelt Home Entertainment, 2009
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE IT

- DVD, Region 2: Editions Montparnasse, France, 2009 / titled "La pêche au trésor"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR IT

- DVD, Region 2: Rimini Editions, 2019 / titled "La Pêche au trésor"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR

- Blu-Ray, : Olive Films, 2014
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- Blu-Ray, PAL: 2014 / titled "Amor en conserva"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): ES

- Blu-Ray, PAL: Rimini Editions, 2019 / titled "La Pêche au trésor"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR

@Warner / @ / @2000 / @
Collection Marx Brothers (2000)
6 cassettes: Une Nuit à Casablanca, Un Jour aux Courses, Les Marx au Grand Magasin, Un Jour au Cirque, Chercheurs d'Or, Un nuit à l'Opera

- VHS, SECAM: Warner, 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

@Warner Home Video / @ / @2010 / @
TCM Greatest Classic Films Collection: Marx Brothers (2010)
This set includes "A Day at the Races", "Room Service", "A Night in Casablaca" and "At the Circus"

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video, 2010
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

Movies with Groucho, Harpo or Chico

[Up to category list]

@<a href= '' target='_blank'>Film Preservation Society</a> / @ / @2020 / @
Too Many Kisses (1925)
The first movie featuring Harpo in a small role.

- Blu-Ray, NTSC: Film Preservation Society, 2020 / also included is "A House That Shadows Built", a promotional film from Paramount which includes a version of the "Chevalier scene".
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE

The House That Shadows Built (1931)

- Blu-Ray, NTSC: Film Preservation Society, 2020 / see "Too Many Kisses"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE

@Warner Home Video / @ / @2008 / @ @Warner Home Video / @ / @2008 / @
Hollywood: The Second Step (1936)
short film with a few seconds of Chico

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video, 2008 / extra material on the DVD "Born to Dance / Lady Be Good"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video, 2008 / extra material on the DVD "Born to Dance / Lady Be Good"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video, 2008 / extra material in the box set "Classic Musicals from the Dream Factory, Vol. 3"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

@ / @ / @ / @ @Image Entertainment / @ / @2002 / @ @ / @ / @ / @ @ / @ / @ / @ @Synergy Ent / @ / @2008 / @
Stage Door Canteen (1943)

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 0: Synergy Ent, 2008
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 1: Image Entertainment, 2002
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

@ / @ / @1997 / @ @Republic Entertainment/Artisan / @ / @2003 / @ @Olive Films / @ / @2013 / @ @ / @Spain / @2013 / @ @ / @ / @1992 / @
Copacabana (1947)
with Groucho Marx

- VHS, NTSC: 1992
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- VHS, NTSC: 1997 / colorized
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 1: Republic Entertainment/Artisan, 2003
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 0: Spain
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE ES

- Blu-Ray, : Olive Films, 2013
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- Blu-Ray, : Spain, 2013
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): ES

@ / @ / @ / @
Mr. Music (1950)
starring Groucho

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

@ / @ / @ / @ @ / @ / @ / @ @Warner Home Video / @ / @2008 / @ @Kinowelt Home Entertainment / @ / @2009 / @ @Odeon Entertainment Ltd / @ / @2010 / @
Double Dynamite (1951)
Starring: Groucho Marx, Frank Sinatra, Jane Russell, et al.

- VHS, NTSC: Vvthe 6005
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video, 2008
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 2: Kinowelt Home Entertainment, 2009
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE IT

- DVD, Region 2: Odeon Entertainment Ltd, 2010
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR IT

@4 Front Video / @ / @1999 / @ @Columbia TriStar / @Italy / @2004 / @ @Editions Montparnasse / @France / @2006 / @ @Warner Archive Collection / @ / @2017 / @
A Girl In Every Port (1952)
Starring: Groucho Marx, Marie Wilson, et al.

- VHS, PAL: 4 Front Video, 1999
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- DVD, Region 0: Warner Archive Collection, 2017
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR CA

- DVD, Region 2: Editions Montparnasse, France, 2006 / titled "Une fille dans chaque port"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR IT

@Warner on Demand / @ / @2009 / @
The Story of Mankind (1957)
The last movie with three Marx Brothers, but not in the same scene

- DVD, Region 1: Warner on Demand, 2009
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

@ / @ / @ / @ @20th Century Fox / @2006 / @ / @ @Süddeutsche Zeitung GmbH / @ / @2006 / @ @Eureka Entertainment / @ / @2010 / @
Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? (1957)

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 0: 20th Century Fox, 2010 / Video on Demand (Buy or Rent)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 1: 20th Century Fox, 2006 / as part of "Jayne Mansfield Collection", also includes 'The Girl Can't Help It' / 'The Sheriff of Fractured Jaw'
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- DVD, Region 2: Süddeutsche Zeitung GmbH, 2006 / titled "Sirene in blond", German and English soundtrack
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

- Blu-Ray, PAL: Eureka Entertainment, 2010
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK IT

@Video Artists International / @ / @2012 / @
The Mikado (1960)
Groucho stars as "Ko-Ko" and his daughter Melinda is "Peep-Bo". Directed and introduced by Martyn Green, on the Bell Telephone Hour

- DVD, Region 1: Video Artists International, 2012 / Although this was originally recorded in color, this version is in b/w, no color copies are known to exist.

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR IT CA JP

@Olive Films / @ / @2011 / @
Skidoo (1968)
this weird movie has Groucho in a guest appearance

- DVD, Region 1: Olive Films, 2011
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

Documentaries about the Marx Brothers/TV Programmes with Groucho, Harpo or Chico

[Up to category list]

@Warner Home Video / @ / @2004 / @ @Warner / @ / @2010 / @
La Fiesta de Santa Barbara (1935)
This can be found as bonus material or part of a collection of shorts. It is one of the few occasion where you can see Harpo in colour.

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video, 2004 / extra on the DVD of the movie "For Me And My Gal" (Snap case)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR CA

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video, 2006 / extra on the DVD of the movie "For Me And My Gal" (Keepcase)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR CA

- DVD, Region 1: Warner, 2010 / on disc 3 of the 4-DVD collection "Classic Musical Shorts from the Dream Factory"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

@Warner Home Video / @ / @2004 / @
The Great Ziegfeld (1936)
In the DVD extras is a newsreel from the opening night of this movie which caught Harpo speaking on camera

- DVD, Region 1: Warner Home Video, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

@in: 'I Love Lucy:Lucy & Harpo/John Wayne' / @Twentieth Century Fox / @1998 / @ @in: 'Best of I Love Lucy Volume 1' / @Paramount Studio / @2001 / @ @in: 'The I Love Lucy Collection, Vol. 3 - L.A. at Last/Lucy and Harpo Marx' / @Twentieth Century Fox, #2303 / @1989 / @ @in: 'I Love Lucy - The Complete Fourth Season' / @ / @2005 / @
I Love Lucy: Lucy & Harpo Marx (1955)

- VHS, NTSC: in: "The I Love Lucy Collection, Vol. 3 - L.A. at Last/Lucy and Harpo Marx", Twentieth Century Fox, #2303, 1989 / "Lucy meets William Holden at the Brown Derby Restaurant and spends some moments with Harpo Marx in the mirror." (Vox)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- VHS, NTSC: in: "I Love Lucy:Lucy & Harpo/John Wayne", Twentieth Century Fox, 1998
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- VHS, NTSC: in: "Best of I Love Lucy Volume 1", Paramount Studio, 2001
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 1: in: "I Love Lucy - The Complete Fourth Season", 2005
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

Groucho Marx - What Do You Want? (1961)
TV Pilot

- VHS, NTSC: RCA, 1991
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA

@ / @ / @ / @
MGM's The Big Parade of Comedy (1964)

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

@Hoover Institution/Amazon on demand / @ / @2010 / @
Firing Line: Is the World Funny? (1967)
Groucho is interviewed in this TV programme from 1967

- DVD, Region 0: Hoover Institution/Amazon on demand, 2010
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

@Columbia Pictures Television / @ / @2006 / @
I Dream Of Jeannie - The Complete Second Season (1967)
Groucho has a guest appearance in the episode "The Greatest Invention in the World"

- DVD, Region 1: Columbia Pictures Television, 2006
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 2: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2006 / "Bezaubernde Jeannie - Die komplette Season Two". Soundtrack in English, French, German and Italian
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

- DVD, Region 2: G.C.T.H.V., 2006 / "Jinny de mes rêves : L'intégrale saison 2". Soundtrack in French and English
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

@J2 Communications / @Los Angeles, CA / @1982 / @
Gabe Kaplan As Groucho (1982)
a show written by Bob Fisher and Groucho's son Arthur

- VHS, NTSC: J2 Communications, Los Angeles, CA, 1982
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

@Whyaduck Productions, Direct Cinema / @ / @2002 / @1 55974 648 3 @Whyaduck Productions, Direct Cinema / @ / @2004 / @1 55974 671 8
Marx Brothers In A Nutshell (1982)
Regarded as one of the best documentaries about the Marx Brothers

- VHS, NTSC: Whyaduck Productions, Direct Cinema, 2002, 1 55974 648 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- VHS, PAL: 1992
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- DVD, Region 1: Whyaduck Productions, Direct Cinema, 2004, 1 55974 671 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

Marx Brothers - On TV / In The Movies / Behind The Scenes (1990)

- VHS, PAL: wrongly shows Laurel & Hardy on the cover
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

@Paramount Home Video / @ / @2004 / @ @Lions Gate / @ / @2009 / @
Brain Donors (1992)
A homage to A Night at the Opera

- VHS, NTSC: Paramount Studio, 1993
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- VHS, PAL: Paramount, UK, 1993
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- VHS, PAL: Paramount, Germany, 1993 / (deutsch) Titel: "Drei lahme Enten"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

- DVD, Region 1: Paramount Home Video, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 1: Lions Gate, 2009 / double-sided DVD also featuring "Critical Condition"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

@Maljack / MPI Media Group / @ / @1993 / @Item No.: 6110
Groucho Uncensored (1993)
"Join Groucho and his unsuspecting contestants for this entire episode of 'You Bet Your Life', complete with bloopers and outtakes, including all of the moments that were censored from the original broadcast." In contrast to this cover text this is not an whole episode but a kind of 'best funny moments' from YBYL

- VHS, NTSC: Maljack / MPI Media Group, 1993, Item No.: 6110
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

@Shanachie Entertainment / @ / @1994 / @Item No.: 906 @Shanachie Entertainment / @ / @2003 / @
Merrily We Roll Along: The Early Days of the Automobile (1994)
"Groucho narrates the impact the automobile had on America during the transition from horse and buggy to horseless carriage, roughly between 1900 and World War I." (Vox)

- VHS, NTSC: Shanachie Entertainment, 1994, Item No.: 906
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- DVD, Region 1: Shanachie Entertainment, 2003
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

@ / @ / @1998 / @
Rodgers and Hammerstein - The Sound of Movies (1995)
This documentary about Hammerstein and Rodgers contains an excerpt with the two on a show hosted by Groucho (probably YBYL)

- VHS, NTSC: 1995
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- VHS, NTSC: 1995
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- DVD, Region 1: 1998
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR CA JP

Groucho and the Brothers Marx (1996)

- VHS, NTSC: 1996
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

@ / @ / @1997 / @Vvwns 71033 @WinStar Home Entertainment, WHE73004 / @ / @1998 / @ @ / @ / @ / @ @Anchor Bay Entertainment / @ / @1996 / @ @Llamentol S.L. / @ / @2009 / @
The Unknown Marx Brothers (1996)
Has for example Groucho singing "Peezie Weezie," a clip showing Harpo in the 1925 film, "Too Many Kisses", alternate takes of certain scenes, clips from the aborted TV series "The Deputy Seraph." and scenes late in Groucho's life (FB)

- VHS, NTSC: Anchor Bay Entertainment, 1996
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- VHS, NTSC: 1997, Vvwns 71033
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- DVD, Region 1: WinStar Home Entertainment, WHE73004, 1998
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK FR CA JP

@MMV / @ / @1998 / @
You Bet Your Life (1998)
7 tapes with 3 episode each. The episodes have been edited

- VHS, NTSC: MMV, 1998
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

You Bet Your Life (3 episodes) (1999)

- DVD, Region 1: Westlake, 1999
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA JP

@White Star / @ / @2001 / @ @Kultur / @ / @2005 / @
Groucho: A Life in Revue (2001)
written by Arthur Marx and Robert Fisher, performed by Frank Ferrante

- VHS, NTSC: White Star, 2001
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA JP

- DVD, Region 1: Kultur, 2005
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA JP

@Disney / @UK / @2004 / @ @Disney / @Germany / @2004 / @ @Disney / @ / @2001 / @ @Disney / @France / @2004 / @
Mickey In Living Colour (2001)
this contains "Mickey's Polo Team" which has Mickey Mouse playing against the Marx Brothers, Laurel & Hardy and other movie stars

- DVD, Region 1: Disney, 2001
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

- DVD, Region 2: Disney, UK, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

- DVD, Region 2: Disney, Germany, 2004 / titled: "Micky Maus - Im Glanz der Farbe 1"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

- DVD, Region 2: Disney, France, 2004 / titled: "Les Trésors de Walt Disney: Mickey Mouse, Les Années couleurs"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

@Shout Factory / @ / @2003 / @
Groucho Marx: You Bet Your Life - Lost Episodes (2003)
"a deluxe 3 DVD Box that includes 18 episodes, 6 episodes per disc with each episode running 25 minutes, a 20 page booklet with an outstanding essay by Groucho expert Robert S. Bader, plus loads of rare You Bet Your Life memorabilia and photos. These shows are officially licensed from the Groucho Marx estate and NBC, and have been produced from the original film reels found at the UCLA film archive and the Library of Congress. These episodes have not been seen since their original run in the early 50's. They were never repackaged for syndication by NBC for various reasons. Includes out takes from the episodes on every disc and a 17 minute film made for DeSoto dealers called 'The Making of You Bet Your Life' included as an extra.In addition to the episodes, the box set includes Groucho's 1947 audition for the original 'You Bet Your Life' radio program! Other extras: a promotional recording Groucho made as a Christmas gift to DeSoto dealers; Some original commercials" (amazon)

- DVD, Region 1: Shout Factory, 2003
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA JP

@Passport, DV-1540 / @ / @2003 / @
Inside The Marx Brothers (2003)
"Inside The Marx Brothers is a funny and fascinating look at the personal and professional lives of Groucho, Harpo, Chico, Zeppo, and Gummo Marx, featuring classic clips from such Marx Brothers favorites as 'Animal Crackers', 'Monkey Business', 'Duck Soup', 'A Night at the Opera', and 'A Day at the Races'. Also included are rare newsreels, TV clips, home movies, and interviews with Groucho, Chico, Groucho's son, Arthur , and 'Room Service' co-star, Ann Miller." (info from distributor)

- VHS, PAL: Passport International, 2003
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR

- DVD, Region 0: Passport, DV-1540, 2003
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR CA JP

@Passport, DVD-5570 / @ / @2003 / @
The Marx Brothers Collection (2003)
Disc 1: "Inside the Marx Brothers" documentary (also available seperately)
Disc 2: "You Bet Your Life" TV Pilot
Disc 3: "Papa Romani" with Chico and "Person-to-Person" interviews with Groucho and Harpo
Disc 4: "The Marx Brothers Radio Days": (audio only) "The Marx Brothers Show - Hollywood Agents" and various guest appearances
Disc 5: "Marx Brothers Mixed Nuts": trailers, newsreels and commercials

- DVD, Region 0: Passport, DVD-5570, 2003
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

- DVD, Region 0: Passport, 2007
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR IT CA JP

@Shout Factory / @ / @2004 / @
Groucho Marx: You Bet Your Life - The Best Episodes (2004)
"These 18 episodes are some of the absolute best from over a decade of popular TV, restored for the highest quality sound and picture possible. They feature guest stars like Phyllis Diller, Edgar and Candace Bergen, Joe Louis, Johnny Weismuller, Frankie Avalon, Groucho's daughter Melinda Marx, Harpo Marx and the first appearance of the show's trademark duck. DVD extras include three Groucho pilots including "What Do You Want", "Tell It To Groucho" and the never-before-seen "The Plot Thickens," plus tons of outtakes and bloopers." (amazon)

- DVD, Region 1: Shout Factory, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

@Gotham Distribution / @ / @2004 / @
You Bet Your Life Vol. 1 (2004)

- DVD, Region 1: Gotham Distribution, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

@Gotham Distribution / @ / @2004 / @
You Bet Your Life Vol. 2 (2004)

- DVD, Region 1: Gotham Distribution, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA

@Time Life Video / @ / @2005 / @
The Golden Age Of Comedy (2005)
Features a collection of comic clips from the 1950s. Footage taken from: 'The Jack Benny Show' (including guest appearance by Groucho), 'The Bob Hope Chevy Show', The Ed Wynn Show', 'The Camel Comedy Caravan', 'The Colgate Comedy Hour', 'The Phil Silvers Special' and 'The Ernie Kovacs Show'.

- DVD, Region 2: Time Life Video, 2005
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK IT

@Shout Factory / @ / @2006 / @
The Dick Cavett Show - Comic Legends (2006)
From "Groucho Marx's visits are alone worth the price of 'Comic Legends.' The four-disc set (12 full shows) kicks off in grand style with an hour of the drollest of the movie Marx Brothers, a cheeky raconteur, jabbering stream-of-consciousness about everything: his childhood on East 93rd Street, Hollywood legend Greta Garbo ("She had big feet, but she was a nice woman"), co-starring with a gorilla, going to see the hippie musical 'Hair.' Cavett's Manhattan theater was so cozy, they could put cameras behind the orchestra seats for a more intimate connection between guests and audience. That comes through the screen as Cavett lets Marx reminisce, sing, do whatever he wants. The host also puts his past-era guest succinctly in perspective for the current day by simply noting 'he sort of invented irreverence on screen.' Groucho returns on the third disc in a later show, bizarrely booked alongside Truman Capote and animal expert Jim Fowler."
Contains the following shows featuring Groucho
  • September 5, 1969 (plus alternate opening)
  • June 10, 1968 (Here's Dick Cavett)
  • May 25, 1971

- DVD, Region 1: Shout Factory, 2006
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA JP

@Shout Factory / @ / @2006 / @
The Dick Cavett Show - Hollywood Greats (2006)
Contains the following show featuring Groucho
  • December 16,1971 (Erin Fleming is also a guest)

- DVD, Region 1: Shout Factory, 2006
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK CA JP

@Delta Music / @ / @2006 / @
Time Marxes On (2006)
Documentary from French/German TV channel arte broadcast in their "Marx Brothers Night" in 1997.
It doesn't have a lot of its own commentary, but is based around the Dick Cavett interview with Groucho interspersed with excerpts from other shows featuring Groucho, Harpo or Chico.

- DVD, Region 0: Delta Music, 2006 / The cover gives the incorrect title "Time Marx Is On".
This is a region 0 DVD with should play on any DVD player. You can order directly from Delta Music

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE IT

@Synergy Ent / @ / @2010 / @
Groucho Marx TV Classics Box Set (2010)
Contains 16 episodes of "You Bet Your Life", 2 episodes of Groucho hosting "The Hollywood Palace" and Groucho on Radio.

- DVD, Region 1: Synergy Ent, 2010
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

@Shoutfactory / @ / @2014 / @
The Marx Brothers TV Collection (2014)
Available from amazon: USA CA
Contents according to insidepulse:
  • DISC 1
    • The General Electric Theater: The Incredible Jewel Robbery (March 8, 1959)
    • The Jack Benny Program (April 3, 1955)
    • Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (October 20, 1962)
    • The College Bowl (March 26, 1951)
    • Labatt's Beer commercial # 1 (1960)
    • I've Got a Secret (April 21, 1954)
    • All-Pure Evaporated Milk commercial # 1 (Fall, 1951)
    • The Colgate Comedy Hour (March 30, 1952)
    • All-Star Revue (October 4, 1952)
    • All-Pure Evaporated Milk commercial # 2 (Fall, 1951)
    • All Star Revue (October 4, 1952)
    • Showtime (October 4, 1959)
    • Foster's Freeze commercial # 1 (Fall, 1951)
    • U.S. Royal Showcase (January 20, 1952)
    • The Dinah Shore Chevy Show (October 4, 1959)
    • Labatt's Beer commercial # 2 (1960)
    • Kraft Music Hall with Milton Berle (January 14, 1959)
    • You Bet Your Life Stag Reel # 7 (1960-1961)
    • Showdown at Ulcer Gulch (1958)
    • The Marx Brothers Home Movie Collection, with music and narration by Harpo's son Bill Marx
  • DISC 2
    • The Red Skelton Hour (September 25, 1962)
    • The General Electric Theater: The Hold Out (January 14, 1962)
    • Celebrity Golf (April 23, 1961)
    • Championship Bridge with Charles Goren (October 16, 1960)
    • Groucho (July 1, 1965)
    • The Colgate Comedy Hour (March 30, 1952)
    • All-Pure Evaporated Milk commercial # 3 (Fall, 1951)
    • The RCA Victor Show (February 1, 1952)
    • The Swift Show Wagon (May 21, 1955)
    • All-Pure Evaporated Milk commercial # 4 (Fall, 1951)
    • U.S. Royal Showcase (January 20, 1952)
    • McCall's Magazine commercial (May 1961)
    • The Colgate Comedy Hour (March 30, 1952)
    • Labatt's Beer commercial # 3 (1960)
    • The Perry Como Show (December 15, 1956)
    • I've Got a Secret (May 3, 1961)
    • Pepsi Cola Refreshment Musicale (November 27, 1957)
    • The Sunday Spectacular: Inside Beverly Hills (January 29, 1956)
  • DISC 3
    • The DuPont Show with June Allyson: A Silent Panic (December 22, 1960)
    • The Arthur Murray Party (November 16, 1953)
    • The DuPont Show of the Week: The Wonderful World of Toys (November 12, 1961)
    • Who Said That? (May 10, 1955)
    • Labatt's Beer commercial # 4 (1960)
    • The Colgate Comedy Hour (March 30, 1952)
    • Foster's Freeze commercial # 2 (Fall, 1951)
    • The Sunday Spectacular: Inside Beverly Hills (January 29, 1956)
    • I've Got a Secret (August 17, 1955)
    • All-Pure Evaporated Milk commercial # 5 (Fall, 1951)
    • The Jackie Gleason Show (October 14, 1967)
    • Celebrity Billiards (July 19, 1968)
    • Candid Camera (May 14, 1961)
    • The Martha Raye Show (April 17, 1956)
    • The Dick Cavett Show (March 20, 1970)
    • Right Guard Commercial (May 1972)
    • Skidoo trailer (1968)
    • Beds (1976)

- DVD, Region 1: Shoutfactory, 2014
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

@PBS, American Masters, AM62115 / @ / @2023 / @
Groucho & Cavett (2023)
Cavett looks back at his relationship with Groucho, sharing footage from Groucho's visits to his show and other rare recordings.

- DVD, Region 1: PBS, American Masters, AM62115, 2023
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR

@ / @ / @ / @
That's Entertainment Pt. 2
Compilation of clips from MGM films

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

You Bet Your Life Vol.1
(4 Eps.)

- VHS, NTSC: Westlake Entertainment, #2011
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

You Bet Your Life Vol.2
(4 Eps.)

- VHS, NTSC: Westlake Entertainment, #2012
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

Records with performances of the Marx Brothers

[Up to category list]

Phoenix /  / 2010 /
Henry Dreyfus Brant: Hommage aux Freres Marx (1938)

- Phoenix, 2010 / on: " The Boston Musica Viva Performs Works by Henry Brant "
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA

- Phoenix, 2010 / on: " The Boston Musica Viva Performs Works by Henry Brant " (MP3-download)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA

- Phoenix, 2010 / on: " The Boston Musica Viva Performs Works by Henry Brant " (MP3-download)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE

Ace of Hearts #AH-103 (LP, 12') /  / 1955 / MP3 /  / unknown /
Groucho Marx & Jerry Colonna (1955)
Released in England by Decca, this disc contains the same selections as the American decca album "Hooray for Captain Spaulding" on side one, and six tracks by Jerry Colonna on side two.

- NEW MP3, unknown / Download. Titled "The Comedy of Groucho Marx and Jerry Colonna". Currently (Dec 2021) only available in Germany
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR

Collector's Choice Music, CCM151-2, CD, with 'Harpo at work' /  / 2000 / Mercury, mono, MG20232 /  / 1957 /
Harpo (sometimes titled "Harpo in HiFi") (1957)
A dozen songs by Harpo, with an orchestra accompaniment that includes his son Bill." (Gehring)

- Collector's Choice Music, CCM151-2, CD, with "Harpo at work", 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

Collector's Choice Music, CCM151-2, CD, with 'Harpo in HiFi' /  / 2000 / Mercury SR60016, LP, stereo /  / 1958 / Mercury MG20363, LP, mono /  / 1958 /
Harpo at Work (1958)
"A dozen more Harpo numbers, again with son Bill in the accompaniment." (Gehring)

- Collector's Choice Music, CCM151-2, CD, with "Harpo in HiFi", 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

Dot Records, DLP 3143 /  / 1959 /
Jack Kane salutes the Comics (1959)

- Dot Records, DLP 3143, 1959 / currently (Mar 2022) only US
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA

- mp3 Album, 1959 / currently (Mar 2022) only UK
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA

DRG, 19106, CD /  / 2007 /
"The Mikado" starring Groucho Marx (1960)
Soundtrack to Groucho's performance on NBC-TV's "Bell Telephone Hour" of Apr 29, 1960. Groucho stars as Ko-Ko the Lord High Executioner. The original release included a 12-page libretto. The re-release LP was part of Columbia's Collector Series, but was mono and did not include the libretto.
Other performers include Robert Rounseville (Nanki-Poo), Babara Meister (Yum-Yum), Stanley Holloway (Pooh-Bah), Helen Traubel (Katisha) and Dennis King (The Mikado)

- DRG, 19106, CD, 2007 / stereo
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR IT CA

Blue Moon, VJ-021, CD, with 'Jazz Kaleidoscope' /  / 1998 /
Bill Marx's Father Presents My son the Folk Swinger (1963)
The Bill Marx Trio (Harpo's son), w/ pic. of Harpo on cover. So strictly speaking it is not a Marx Brothers record

- Blue Moon, VJ-021, CD, with "Jazz Kaleidoscope", 1998
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

on: 'Christmas With Mario Lanza' (RCA Gold Seal 6427-2-RG or RCA Special Products, Camden, CAD1-777) /  / 1987 /
Guardian Angels (1963)
written by Harpo and Gerda, sung by Mario Lanza

- on: "Christmas With Mario Lanza" (RCA Gold Seal 6427-2-RG or RCA Special Products, Camden, CAD1-777), 1987
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA

Columbia, CL 2130, LP /  / 1963 /
Mahalia Jackson: Let's Pray Together (1963)

- NEW Amazon, mp3 download, unknown
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA

Columbia, CD /  /  /
Firesign Theatre: How Can You Be In Two Places At Once When You're Not Anywhere At All? (1969)
Has Groucho on the cover together with John Lennon

- Columbia, CD
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

Laughing Stock Productions Ltd. LAFFC6,  Cassette /  / 1991 / Polygram, Karussell 551 802-2, CD /  / 1996 / A & M Records Inc. A & M SP-3515, 2-LP set /  / 1972 / A & M PR-3513, Single LP picture disc /  / 1978 /
An evening with Groucho (1972)
Groucho's 1972 concert performances at Carnegie Hall, Stephen's Auditorium at Iowa State University and Masonic Auditorium in Frisc make up the two-record set. It was originally issued with a fold-out sleeve, and four pages of picture with comments by various celebrities. Later the album came up with a singel slipcase sleeve with no pictures. An edited version (single album) was issued for promotional purposes to radio stations. It has a different back cover. This edited version was pressed as a picture disc in limited edition in 1978, using hand colored copies of the illustrations which had been inside the originally edition.

- A & M Records Inc. A & M SP-3515, 2-LP set, 1972
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA

- A & M Records Inc. A & M 8T-3515, 8-Track, 1972
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA

- A & M PR-3513, Single LP picture disc, 1978 / Excerpts. Limited Edition. The LP itself has pictures on both sides of Groucho and the brothers printed on it, and on the album-cover there's a drawing of Groucho in Carnegie Hall done by Grossman.
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA

Warner Brothers, CD /  / 1990 /
Alice Cooper's Greatest Hits (1974)
This record has Groucho on the cover among others

- Warner Brothers, CD, 1990
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR CA

Warner, K56213 / UK / 1976 / Warner Brothers, BS 2908, LP / US / 1976 /
Dory Previn: We are children of Coincidence and Harpo Marx (1976)
I am not sure whether there is any relation to Harpo or the Marx Brothers

- Warner, K56213, UK, 1976
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA

Sandy Hook Records, CDSH 2059, CD /  / 1994 / Sandy Hook/ Radiola SH-2059, LP /  / 1981 / Sunbeam/Sountrak STK-108, LP /  / 1977 /
The Marx Brothers in The Cocoanuts (1977)
An album of questionable legality. The original looks like a bootleg, and although the reissue has a much nicer cover, the recording is the same, probably recorded from a TV broadcast of the film. It is not, as the reissue states, "the original 1929 soundtrack album".

- Sandy Hook Records, CDSH 2059, CD, 1994
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA

Nostalgia Lane NLR-1021, LP /  / 1978 /
Groucho (1978)
Groucho matches wits with Ernie Kovacs, and then welcomes two young ladies named Candice Bergen and Melinda Marx

- Nostalgia Lane NLC-1021, Cassette, 1986, ISBN: 1 555 69512 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA

Dove Audio, Cassette /  / 1997 / 0 7871 1391 3 Golden Age Records, GA-5021, LP /  / 1978 /
Groucho Marx - You bet your life (1978)
"You bet your life" radio broadcast of Dec 16, 1957 and Feb 10, 1958 with commercials.

- Dove Audio, Cassette, 1997, ISBN: 0 7871 1391 3 / titled "Golden Age of Radio"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

Fortune Records F-4002, LP / Hanover, NJ / 1983 /
Bing Crosby & Groucho Marx (1983)
"One of the Top Live Broadcasts". This most likely is "Philco Radio Time" from 30 Apr 1947

- Fortune Records F-4002, LP, Hanover, NJ, 1983
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA

The Mind's Eye, 2 Cassettes /  / 1985 / 0 88142 283 5
Groucho Marx (Canned Laughter Series) (1985)
Four episodes of YBYL: Jan 20,1955; Feb 2,1957; Apr 15,1953 and Mar 16,1957. The item comes in a can decorated with drawings of Groucho.

- The Mind's Eye, 2 Cassettes, 1985, ISBN: 0 88142 283 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE CA

The Mind's Eye, Cassette /  / 1990 / 0 88142 342 4
Groucho Marx (Old Time Radio Comedy) (1985)

- The Mind's Eye, Cassette, 1990, ISBN: 0 88142 342 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

Groucho Marx (Old Time Radio Comedy) (1985)

- Cassette, 1985, ISBN: 0 87188 226 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): CA

Raven Records Australia, RVCD-30, CD /  / 1992 /
Gratuitously Groucho (1987)
"This collection of WWII-era radio broadcasts and songs introduced in Marx Brothers Films (and forever identified with Groucho) is but a taste of his inspired madness" (Cover text). Some of the recordings can also be found on "3hrs, 59 min, 51 secs ..."

- Cassette (33623), 1987, ISBN: 0 88676 623 0
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE CA

- Raven Records Australia, RVCD-30, CD, 1992
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR IT CA

Groucho Marx: You Bet Your Life (Radio Reruns) (1987)
uncut recording of a 1947 broadcast

- Cassette, 1987, ISBN: 0 88676 060 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE CA

Facet 8112, F, CD /  /  /
John Barrymore, from Matinee Idol to Buffoon (1987)
Two 1941 broadcasts of the Rudy Vallee radio program

- Facet 8112, F, CD
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA

Rounder /  / 1988 /
Jonathan Richman and The Modern Lovers: Modern Lovers 88 (1988)

- / MP3 song
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- Rounder, 1988 / CD
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR IT CA

BBC Radio Collection ZBBC 1225, BBC Enterprises Ltd., 2 Cassettes (total 2h. 55min) /  / 1991 / 0 563 40997 5 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd., 3 CDs /  / 2019 /
Flywheel, Shyster and Flywheel (1991)
Adaption made by Mark Brisenden from the scripts found by Michael Barson and published in 'Flywheel, Shyster and Flywheel'. "These shows are better than the original performances", Nat Perrin said. The track listings are fore the 2019 CD. Click here for more episode information.

- BBC Studios Distribution Ltd., 3 CDs, 2019 / The Complete Series 1-3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR IT CA

Pgd/Hollywood (CD) /  / 1991 /
Queen: A Day At The Races (1991)
Well, this is not really a Marx Brothers record, but it is named after the film.

- Pgd/Hollywood (CD), 1991
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

Pgd/Hollywood (CD) /  /  /
Queen: A Night At The Opera (1991)
Well, this is not really a Marx Brothers record, but it is named after the film.

- Pgd/Hollywood (CD)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

- Ultradisc
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE CA

- Dcc Compact Classics, (Gold CD)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE CA

Bella Musica, BM CD 31.4052 /  / 1991 / Koch Präsent, CD 399 556 B3 /  / 1991 /
The Musical Voices of Movie Artists (1991)

- Bella Musica, BM CD 31.4052, 1991
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR IT

- Koch Präsent, CD 399 556 B3, 1991
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR IT

Delta Music Inc., LaserLight 15 767, CD /  / 1992 /
Desi Arnaz and Chico Marx - Big Bands of Hollywood (1992)
Dezi Arnaz Orchestra (DAO), Chico Marx Orchestra (CMO)

- Delta Music Inc., LaserLight 15 767, CD, 1992
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

Uproar Entertainment, 1929243227 (CD) /  / 1992 /
Love, Groucho (Letters from Groucho Marx to his daughter Miriam) (1992)
from the book of the same title

- Publishing Mills, 1 879371 38 3 (Cassette), 1992
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE CA

- Uproar Entertainment, 1929243227 (CD), 1992
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE CA

- CD, 1999
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE IT CA

Disques Orphée (France), Cine Stars #302623-2, CD /  / 1993 /
Les Marx Brothers (1993)
Music from the non-Paramount movies

- Disques Orphée (France), Cine Stars #302623-2, CD, 1993
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR

On The Air OTA 101901, CD /  / 1994 /
A Golden Hour of Comedy (1994)

- On The Air OTA 101901, CD, 1994
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): FR

Dove Audio 42750, 2 Cassettes /  / 1994 / 0 7871 0022 6
Groucho Marx and Other Short Stories and Tall Tales: Selected Writings of Groucho Marx (1994)
from the book with the same title, read by Carl Reiner

- Dove Audio 42750, 2 Cassettes, 1994, ISBN: 0 7871 0022 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA

Rounder /  / 1994 /
Jonathan Richman: ¡Jonathan, Te Vas a Emocionar! (1994)
contains a Spanish version of the song originally published on "Modern Lovers 88"

- / MP3 song
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- Rounder, 1994 / CD
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR IT CA

Chansons Cinema, 3008004, HMCD 63 /  / 1994 / Chansons Cinema, 3008051, HMCD 57 /  / 2000 /
Marx Brothers Sing & Play (1994)

- Imp, CIN004 / (I guess this is also the 3 CD version)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): DE FR

- Chansons Cinema, 3008004, HMCD 63, 1994 / 3 CDs (drawing cover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR CA

- Chansons Cinema, 3008051, HMCD 57, 2000 / 3 CDs (photo cover)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR

Soundelux Audio Publishing /  / 1994 / 1 559 35186 1
Old Time Radio Comedy: Burnes and Allen, Groucho Marx, Spike Jones and His City Slickers, Will Rogers (1994)

- Soundelux Audio Publishing, 1994, ISBN: 1 559 35186 1
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE CA

MCA Special MCY/MCAD 20847-2 /  / 1995 /
Here's Groucho (1995)
Material released 1952 on the Kalmar/Ruby LP "Hooray for Captain Spaulding", the "Black Strap Molasses" single* and two tracks from the Gary Owens recording.**

- MCA Special MCY/MCAD 20847-2, 1995 / (33 min.)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR CA

Rough Trade, RTD 129.3177.2, CD /  / 1996 /
Zapak, Ali: My First Suicide (1996)
For the lyrics of the track "Groucho Marx", there is a photo of her with painted on moustache and cigar. The only reference in the lyrics is the chorus: "... if you are the straight one, I'm Groucho Marx ..."

- Rough Trade, RTD 129.3177.2, CD, 1996
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR CA

- Smart Alex, SMART 1 CD, 1996
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

Original Cast Records, OCR-9498, CD /  / 1994 /
Groucho - A Life in Revue (1997)
The show is written by Arthur Marx and Robert Fisher and uses many quotes from movies or books. This is a studio recording with actors who have performed in several productions of this show. With Frank Ferrante (Groucho), Roy Abramsohn (Chico, Harpo) and Maguerite Lowell ('The Girls')

- Original Cast Records, OCR-9498, CD, 1994
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE IT CA

Longstone Catalog, ISBN 1576770451, 6 Cassettes /  / 1997 /
Thirteen by Corwin (1997)
Among others this has two radio plays by Norman Corwin which starred Groucho

- Longstone Catalog, ISBN 1576770451, 6 Cassettes, 1997
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

Raven Records RVCD-73, CD /  / 1998 /
Gregariously Groucho (1998)
Some of the tracks are available on "3 hrs. 59 min., ...". This CD has several tracks (1, 5, 6) which last only for a few seconds and are excerpts of radio shows or movies.

- Raven Records RVCD-73, CD, 1998
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR IT CA

 /  / 1999 /
Laugh Laugh Laugh-Anthology of (1999)
Marx, Laurel & Hardy, Brice

- , 1999
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

 /  /  /
A Day at the Races (Soundtrack) (2000)
also includes "Go West" / "The Big Store"

- Disconforme/Soundtrack Factory, SFCD33503, Andorra, 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR CA

- Disconforme/Soundtrack Factory, SFCD33503, Andorra, 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

Disconforme/Soundtrack Factory, SFCD33502 / Andorra / 2000 /
A Night At The Opera (Soundtrack) (2000)
also includes "Animal Crackers" / "At the Circus"/ "Room Service"

- Disconforme/Soundtrack Factory, SFCD33502, Andorra, 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR CA

- Disconforme/Soundtrack Factory, SFCD33502, Andorra, 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

Disconforme/Soundtrack Factory, SFCD33548 / Andorra / 2000 /
Cocoanuts (Soundtrack) (2000)
also includes "Monkey Business"

- Disconforme/Soundtrack Factory, SFCD33548, Andorra, 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR CA

- Disconforme/Soundtrack Factory, SFCD33548, Andorra, 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

 /  /  /
Duck Soup (Soundtrack) (2000)
also includes "The Cocoanuts" / "Horse Feathers" / "Monkey Business" / "A Night in Casablanca" / "Love Happy"

- Disconforme/Soundtrack Factory, SFCD33501, Andorra, 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE FR CA

- Disconforme/Soundtrack Factory, SFCD33501, Andorra, 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

Uproar Entertainment (CD) /  / 2000 /
Great American Humorists: George Burns & Groucho Marx (2000)
George Burns' "100 years, 100 stories" read by John Byner; Groucho Marx' "Love, Groucho" read by Frank Ferrante

- Uproar Entertainment (CD), 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

- Uproar Entertainment (Cassette), 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE CA

Disconforme/Soundtrack Factory, SFCD33549 / Andorra / 2000 /
Horse Feathers (Soundtrack) (2000)
also includes "Animal Crackers"

- Disconforme/Soundtrack Factory, SFCD33549, Andorra, 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR CA

- Disconforme/Soundtrack Factory, SFCD33549, Andorra, 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

Castle Pulse, PLS CD 444 /  / 2000 /
The Golden Age of Comedy - Groucho Marx (2000)

- Castle Pulse, PLS CD 444, 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

- Castle Pulse, PLS MC 444, 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

Mr Punch Productions (Cassette) /  / 2000 /
The Groucho Marx Variety Show (2000)
featuring Lucille Ball, Johnny Weissmüller, Ginger Rodgers and others

- Mr Punch Productions (Cassette), 2000
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

Emporio (Bellaphon) /  /  /
The World of Silent Movies (2000)

- Emporio (Bellaphon)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

Grouchoworld /  / 2001 /
(Frank Ferrante as) Groucho sings (Kalmar & Ruby) (2001)
"Some of the funniest moments in the classic Marx Brothers films are the songs, particularly when they are sung by legendary Groucho Marx. Here award-winning Frank Ferrante, star of PBS's 'Groucho: A Life in Revue', performs a dozen of the comedian's hilarious, unforgettable tunes including 'Hooray for Captain Spalding', 'Lydia the Tattooed Lady' and 'Everyone Says I Love You'. Snippets of outrageous Marxian dialogue are sprinkled throughout as Mr. Ferrante interprets the music and madness of 'the one, the only Groucho'. Includes the music of Kalmar & Ruby and Arlen & Harburg. Features Broadway stars Craig Rubano and Carol Swarbrick. Arranged by Jim Furmston." (

- Grouchoworld, 2001
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

Altberliner Vlg., CD / Berlin, Germany / 2001 / 3 357 11005 9 Altberliner Vlg., CD / Berlin, Germany / 2004 / 3 8339 6816 8
Die Marx Brothers Radio Show 1 (2001)

- Altberliner Vlg., CD, Berlin, Germany, 2001, ISBN: 3 357 11005 9
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

- Altberliner Vlg., CD, Berlin, Germany, 2004, ISBN: 3 8339 6816 8
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

Altberliner Vlg., CD / Berlin, Germany / 2001 / 3 357 11006 7 Altberliner Vlg., CD / Berlin, Germany / 2004 / 3 8339 6817 6
Die Marx Brothers Radio Show 2 (2001)

- Altberliner Vlg., CD, Berlin, Germany, 2001, ISBN: 3 357 11006 7
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

- Altberliner Vlg., CD, Berlin, Germany, 2004, ISBN: 3 8339 6817 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

Altberliner Vlg., CD / Berlin, Germany / 2001 / 3 357 11010 5 Altberliner Vlg., CD / Berlin, Germany / 2004 / 3 8339 6818 4
Die Marx Brothers Radio Show 3 (2001)

- Altberliner Vlg., CD, Berlin, Germany, 2001, ISBN: 3 357 11010 5
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

- Altberliner Vlg., CD, Berlin, Germany, 2004, ISBN: 3 8339 6818 4
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

Altberliner Vlg., CD / Berlin, Germany / 2001 / 3 357 11011 3 Altberliner Vlg., CD / Berlin, Germany / 2004 / 3 8339 6819 2
Die Marx Brothers Radio Show 4 (2001)

- Altberliner Vlg., CD, Berlin, Germany, 2001, ISBN: 3 357 11011 3
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

- Altberliner Vlg., CD, Berlin, Germany, 2004, ISBN: 3 8339 6819 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

Tzadik /  / 2001 /
Gary Lucas: Street Of Lost Brothers (2001)

- Tzadik, 2001
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR CA

Raven Records, RVCD-128 / Australia / 2001 /
Gleefully Groucho! (2001)
More radio shows with Groucho (in the series with "Gratuitously" and "Gregariously").

- Raven Records, RVCD-128, Australia, 2001
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR IT CA

Silva Screen /  / 2001 /
Tito Beltrán: "Amazing Grace" (2001)

- Silva Screen, 2001
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR CA

Altberliner Vlg., CD / Berlin, Germany / 2002 / 3 357 11020 2 Altberliner Vlg., CD / Berlin, Germany / 2004 / 3 8339 6820 6
Die Marx Brothers Radio Show 5 (2002)

- Altberliner Vlg., CD, Berlin, Germany, 2002, ISBN: 3 357 11020 2
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

- Altberliner Vlg., CD, Berlin, Germany, 2004, ISBN: 3 8339 6820 6
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

EMI Comedy, 5 39511 2 (CD) /  / 2002 /
EMI Comedy: Groucho Marx (2002)

- EMI Comedy, 5 39511 2 (CD), 2002
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

- Empire Comedy Series, 39511, 2003 / titled "Groucho Marx: Live Recordings"
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR CA

Castle Pulse, PLS CD 601 /  / 2002 /
The Golden Age of Comedy - The Marx Brothers (2002)

- Castle Pulse, PLS CD 601, 2002
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE CA

- Castle Pulse, PLS MC 601, 2002
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE

Proper Records UK /  / 2004 /
Kings of Komedy (2004)
4-CD set with (mainly) radio material from the Marx Brothers, W.C.Fields, Abbott & Costello and others

- Proper Records UK, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR CA

Fastforward Music, SIGNCD2479 / UK / 2004 /
Vintage American Comedy (2004)
Note the wrong Groucho on the cover. This is a picture of photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt from an article in LIFE magazine from 1949

- Fastforward Music, SIGNCD2479, UK, 2004
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR CA

Bear Family Records, BCD 16065-FM /  / 2005 /
Atomic Platters: Cold War Music From The Golden Age Of Homeland Security (2005)
This collection has over 100 vintage Cold War songs and more than two dozen civil defense Public Service Announcements (many of these voiced by celebrities including Groucho Marx)

- Bear Family Records, BCD 16065-FM, 2005 / 5-CD/1-DVD box set (LP size)
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR CA

EMI Comedy, 3 30098 2, CD /  / 2005 /
EMI Comedy: Groucho Marx Vol. 2 (2005)

- EMI Comedy, 3 30098 2, CD, 2005
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR CA

Prism Leisure, PLATCD 1330 /  / 2005 /
Hooray for Captain Spaulding (2005)

- Prism Leisure, PLATCD 1330, 2005
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR CA

Pegasus, PGN CD 906 /  / 2005 /
The Best of the Marx Brothers (2005)

- Pegasus, PGN CD 906, 2005 / x
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR IT CA

EMI Comedy 3 70204 2, CD /  / 2006 /
EMI Comedy: The Marx Brothers (2006)

- EMI Comedy 3 70204 2, CD, 2006
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR CA

Castle Pulse, 5016073066725 (2CD) /  / 2006 /
Groucho Marx - Radio Days: You Bet Your Life! (2006)
Richard Shaw writes: "They've taken some YBYL shows and cut out the bits with the questions in - the idea is that the interviews are the funny parts."

- Castle Pulse, 5016073066725 (2CD), 2006 /
1-01 Dorothy Kent, Bob Davis
1-02 Etta Daley, Luther McCain
1-03 Valerie Kote, Mike Melufe
1-04 Bob Lampert, Roberta Vincent
1-05 Nora Broach, Glennwood Hines
1-06 Viva Smith, David Ewan
1-07 Ola Batsol, Harvey Webster
1-08 Kenneth Anderson, Betty Sherman
1-09 Elmer Leopard, Amanda Willingham-Stuart
1-10 Frank Sullivan, Margaret Lindsey
1-11 Fred Smith, Helen Blair
1-12 Maddy Weldy, Bob Lowe
2-01 Mary Kuel, Eugene McCain Jr.
2-02 Emma Zigler, Al Toribio
2-03 Bernard Sampson, Robert Sewell
2-04 Francis Richardson, Herman Cantor
2-05 Henry Eagle, Hettie Klein
2-06 Jack Melbourne, Yvette Hoppis
2-07 Bill Hollanger, Martha Prendergast
2-08 Christine Carson, Dan Metsker
2-09 Stuart Bowles, Henrietta Odair)

    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR CA

Monktail Records, CD MCMC4 /  / 2006 /
Reptet: Do This (2006)
Reptet is a Jazz group from Seattle. This CD features four tracks named after the Marx Brothers.

- Monktail Records / MP3 Download
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- Monktail Records, CD MCMC4, 2006
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA DE CA

Sanctuary /  /  /
Thea Gilmore: Harpo's Ghost (2006)
On her website Thea Gilmore explains the title: "You remember in the Eighties, they put all the Marx Brothers movies on TV. I was a big, big fan and Harpo was my favourite, as he was the clown, the one who never spoke. I would have been five or six.
"I remember watching and thinking that his most expressive moments were when he played his harp.
"I liked the idea of the ghost of that. Someone who expressed themselves better through the music they made than they ever could in words or actions.
"That's kind of how I feel about myself. I don't do the talking part too well, but I think I kind of make sense through music.

- Sanctuary
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): UK DE FR IT

EMI Comedy, 2 27183 2, CD /  / 2008 /
Groucho Marx Madness (2008)
There's not much that isn't already available elsewhere - tracks 1 and 11 are perhaps more rare than the others.
Note the wrong Groucho on the cover. This is a picture of photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt from an article in LIFE magazine from 1949

- EMI Comedy, 2 27183 2, CD, 2008
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR IT CA

Radio Library /  / 2008 /
Guest Starring Groucho Marx (2008)
excerpts from radio programmes

- Radio Library, 2008
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

Radio Library / CD / 2008 /
Invaded by Groucho Marx (2008)
Some of Groucho's guest appearances on radio programs

- Radio Library, CD, 2008
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

- Radio Library, MP3 download, 2008
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

CreateSpace /  / 2008 /
Leo Is On the Air! MGM Promotional Radio Shows (2008)
MGM used the radio program "Leo Is On the Air!" to promote its movies

- CreateSpace, 2008
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA CA

CD /  / 2008 /
Riding the Range (2008)
Music from the movies, very similar to "The Best of the Marx Brothers (2005)"

- CD, 2008
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE FR IT CA

Bertz + Fischer /  / 2009 / 3 8650 5109 X
Jansens Kino: Die Marx Brothers im Krieg (Duck Soup) /Die 42. Straße (42nd Street) (2009)
Radio-essays by German critic Peter W. Jansen

- Bertz + Fischer, 2009, ISBN: 3 8650 5109 X
    Available from amazon (commissions earned*): USA UK DE IT CA
This site uses material originally created by Frank Bland for his website Why A Duck?. Frank did kindly give me permission to use this material.

The Marx Brothers - Los Hermanos Marx - האחים מרקס - マルクス兄弟 - Les Freres Marx - 마르크스형제 - Братья Маркс - Bröderna Marx - برادران مارکس - I Fratelli Marx - Братята Маркс - Bracia Marx - Germans Marx - الأخوة ماركس - 馬克思兄弟 - Αδελφοί Μαρξ - Irmãos Marx     RSS feed

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